What happened Here and at Ruby Ridge Sup Forums?
What happened Here and at Ruby Ridge Sup Forums?
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A cultist pedophile armed himself in preparation to overthrow local government. Brave law enforcement held him off and in a last ditch effort he burned the place down to cover his tracks.
Just watched a documentary on Waco earlier, had never heard that they beat/stabbed/shot the children to death before they set the place ablaze. Shit gives you chills.
Overzealous FBI agents
A decidedly insane cult leader ordered men to put on body armor and stockpile weapons then sent them into a compound in an effort to terrorize the country into submission and as a massive distraction away from the Whitewater investigation.
That cult leader was named Janet Reno
>On about August 24, 1992, the fourth day of the siege on the Weaver family, FBI Deputy Assistant Director Danny Coulson, who was unaware that Vicki Weaver had been killed,[109] wrote a memo with the following content:
>Something to Consider
>1. Charge against Weaver is Bull Shit.
>2. No one saw Weaver do any shooting.
>3. Vicki has no charges against her.
>4. Weaver's defense. He ran down the hill to see what dog was barking at. Some guys in camys shot his dog. Started shooting at him. Killed his son. Harris did the shooting [of Degan]. He [Weaver] is in pretty strong legal position.
Reno was a big guy
Miracle valley was the real cult.
To cover for murdering niggers and to fund Fuqra the FBI killed white people.
Fuqra. 1993. Colorado. ATF. FBI. Clintons. Obama.
Basically cowboys discovered the FBI arming extremist Muslims.
FBI was mad an started attacking whites and using the word Cult.
Fuqra started it all believe it or not.
FBI fucked up super hard and lied to avoid incriminating themselves, just as they are doing now at this very moment.
Nation of Islam and Fuqra are THE reason why the FBI needs shut down now.That is the largest and most dangerous cult on north America.
The charge was for illegally modding a shotgun, which an FBI agent asked him to do. Textbook entrapment
I wouldn't know, user.
I never understood why Ruby Ridge and Waco are connected.
RR: Bad government attacks good man
Waco: Bad government attacks bad man
FBI fired incendiary devices into the Mt Carmel structure at Waco. They denied it for years, but then some bumbling filmmaker named Michael McNulty discovered the devices in an evidence locker. They were mislabeled as gun silencers.
Government had to reluctantly admit that they did, in fact, use those devices on the final day of the siege, but they still insist they weren't responsible for the fire. Which is like, totally believable.
Both happened fairly close to each other and both where a huge Government overreach and overreaction to what was basically nothing to begin with. The Feds screwed the pooch hard both times.
you don't even have to consider who is being attacked. In both instances, it was for bullshit reasons. In both cases there was fabricated evidence used to justify the FBI/ATF actions. Defendants who plead not guilty were acquitted of all but minor charges. No covet. agents were held accountable.
because they used the same sniper to murder americans at both. also clinton
The 1997 Clinton Adoption Act.
Clinton's built 120 new courthouses and probate courts.
The IRS targeted conservatives, right wingers, militia, home school, and vets mostly to literally steal there kids via adoptions.
No militia if you cant raise your own kids.
The Lois Lerner IRS is nothing.
Democrats targeted specific families, and adopted their kids into trafficking.
The majority of trafficked kids came from white conservative families .When that story is finally absorbed the IRS and FED will fall just like the FBI is now.
>What happened Here
The ATF murdered innocent women and children.
Tyranny happened.
The FBI sniper who killed Vicki Weaver , Lon Horiuchi, also happened to be at Waco. Randy Weaver's children were also testifying to congress on the same day the Waco siege started.
Also Tim McVeigh stated that he bombed the Murray Building to get back at the ATF and FBI for what they did at Ruby Ridge and Waco.
Begin the meme of atf shooting puppers
All police are filthy fucking dog killers. I dont get it why is their first reaction always to blow away the dog.
>I dont get it why is their first reaction always to blow away the dog.
Because they live in perpetual terror that anyone or anything that resists them in any way wants to kill them on the spot. Thus they feel vindicated murdering anything they like the moment they feel an emotion vaguely related to fear.
Better version can’t see shit
>All police are filthy fucking dog killers. I dont get it why is their first reaction always to blow away the dog.
Many of these cops have never killed before. They are not "trained", but rather "advised" by their superiors to kill an animal in a situation like this, in order to get used to taking a life, so that they will be more able to shoot a human if the time comes an hour or day later.
Wasn't the request just making the buttstock a half-inch too short?
pigs killed innocent people
Randy Weaver wasn't a Green Beret. He enrolled in Special Forces training but he didnt make the cut.
Basically the "AM I BEING DETAINED AM I BEING DETAINED AM I BEING DETAINED" meme except they were waving assault rifles at federal agents while doing so. Predictably they were shot
Saved, thanks user.
Bill Clinton killed 60 women & children.
>What happened Here and at Ruby Ridge
Well, it pissed this guy off.
“Death to the New World Order” is an old saying . . . (Just saying).
koresh gaslighted a bunch of gullible idiots into believing he was the second coming of christ, and as such, was the only male fit to fornicate all the young chilluns
>ruby ridge
dude sold illegal weapons, agents went to serve a warrant, his family and agents exchange gunfire, leaving wife and son dead
there is room for much debate with the way ruby ridge played out, and when, how and whether it was necessary being one giant point of contention
on the other hand, koresh was not only a madman, he was the worst type of blasphemer and charlatan, and deserved Gods divine wrath
>have underground railroad-like system for the victims of pizzagate before there was pizzagate
>elites don't like that
that's how you have Waco
mossad sold this guy who thought he was Jesus to the CIA to run a pedo farm, then they burned it down in an occult sacrifice to moloch
the funniest part to me is that mossad has some guy stationed at the hospital in Israel with orders to kill Jesus if he appears
They killed Rany Weaver for being somewhat of a white separatist who lived away from cities. They murdered his kid first and then his wife. You are a cuck for not wanting to kill the men responsible for what happened to him.
the sad part is, some tinfoil beanie wearing republikkkunt will read this shit and believe it
>The majority of trafficked kids came from white conservative families .When that story is finally absorbed the IRS and FED will fall just like the FBI is now.
what the fuck is wrong with the Venetian HOLDS system the CIA and other agencies use?
what the fuck is wrong with these people? we have computers and managing holds on people is a lot of fucking work, you can achieve the same results with facebook and crowdsourcing with no need for spending money on HOLD culture
not very good community relations there, those guys getting trained by the guys who train the drug bosses
it's true
My friend's uncle was actually the shooter at both.
Their family has changed their last name to avoid the death threats and hate they get for being related to him.
>koresh gaslighted a bunch of gullible idiots into believing he was the second coming of christ, and as such, was the only male fit to fornicate all the young chilluns
There was no evidence for this.
>dude sold illegal weapons, agents went to serve a warrant, his family and agents exchange gunfire, leaving wife and son dead
He sawed the butt of a gun a couple inches short. Its like how many states have limits on the length of knife blades you can have concealed on you so a lot of times farmers or hunters get arrested. You are a cuck for wanting these people dead when the charges were never substantiated and Randy Weaver was literally the personification of this board who had his kid and wife murdered because U.S. Marshals are afraid of dogs.
I clearly remember watching them burn. I was in 8th grade social studies class. About 100 miles from Waco I remember looking out the window wondering if I could see the smoke.
My favorite part was when they changed his court date without telling him, authorized his warrant, then kept his warrant when they realized they fucked up
you need to learn how to read you illiterate nigger, i never said i wanted anyone dead.
Pretty sure the root cause of his being shot was bringing a dog and guns when meeting federal officials in the woods. Instead of falling for the sovereign citizen meme he could have just approached them alone unarmed like any reasonable individual would but he decided to fuck with the government and oh whoops people ended up dead, much like the situation just happens to get out of hand when niggers decide to push the boundaries with police to assert themselves
They both involved the Feds enforcing illegal gun laws
Deep state will not tolerate whites living among whites.
>dude sold illegal weapons
There is no such thing as illegal weapons
drug addicts burned themselves alive
Ruby Ridge and Waco were both government overreaches, different people at each. Ruby Ridge were /our guys/.
The connection you should draw is between Ruby Ridge & Waco as they relate to Oklahoma City.
They didn't sell 'illegal' weapons, you faggot. They bought them for themselves.
>They both involved the Feds enforcing illegal gun laws
they both involved groups of FEDS which were staffed by former Clinton staff who were the only agents who died
they hit their own people and blamed it on the innocent
ATF Sherman tanks equipped with flame throwers drove into the sides of the compound and shot flames inside, burning the building down. It was mass murder.
okay, ill bite jethro
>Deep state will not tolerate whites living among whites.
you won't make any money that way
DEEPSTATE are nazis you know that right?
... and then shot his unarmed wife while she was holding their infant.
The agent who took the shot was the same sniper who illegally fired on civilians at Waco.
Where in the constitution does it give the Feds the authority to ban any type of weapon?
>exhange of weapon ownership
>weapons of illegal specifications
you're a nitpicking queer
>Oklahoma City.
I heard the real scandal there was the FBI illegally storing heavy munitions in an office building, which is why there was so much damage, witnesses who reported seeing Mcveigh with others accomplices or military hardware were all murdered
journalists silenced, DOJ shutting down local newpaper stories that conflicted with the MSM narrative
real shit show
That's not how it happened at the all
Are you shitposting or are you stupid?
nowhere, they can't do that legally
go back to bed grandpa, mash will be on again tomorrow
Delta force invention.
See Nigger.
Nah, Mcveigh is on tape admitting to it. He made no bones about it.
Shame they didn't kill enough ATF agents to get some good webm's from.
Was it Waco where the FBI had a legit machinegun set up and just mowed down all the women and children running out?
Man how is the FBI and ATF still a thing, its really impressive when you read about how fucked they are.
Go back to r/poltics you faggot gun grabber
you can grab my gun, grandad
Wow some hilarious bullshit video must prove it. The fire started because the FBI used military grade incendiaries then lied about it for 7 years until finally admitting they used them
The constitution doesn't give you carte blanche to do whatever the fuck you want. The right to bear arms can still come with restrictions.
US v Miller:
>"In the absence of any evidence tending to show that possession or use of a "shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length" at this time has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument."
You switched from sell to exchange, you faggot. They bought them for their own use on their own land. Nobody was in any danger. They should have stayed off their property.
The guns were semi-auto, legal.
They "claimed" that some of the guns had been converted to full-auto and that they had some grenade hulls (not illegal).
The evidence was so mishandled it was pathetic. There is some good linkage to Hillary on that one.
So are you going to admit that the Feds have no authority regulate firearms or are you just going to make stupid reddit tier comments?
the feds already do regulate firearms, dipshit.
you gonna make em stop all by your onesies?
>autism triggered, the post
Randy Weaver did nothing wrong.
2nd Ammendment:
...The right to bear arms shall not be infringed...
>the constitution doesn't give you carte blanche to do whatever the fuck you want. The right to bear arms can still come with restrictions.
An infringemeent
>The constitution doesn't give you carte blanche to do whatever the fuck you want
The contusion doesn't give me the authority to do anything
It lays out Federal powers none of which are firearm regulation
>US v Miller:
Supreme Court precedent is a joke
>the feds already do regulate firearms, dipshit.
Shut your fucking flytrap if you have no idea what the shit coming out of it means.
jesus you people are like religious zealots who worship cobalt steel, and take communion with pyrodex and hoppes
>I don't like a 1/3rd of the power of the federal government so I can just ignore it
Nice try faggot
That picture is so sad.
Careful guy. You might start glowing in the dark...
>jesus you people are like religious zealots who worship cobalt steel, and take communion with pyrodex and hoppes
how is this a bad thing?
Absolute state of faggots that want to live in a nanny state rather than be his own protector.
I swear man, we are done for, too many faggots.
>i think the supreme court is infallible and the constitution is whatever they say it is
What if they said the right to bear arms was only for muskets
Would you be ok with that?
That is what the constitution says
If you dont like it amend it
Highly suspicious
It's bad because hoppes will destabilize the pyrodex and make ignition unreliable.
The guy at ruby ridge had a free energy device he was operating, he had it grounded in a nearby creek and it killed some retarded feds which is why they chimped out so hard and killed his family.