This faggot doesn't have anything. The investigation is just a giant waste of resources and tax dollars.
Removal when?
This faggot doesn't have anything. The investigation is just a giant waste of resources and tax dollars
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Good shit. I’t be destroy dick December all over again if this fucker gets out
Must feel like a total cunt tonight, eh, Bobby
Itll just go on forever as a retarded circlejerk.
can we just destroy the earth and sleep?
Are republicans seriously this fucking stupid? TRUMP. DECIEVED. YOU. THE EVIDENCE IS RIGHT IN FRONT IF YOUR FUCKING NOSES, and you REFUSEEEE to see it. I mean holy shit this memo is just another in a long line of attempts of trumps to undermine the United States democratic process as another show of the fact that he and Putin have control of this country and it’s citizens to the point where they DONT EVEN CARE. we NEED to IMPEACH fhis CLOWN ASAP OR ELSE WE ARE FUCKING DOOMED.
god FUCK dotards.
He better get a few scalps, or he's going to be the one that gets hung up to dry.
He should be shot for treason
>citing one of the publications listed in the Nunes Memo
I get the bad feeling this is the case.
Trump can't just fire him, because no matter how baseless the investigation is, in Democrats eyes it would be an admission of guilt and make it look like he has something to hide.
Unless some bombshell comes out that totally disproves the Russian collusion meme, I could totally see it going on another 3-7 years until someone else is in the white house. They will never find anything, but the investigation will remain open, because there's no way Hillary could have just ran a bad campaign. No siree, it had to be the Rooskies!
Trump should:
>Fire RR
>Fire Muller
>Fire Sessions
>Fire Wray
>Appoint Rudy G, acting AG
>Appoint Gowdy as Special P.
>Bomb NK
>Bomb Iran
>Bomb the border near mexico
>Tweet out that the money he's saving from Muller's sham investigation, he'll apply to the Wall
>Tweet out that the Dims are to blame for the Stockmarket plunge. And that people should SUE nancy and chuck
>Do ALL of this, Right before the superbowl kickoff
>Then sit back and watch the heads explode
The American people are smart enough to realize there is no "russian collusion" and the whole investigation is
a sham/attempted Coup by the DEEP STATE.
They're catching on m8.
I seriously believe that a large percentage of CNN watchers, thought it was true.
People are slowly waking up.
In that scenario I am certain you would perish.
>This faggot doesn't have anything. The investigation is just a giant waste of resources and tax dollars.
>Removal when?
Said the trump troll nervously
I love how he has not found shit, not a fucking thing, but is now shifting to an
>Obstruction of justice
investigation. Someone needs to explain to me how you obstruct justice on an investigation that never should've took place, and that zero evidence has been found?
>In that scenario I am certain you would perish
Very Doubtful.
I live in OK. No one here would blink, we'd just laugh and cheer.
Only the coastal and large "urban" centers of faggots would care.
>Removal when?
never, just leave him there who gives a shit anyway?
how long did the Ken Starr thing take like 5 years?
this is no big deal
This whole investigation is shit.
Russians fed you and your fellow factless conspiracy nuts a whole lot of lies and changed a whole lot of votes.
I for one thank Putin 8 years of Clinton could never have done this much damage to republicans.
>I could totally see it going on another 3-7 years until someone else is in the white house.
yes but this makes our nation look totally retarded
Mueller is literally /ourguy/. He is working for Trump to drain the swamp.
/pol takes the blue pill as a suppository. Woke as a corpse this group.
You're a fucking idiot.
You can't find a swampyer creature than Muller.
He's trying to get Trump on obstruction of justice. Problem is that there would have to be something there for Trump to obstruct. There isn't.
>Someone needs to explain to me how you obstruct justice on an investigation that never should've took place, and that zero evidence has been found?
Hillary was a powerful lady and this will make her supporters who lost all that money they invested in her feel better
>Russians fed you and your fellow factless conspiracy nuts a whole lot of lies and changed a whole lot of votes.
[citation needed]
The investigation isn't over. What makes you think prosecutors are just going to announce every piece of evidence they have, just to assuage the general public? Doesn't happen in your city, doesn't happen in the Federal Govt.
>You can't find a swampyer creature than Muller.
pretty much, Mueller tried the 9/11 hijackers, he might as well be Judge Ito
>yes but this makes our nation look totally retarded
You're telling me, friend.
History will not look kindly on this farce of an investigation. My $0.02.
Republican endorsed and appointed vetran who has dwvoted his life to public service and is still squeaky clean. Better to hang the real traitor.
midterm 'attack'
How the fuck can they force people to vote trump you stupid cunt. Jesus i'm sick of people like you, hopefully you get massacred in the failed coup against Trump
Mueller has been hiding stuff since Noriega and 9/11 and especially Waco.
Comey was Mueller's little puppet.
All we can hope for at this time is for Rachel Brand to assume Rosenstein's position, and to fire Mueller immediately.
Sessions is far too weak, Rachel Brand is our last hope in the Justice Department.
Haha you seem mad faggot
they have evidence of this, outfits in Europe buying facebook ads or some such thing, probably it's more likely this is counter intelligence, make a big thing in the news about Trump and Russia all the time and make Putin think he's got Trump in his pocket so Putin will believe the lies we're about to fuck him over with
this shit happens all the time but I can't see any reason this would be in the news like it is other than what I described, or it really is an in nation conflict but I'm just not buying that one
obstruct this. you're fired.
I dont think he's /ourguy/ BUT...
what if it turns out he actually is. holeeeeeeee shit would that be the happening to end all happenings. democrat heads would literally asplode and republicans sides would be in orbit around saturn.
The problem is Mueller has access to all of Trumps financial records going back decades. Trump is a NYC billionaire with hundreds of businesses over his life, so if Mueller is just given free reign to dig around for as long as he wants it's almost impossible for him not to find SOMETHING that could have the appearance of financial misconduct or tax evasion or whatever.
>History will not look kindly on this farce of an investigation. My $0.02.
no it looks totally crooked and when you view it how most people across the globe see things it's very much the rich trying to give Trump a hard time because his great grandfather was from the working class
CNN Reports: Robert Mueller has contracted aids from his sexual relationship with Jim Comey. Mueller states Jim fucked him in the ass so many times he became numb to Jim`s advances.
Worth a penny I am sure. Russia interfered, has in many governments world wide and my President has never said that they should be condemned for it. Any true patriot would know it is worth investigating why. Forget borders without free elections we have no country.
The only hope the Dems have is that Mueller somehow keeps his fuckin “job” and drags this bullshit out through the midterms. Then through some miracle if the Dems take over the house Mueller could file his report to congress and hope for impeachment. No way he will try to indict a sitting President. He has to play by normal DOJ rules.
that's not what a special counsel is, he literally can't do that
>actually believing this
Holy fuck you're a sheep!
Ok, David. Shouldn't you be hanging yourself yet?
Wow his name is fucking Corn. The desperation of the Democrats.
>Russia interfered
[citation needed]
Just because you say something, doesn't make it true.
>Just because you say something, doesn't make it true.
What if I get the other media outlets to echo it?
Is it true then?
Mueller more like Bueller.
>Mueller deep state leech
>Trump built multi billion business
>Trump now President
Guess being a cocksucker isnt that great ;) You're worshipping 2nd place, lefty.
The US has interfered with elections all over the world, includin our allies. Ask the Aussies. Its what nations naturally do to protect their own interests. Russian interferenceis one thing, proving that Trump was complicit or colluded is another.
>rudy g ag
no you fucking moron. that dude is the definition of a neocon shitbird. wtf is wrong with you? have you learned nothing here?
the most important thing we face here is demographics. you gonna put an ex mayor of new york in there?
no you find the most anti immigration and most demographically aware non-jew politician who used to practice law. thats tom cotton.
Yeah, but he's doing it anyways. That's the problem. It's a complete joke of an "investigation" that doesn't even claim to have any concrete subject matter or specific charge that they're conducting the whole circus for. This Special Counsel is a total Constitutional abomination and it has no right to exist in the first place, hence why it needs to be stopped as soon as is conveniently possible.
Fuck off shill!! Noone can be this dumb without being a shill!
I'd stick Rudy in, in a heartbeat.
He's loyal to Trump.
Yes, but only if you get no less than 1 other one. Then it has to be true. Bonus true points if they author is also an expert in anything.
As someone who is engaged to a Russian national all this baseless shitflinging, fearmongering, and outright lies about Russians is absolutely infuriating. At least I can take solace in the fact that due to my fiance not caring a single fraction of a fuck about politics, along with the complete ban I've put on (((CNN))) at my house, she has been left, mostly, blissfully ignorant of the disparaging shit these lying cocksuckers are peddling about Russians 24/7.
But yeah, I mad. I hope Trump burns the lot of them to the ground.
Attorney General has nothing to do with foreign policy so his neoconservatardisms wouldnt be as eggregious
The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and the San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.
>He's trying to get Trump on obstruction of justice. Problem is that there would have to be something there for Trump to obstruct. There isn't.
if that were true, he wouldn't be obstructing, you dingus.
>if you aren't a Democrat, you're a Russian
Kek so this is the power of a two party system, huh?
Smells like wishful thinking.
After todays shit storm ,he may want to bow out gracefully very very soon.
seriously mate?
That's what I'm saying idiot. If there isn't something to obstruct, then Trump didn't obstruct anything.
Getting nervous?
I don't think that stopped him from indicting Manafort for money laundering.
He easily has obstruction of justice, we'll see about the rest.
Trump is clean. Most transparent president ever.
then and now!
sad really, he might have had a promising future if he hadn't slept with the clinton cabal!
>implying anyone who hates Trump is capable of measured, methodical tactics of discrediting him
I'll believe it when I see it. I'm 1000% certain that if there were anything it would've gotten leaked as soon as they found out about it because people who hate Trump aren't capable of maintaining professionalism when they think they've got a killshot on their hands
Manafort needs to be pardoned, Flynn too. This entire "investigation" is a a corrupt farce and none of its findings deserve to be respected by anyone of conscience.
he has a cop out now. It's probably ending soon.
Unfortunately I don't think it works that way. Doesn't matter if the accusations are bullshit, he could still get in trouble for trying to impede the investigation.
Same way they got Flynn for lying to investigators about his contact with Russia during the transition period. Him speaking to foreign governments during the transition was completely normal and lawful, if he had told the truth he would have been in the clear. But he lied (because he was afraid of getting caught up in the Democrat's witch hunt), and they're going to burn him for it.
This is going to be one of the many important historical narratives about Trump's time in office when it's all said and done
>March 05, 2017
>almost one year old interview
>what is an active investigation?
Plus, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Flynn will be pardoned. I'm not sure about Manafort.
Which part?
This is pretty accurate. If they had anything to go on, they would be pursuing that instead of going down this "Drumpf obstructed justice by trying to stop an investigation that found nothing" road.
>That's what I'm saying idiot. If there isn't something to obstruct, then Trump didn't obstruct anything.
The fact is HE IS OBSTRUCTING, which is ILLEGAL.
People generally do that when they are guilty, but even if they are innocent, IT IS STILL A CRIME.
Because if you were innocent, you would cooperate, to make the investigation go away quickly.
>I'm not sure about Manafort.
Manafort is on his own.
There's some missing money from the 2016 election that he never accounted for (according to Let Trump Be Trump).
You steal 700k from Trump, your pardon is fucked.
All of it.
At the very least he should be pardoned for the process crime, I'm willing to compromise and say his sentence for the money laundering should be commuted. Either way he shouldn't spend a day in jail when the people prosecuting him are guilty of far worse crimes.
>Because if you were innocent, you would cooperate,
That's retarded.
You never cooperate with ANY law enforcement. Any lawyer will tell you that. You shut up, and say nothing.
There is not one non retarded person in America who thinks this guy has anything.
>people who hate Trump aren't capable of maintaining professionalism when they think they've got a killshot on their hands
>what is a security clearance
projection of the highest order, NAZI scum.
kek. The first Bush pardoned advisors under investigation for Iran-Contra in order to stop that investigation. The deep state didn't mind be Bush was one of them. I don't understand how Trump did anything approaching what Bush did.
Yeah, but that's if you actually did something
When Mueller pulls a Comey and lets down the leftist hoping for Trumps destruction be ready to work the salt mines. All the "Mr. 9/11 Mueller is a true patriot" trash will disappear overnight. The leftist suicide rate will exceed that of the AIDS infected LGBT community and hopefully the leftist take to the street to get run over by more Challengers.
>Yeah, but that's if you actually did something
No, that's because you do NOT talk to cops.
Even if you're innocent, you shut the fuck up, and let the lawyers talk.
Why would a security clearance stop them now? Comey himself admitted to leaking shit to the press.