>the American public is now in knowledge about the deep state
>Only one layer left to find the source: the joos
>Americans will come to know the JQ in your lifetime
Frankly, I'm excited
The American public is now in knowledge about the deep state
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you got no idea what is coming my friend
But it will be something truly amazing
What's the next step do you guys think?
learn start with the playlists make comments
p. good except for pagan retard shit.
Well why don't you try and learn something without making decisions about things before you investigate them there is no religion higher than the truth
Did Tay Tay really say that?
I don't know, but it is interesting to note that there are around 6 million jews in America right now.
that gave me a fucking erection. 7/10 dead though. funny to think that the country right now is about 6/10 that could be removed and it would be all leftists.
The Jews raise the feds interest rates while deflating the currency absolutely collapsing the economy. Then they take Russia and Chinas economies hostage and forces them to fight a war against the United States. Then conservative white americans will be forced to fight an unwinnable war against China, Russia, niggers, Mexicans, and Communists before we're all hunted down and brutally murdered.
It's going to be pretty gnarly I tell you hwat
Yeah he did
Ewww (((Theosophy)))
By faking a genocide did they meme their own genocide?
I did. Christianity can be proven in reality within the 11th plane of existence. "Truth" is simply a concept. A God has an infinity (larger than ant infinity in our universe) chance of existing within the 11th dimension, and can only exist in that state, and can effortlessly effect all lower dimensions (such as ours, the fouth). It's all part of proven fact and part of String Theory. Not to mention the existence of "information" holding real value thus setting the only "truth" in the universe (Whether or not a particle is observed).
>that gave me a fucking erection
literally this ^
Here is the thing this is a real Hindu Aryan prophecy do you not think that shit literally describes these Moloch worshiping crooked as kikes and dems and their lackey lefties? You think this is some bizarre coincidence? Don't bet on it some shit will hit the fan soon there will be blood and some straight up super natural shit
You "religion" mixed with actual intelligence/philosophy that is literally what that word means you know that right a conjunction? I guess you prefer mindless dogma instead following rules (((someone))) gave you like a good goy? You can't be part of the happening
hmm the creator Blavatsky had some interesting views maybe one could relate
>"Judaism, built solely on Phallic worship, has become one of the latest creeds in Asia, and theologically a religion of hate and malice toward everyone and everything outside themselves"
>Jews were "degenerate in spirituality"
>Africans, aboriginal Australians, and South Sea Islanders as inferior to Europeans, stating "MONADS of the lowest specimens of humanity (the 'narrow-brained', those people with 'simply brains devoid of intellect generally') had no Karma to work out when first born as men, as their more favoured brethren in intelligence had.
>It's all part of proven fact and part of String Theory.
I lol'd first off you don't understand string theory secondly saying a "theory" proves something is an oxymoron but w/e you don't seem ready to learn the truth yet, just take your time when you want to learn the higher truths in life you will find them there, you will find God there not in a book written by kikes
this channel was made for you
Remember to stock up on super male vitality