Comey is going to the big house

Perjury, obstructing justice, leaking classified info...

Ought to, yes. Will, eh...

Honestly, there's legs to Comey getting arrested
He told two independent parties two very different things
>Trump: Steele Dossier is salacious and unverified
>FISC: Steele Dossier is considered a credible source of intel

You can connect the dots on whether that is evidence of unlawful abuse of power

>Perjury, obstructing justice, leaking classified info...
sounds good

drain that swamp nigga

Crazy shit in Guantanamo these days, so I hear

Well you actually made me go and read that click bait. Which essentially amounted to a report about a single person talking about what 'could' happen with some technology that literally isn't even development. It's not even a scientist talking but someone that isn't even an expert in the field.

Well, they got their click.

I found it ineresting that Nunes told Brett Baier that Gowdy helped him write the memo, a day after Gowdy announces he is not running for re-election to get back into lawyering.

What’s he planning?

Kek thanks for the rundown. I just remember that being a kind of nightmarish article that was floated out there during the period of Progressive Democrat Tyranny

Nah, Comey deserves to join his fellow FBI leftist leaker Robert Hanssen at ADX Florence.

You're posting an article you havn't read? Why?

If Sessions had any backbone, he would already have appointed Special Prosecutors for this entire mess, for Comey, Sally, Mueller, Rosenstein, and those 2 lovebirds over at the FBI

Sessions must be scared about starting a precedent of investigating top DOJ officials, in case they investigate him in a few years' time

And so begins your 1000 years of confoundment

about time

The jews scared him straight when (((((they))))) used things he said in the 80s to paint him as a le evil KKK.


I remember that episode of DS9 where they did that to Obrien.

Just nail the fucker to a phone pole and burn it

So they plagiarized black mirror?

The Russian prostitute water sports were the salacious bit he was referring to

It's literally a 'philosopher' who specializes in justice, not technology, musing about how a justice system COULD work if some ridiculous technology existed.

It's basically "dude what if" but reported as news.

>plagiarized black mirror?
Dude, I seen that in an episode of star trek voyager

No, I meant DS9, one of those IDK


Anybody catch the timeline where they get the FISA, then Comey tells Trump he's not under investigation, while they are spying on his ass?

That's a stock sci-fi trope, stupid Leaf. The Outer Limits revival had an episode in 1995 about that exact thing.