No, time for more depression and cute awkwardness.
I hope. Something must happen, the previous arc was super slow. Mfw if its another misunderstanding.
This is gonna end with both of em just working for Relife and carrying on their young lives together, right? Right?!
There's nothing to misunderstand; she has an inkling and deep down understands that him being part of the project's the only way they can hook up together. On the other hand, he's abstaining from doing anything to her because he doesn't want to ruin her life.
We can't go back to the status quo after this, r-right?
>We can't go back to the status quo after this, r-right?
Romantic manga finds a way.
They're just gonna apologize to each other and not talk about it for at least five chapters.
Wait its the arc of the boyfriend of the red haired bitch over? I might undrop it if that's the case.
yeah it was concluded 2 or 3 chapterse ago.
I really want them to have a moment of lust and jump eachother's bones and have one say something that alludes to their actual age like "i haven't felt like this in years" or some shit just to move the story on and more misunderstandings
>confession next chapter
more like 30-50 chapters for that one user.
sad but true
wait what chapter was this
I like how cigs and beers at home of high school graduate presented as convincing argument that he is an adult. Don't know how it is in Japan, but at that age half of my class smoked, many of which for years at this point, not even to mention beer.
Heck, he was already caught with cigarettes in the beginning of the series. This is nothing new.
You see in every japanese media high schoolers refusing to drink beer and drinking juice instead
Even in fantasy settings
So i guess it's a thing there
72. ep 9 of the anime
it's right before the fight-o
I think it's more that they don't want to get in trouble for promoting underage drinking
>every time right in the fucking kokoro
I fucking love this manga.
yeah, since the 175chapter aprox. , you've too see the last part of that arc sadly
Sadly true.
I remember anime from my early days, Teacher Onegai, where schooler drank and fucked without making it a bog deal. Good times.
>sexual tension overwhelming two characters and something actually happening
Why is this so rare? And it has about as much chance of happening here as a shit does of turning into solid diamond.
Shit I need to get up to date
Is this like Re:Zero or like Re:Creators?