This all started over a screaming match she had with some tranny at a book store, and now she's doxing the tranny and ranting about how brave she is. This is getting more and more hilarious by the second.
LULZ ALERT: Rose McGowan is doxing trannies live
Other urls found in this thread:
I forgot to link the video:
I love it when the left eats their own. Hahaha.
She's some Hollywood liberal actress who was raped by Harvey Weinstein
Mentally ill TV actor (B-list) from the 90s.
Didn't it turn out that the tranny who was heckling her has been sexually assaulting underage girls?
Isn't that true of all trannies? Majority of trannies are M-to-F pedos who creep on little girls.
I like her she has good banter.
One of the girls from Charmed
Do the Jew and the toll is on you.
based. tranny holocaust when?
shes /ourgal/
Don't they all? Haha this keeps getting better and better
Bring her to pol
She knows much
The pedos cucked my twitter
Bring her to pol
Eat the taco get deported with Paco
It's beyond denial that she is a junkie.
Don't be fooled, lads. Just because she's anti tranny doesn't take make her any less of a liberal, women's-march anti Trump cunt.
Can I get a quick rundown?
I want to nut on her head.
>"Raped by Harvey Weinstein"
You mean she let him fuck her for multiple roles, knew that's what he does, and did nothing about it until 20 years later when she's too old and ugly to fuck for roles anymore?
I mean, let's be honest, she only managed to get roles by sleeping with producers and other bigwigs. And after it stopped being useful for her, she's now trying to ease her conscience a little bit by pretending she was somehow victimized. If she didn't want to do it, she was free to go back to living a normal life and working for a living like the rest of us. But she didn't. She continued sucking cocks and getting roles. Hell, she even acted for a pedophile director back in 2011.
Rose McGowan used Weinstien and Co. just like they used her. It was a business agreement. But now that social attitudes on slutty behavior have changed, she's trying to redeem herself and play the victim for attention. Too ugly and too old to get parts anymore, even if she tries sucking a dick for them. She was a part of the system, and now she wants to pretend she wasn't. I hope her mental illness only gets worse.
Some tranny yelled at her using all the buzz words in a book store which you can see from this video here:
Rose has been fuming about it all day, and now she's claiming she was assaulted and is becoming an even bigger cow than the tranny, which was a tough act to beat.
The left is just ping-ponging oppression off one another now and it's escalating fast.
Is it confirmed the tranny was an actor?
No more than any other. The tranny was just your typical gender studies tranny liberal, and Rose is one of those Clintonite radfem liberals, and they're clashing.
thought this said ruby rose at first and was gonna let out a mighty REEEEEEEEE
>strong independent feminist woman
>why did no one help me I needed help!
So we bog pill her into tearing all apart and herself in the process
They deserve it for keeping the lid on the pedos
Also it would be funny
Trannies vs TERFs. Oh this is gonna be fun.
That's more of a basic gestalt
It's the character assassination part, my friends.
((They)) sent Mossad agents on her after all.
She helped tank Hollywood kikery. Now they come for her.
Trust me, user. She's not on our side.
What's the difference, asking for a friend
Trump curse maybe?
Who the fuck is raping trannies wtf what kind of sick bastard would do something like that.
The left is eating itself alive again
This + the memo. It has been a glorious day.
>tfw there are loli skeletons in your closet
Regardless if she is or not, we're all getting the end of the stick when ((they)) are doing what they do best.
>be victim of degenerate tranny sexual abuse
>still respect your abusers pronouns
the absolute state of the left
>>"Raped by Harvey Weinstein"
>You mean she let him fuck her for multiple roles, knew that's what he does, and did nothing about it until 20 years later when she's too old and ugly to fuck for roles anymore?
>I mean, let's be honest, she only managed to get roles by sleeping with producers and other bigwigs. And after it stopped being useful for her, she's now trying to ease her conscience a little bit by pretending she was somehow victimized. If she didn't want to do it, she was free to go back to living a normal life and working for a living like the rest of us. But she didn't. She continued sucking cocks and getting roles. Hell, she even acted for a pedophile director back in 2011.
>Rose McGowan used Weinstien and Co. just like they used her. It was a business agreement. But now that social attitudes on slutty behavior have changed, she's trying to redeem herself and play the victim for attention. Too ugly and too old to get parts anymore, even if she tries sucking a dick for them. She was a part of the system, and now she wants to pretend she wasn't. I hope her mental illness only gets worse.
Fuck yes, nice post user.
I love how it's everyone else's fault that she had a bad time.
$5 McGowan suicides by June. Fucking insane cunt.
>women scream about made up rape because a woman they follow felt oppressed by a tranny
>"Why dont anyone take #metoo seriously???"
god fucking damnit
oh my god this is gold
I kek'd out loud at that. It's sad but funny when you think about it. Liberals are so desperate for victimhood she's actually trying to claim the tranny is oppressing her.
This is like a really bad 4th down play.
Liberal infighting is great to watch.
Hollywood women vs. Trans-"women"
Blacks vs. Trans-blacks (that white girl Rachel with the dreads)
Mika on MSNBC vs. Fire & Fury book author
wtf i love kike pedophiles in hollywood now
She can be converted. She's ready.
I'm hearing the tranny from the video may have molestered 13yo girls when he was 18. Any truth to this?
As terrible as sexual assault is she is somewhat complicit in her situation as well. How can she condemn others for not helping her when she didnt help herself? How long did she stay silent on this?
Of course she wi say it was out of fear and hoplesness. Others might point out there was a time she was a popular actress with a healthy career. Was she silent because things were working out for her? Now that shes washed up its a problem?
See, also read the fucking thread before you post
Those "women" are all traps btw.
>$5 McGowan suicides by June. Fucking insane cunt.
No way user, this is the most attention she's had in 15 years. My money is on a couple more years, after #metoo is a footnote in liberal madness playbook. It'll finally sink in what a worthless cunt she is, and she'll overdose on pills, nude, in a bed of silk sheets and a cell phone clutched in her hand.
>The left is just ping-ponging oppression off one another now and it's escalating fast.
Terfs aren’t bad desu. Needless to say, they get the bullet when they’re no longer of use.
i would still fuck her.
Rose is batshit, but as long as she's calling out mentally ill degenerates she's /ourgal/.
>As terrible as sexual assault is she is somewhat complicit in her situation as well.
user, please see this post for the redpill.
>I have given beauty
The absolute entitlement of roasties, fucking Hell
Holy shit, just read the trans blogs about this incident.
They think Rose saying 'shut up' or 'what have you done for women' is a grave sin. Just talking back to these mentally ill freaks is enough for transphobia.
Burn all these histronic fucks at the stake holy fuck.
I never know if they mean a MtF or FtM when they're talking about "transwoman" or "transman"
Is it trans'd-into-a-man or trans'd-from-a-man
Daily reminder that you should feel bad for rose because she was literally raised in a pedophiliac sex cult
what a fucking psycho
She didn't tank a goddamn thing. Weinstein takes the fall and small fries like Louis CK and Aziz Ansari get fucked over nothing. The pedo kikes still running the industry still aren't named, and at this rate they never will be.
>everyone I disagree with is a fascist
so fucking boring
I honestly don't know who is being more unreasonable here: the mentally ill tranny pushing garden-variety liberal gender studies politics, or the primadonna "victim" who is having a personal and career meltdown all because a dick-having tranny who looks like a gay potato disagreed with her.
They all cut their hair into boyshape after they have jumped off the deep end. Sinead Oconner, britney spears, kathy griffin, bla bla, bla.
Aight shit, real question:
This "dont label me"-shit and "you dont know what gender i am"-fuckery, is this something you Americans hear/see often?
Is it really as widespread as Sup Forums makes it seem?
I have never heard a single Norwegian person say something like that ever.
If it is as widespread as it looks i genuinely fear for the future.
of course..
She'll be suicided with 6 bullets in the back of the head
non-mentally ill person here. what does TERF mean?
Just saw this on Spergdrew's new DS domain
Someone make a thread about this on Sup Forums if there isn't one, those big guys will appreciate it surely
Jawbreaker was a good movie too , very iconic of the era
It's limited mostly to cities and college campuses thankfully
iirc basically a feminist who thinks feminism should be for biological women only
I can’t believe this is real. What were they even arguing about?
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. They're basically the exact same as all other feminazis but with the sole exception that they hate trannies, which makes them a TINY LITTLE BIT better but they're still fat cunts.
Don't the left already separate trannies and actual women as is? LGBT and all that shit doesn't apply to regular women really.
This is the future Rose is trying to protect us from.
Holy shit, I don't know who's jewing whom anymore
Same here in Germany, even at my university in a major german city i've never seen or heard this, never seen a flyer either. I've also never seen a tranny here.
The "worst" i've seen was a flyer for Christopher Street Day at my university.
America seems absolutely fucked regarding this topic
The fuck is she ranting about this time?
LGBTQ123AAABCDWHOOPDIDOO i belive its called now
It’s not a woman it’s a guy dressed as one.
Apparently Rose said something about trannies a few years ago, and trannies, well, you know how they are, right? They never forget anything that offends them. They have a super-long memory for holding grudges over misused pronouns and jokes on TV shows.
The only thing they can't seem to remember is what gender they are.
So the tranny basically did to Rose what liberals do to conservative speakers on college campuses (minus the violence) and Rose freaked out and is still freaking out as we speak,
Wouldn’t even pull out either
Natural-born women who don’t consider transgender men women.
She won't see 2019.
Rose is /ourgirl/ now
A rundown is like point form topics... bonus points if they converge
A basic gestalt is a more of a introduction and conclusion with the basic points injected to better depict a story in very little time
It's like a run away sjw nuclear reaction.
who gives a motherfuck about these #mehtoo skanks
Christ but these people are insane. How has society fallen so far? I know it’s (((their))) influence but the level of insanity still blows me away.
No because I try to avoid people with visible mental illnesses
Haha. Laughing so hard. This is the tranny's twitter bio.
You gotta hand it to her, folks. She's the perfect tranny. I mean you can't imagine a better tranny.
>hates capitalism
>has patreon
>sex worker of some sort
>actor paid to verbally assault a woman
So now they believe in paid protesters