What are your toughts on my country and why?
Honest question, i want to see If there's more than the "Huehue shit latin america" stereotype about It.
What are your toughts on my country and why?
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Why? Is this masochism?
It's shit.
Hot women, shit everything else.
Great job on waxing the pussy. Other than that, you don’t cross my mind
It's what the United States will become in a couple of decades if the jew/libshit agenda continue
Hot women. The rest is shit
I'll be honest
I see hot women, and I see degenerate niggers.
>gender neutral national anthem
The official US government stance is:
>Do not travel to:
>Any areas within 150 km of Brazil’s land borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay due to crime.
>“Favela” neighborhoods due to crime.
>Brasilia’s “satellite cities” of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa during non-daylight hours due to crime.
>Recife’s Pina Beach from Dona Benvinda de Farias Street to the Brasilia Teimosa neighborhood after dark due to crime.
>Violent crime, such as murder, armed robbery, and carjacking, is common in urban areas, day and night. Gang activity and organized crime is widespread.
Just nuke us Ameribros
Typical day in brasil
Some of the sexiest women on the planet are from there.
One of my top 3 lays was from Brazil.
Good for you guys down there.
>inb4 some retard tries to argue that the south is white
it's not btw. there are no white areas in brazil.
Every liveleak video I've seen came from Brazil. People getting their hearts ripped out, decapitations, gang shootings, etc..
I'm just gonna assume that Southern Brazil is the safest part of the country because it is the whitest .
Fuck no, we still can fix this.
Good luck, but I doubt it. Every single Brazilian I've ever met was almost nigger-tier retarded. You can't fix a country that doesn't place a high value on education.
>I'm a nigger, therefore, there are no whites in my country
>i'm white please accept me gringo!
Lived there for a few years. The women are slutty, the men are extremely unintelligent, the government is corrupt and the people are sheep. The biggest enemy of Brazil is the Brazilian.
10/10 would revisit
>Everyone is a nigger in brazil, please pity us americano!
You aren't white. If you came to the US nobody would mistake you for or believe you are white. Except maybe SJWs or something, since they'd probably be fine with you being trans-white or some other retarded shit.
I honestly think we should just send all our mulattos to Brazil. Make it a sort of lepor colony for mixed people.
Bunch of mud people running around throwing sticks and cutting each others heads off. Drugs etc.
Basically a shit hole.
Fuck you beaner, this isn't /bant/.
this is the people you're trying to convince you literally look like a cuck when you do so.
go lick more american balls.
The whites in brazil should take a dna test (23 anme or some) to see if they score like american whites or europeans
sluts, corruption, poverty, unintelligence
wait we're talking about brazil here not the USA
super corrupt Jeitinho society. No honor, everyone out for themselves. Very low trust society. Seriously stupid laws, a stupid constitution. Idiotic labor laws and other things that kill business. You can't get ahead without breaking the law and being a piece of shit. No one can have guns to protect themselves. Insane amount of material wealth but society too shit to really take advantage. When a Brazilian sees a successful person they don't think "how can I become that?" they think "how do I destroy that?" Your best and brightest come to the USA and never want to leave again. Beautiful beaches. Brazilian Men and Women alike are too image-focused. Relationships can be more shallow (saying I love you right away), but people do tend to know their neighbors more than in the US, hang out on streets drinking etc.
I lived in Brazil for 2 years and speak Portuguese. These were my observations:
Brazilians have a huge inferiority complex and are easily offended.
If you speak English, you are bragging. They act really jealous around English speakers.
They are obsessed with the United States and talk about it endlessly.
They have no national pride. Everybody wants the chance to leave Brazil.
Brazilians are more class conscious than Americans.
They think they are above cleaning their own homes. Every home has a full time maid. They like giving orders to servants.
Young people are spoiled and live like adolescent children until advanced ages. They never leave their parents home. A 28 year old that lives with his parents and doesn't pay any bills is normal.
Public services (Post office, transportation) in Brazil are horrible.
They literally eat the same thing every day: rice, beans, meat.
Having electronic devices is a status symbol for them.
...I'll think of some more later
all true. Lived in Brazil and married to a Brazilian.
Yep, this is pretty spot on, lived in it for 7 years
the "beautiful beaches" are contaminated with sewage water
One good thing about Brazil is how y'all treat your elderly. You won't see in the US old people doddering about with their caretakers on the street. But I think that could be because obra de mao is so fucking cheap. Like someone else said even maids have maids
>They think they are above cleaning their own homes. Every home has a full time maid. They like giving orders to servants.
where the fuck did you lived? jurere?
>Young people are spoiled and live like adolescent children until advanced ages. They never leave their parents home. A 28 year old that lives with his parents and doesn't pay any bills is normal.
i don't think so. i have a lot of friends who are in my age group (18-22) living on their own during college.
shut the fuck up, you know everyone (sane) hates niggers and you try to claim the whole country as nigger territory. If agreeing with the statment that this country right now sucks make me a look like a cuck, so be it. I won't pretend this country is a paradise and and ask for gibs like a nigger when the whole structure comes tumbling down.
Don't lie to yourself, we need to be nuked now!
Nice coffee, nice land, shitty politics. Getting rid of the Empire was a mistake, honestly you'd probably be better off with another junta if Bolsonaro loses.
Brazilian love them some gringo dick. It's so easy is ridiculous.
I guess is a little like any non nigger western going to Asian countries.
qual missao cara?
Brazil is like the South American Canada
Uma Delicia
I always thought maybe pol was exaggerating but then I started dating a brazilian and asked her to teach me Portuguese, she said all i need to know is “please dont rob me” and “please dont kill me”
>You're the living embodiment of the 52% face
>You're surrounded by Cartels
>Your women have hot bodies
I always wondered, what race is Brazilian after the blend?
Is it bad being a 56% face? At least you have interesting an lineage
Too much people getting their hands slapped with 2x4's and feet shot literally every time i'm on best gore someone's hands are getting slapped with a 2x4 what type of nigger shit is this
Beanernigs. That is all.
>You're the living embodiment of the 52% face
>You're surrounded by Cartels
>Your women have hot bodies
I always wondered, what race is Brazilian after the blend?
Is it bad being a 56% face? At least you have an interesting lineage
All true, unfortunately
Even by geographically ignorant US standards, we don't really ever think of you. The Olympics was the most spotlight on you guys that we saw, and most of it wasn't very good. Other than that, I only every really see massive violent crime and weird homemade guns come from Brazil. My impression is that Brazil wants so badly to break into first world status, but it just can't quite get there.
El atrocidad
Why are your women such good burpers?
Both pretty spot on, maybe not so much on the cleaning their own homes (only upper middle class or higher have maids).
I don't know what's up with Brazilians saying there's no white people down here. There are still some villages in the south who speak Italian and German, ffs. Also it seems the South kept itself from mutting too much.
>The women are slutty
fake, nearly every woman here is conservative marriage material
Your women are THICC as fuck, which is all I care about
pick one
>we don't really ever think of you.
You don't actually think in anything else tbqh
now I know why everyone hates burgers, shit, pathetic people who have superiority complex
Future of the USA if that border doesn't close and collectivism keeps growing. Your country is shit overall, sorry. Some of you are alright, but you're always going to be dragged down by the mismanagement of resources and governance by mud people that you pretend are competent.
When I left I had callouses on my dick from excessive use. The octaroon bitches love the white cawk there. They beg for the cock in the ass.
>They think they are above cleaning their own homes. Every home has a full time maid. They like giving orders to servants.
Maybe it's because Brazil was the last country in America to abolish slavery
if not the same fag, ya'll have to go back
The future of the USA
top bantz, Americucks BTFO
How old are you? Most women leaving university are feminist degenerates. And even the ones who study on the cheap diploma factories are getting influence as well.
Great way to contract HIV though.
Nobody cares, and fuck off we're full.... or murder.
This is the only thing I know.
Slide fucking thread with "1 post by this ID", sage.
>obra de mao
>Having electronic devices is a status symbol for them.
Good, they are the only thing keeping our malls alive
t. Orlando
How often do you think of Eritrea? That's what you are in relation to us.
>You don't actually think in anything else tbqh
I don't think I ever see anything coming out of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in respected scientific journals. You can argue all you want about whatever cherry picked shitheal you have in you head about a country, but facts is facts.
Look at these guys and tell me they aren't white
Pretty much every middle class Brazilian family had a full-time maid when I was there. Children don't have chores, no one lifts a finger to clean up their own messes - all that is the maids job. Cleaning anything is "coisa de pobres". Even people who live in small apartments need to have a maid every day. That's a very different style of living.
By contrast, I've never even seen a maid in a private home in the U.S. I don't think that exists here. I wouldn't even know how to hire somebody to clean my house. Even successful upper middle class people, and many of the rich, don't have maids.
For such an enormous country with such a huge population, I think it's a real achievement how little you matter. Seriously, it's impressive how irrelevant you are.
By the way, 7-1.
You can find conservative christian women everywhere, though I grant that most of them don't follow a single christian principle
>I'm not going to lie, they look like pochos. Then again, hairiness is an Iberian trait
Guy in the middle might be able to pass, but the other 2 would just be considered hispanic.
I get a cleaner in once a fortnight to clean the bathroom and dust and vacuum and shit. But I do all the dishes and laundry and day to day stuff
There's apps for it
Our greatest ally.
Well, the other day I was in a local gun shop and saw a beautiful Brazilian 1908 Mauser in 7mm.
E um lugar de merda cheio dos criminosos.
Well, even if most of what was stated here is truth, It only serves me as further motivation to stay on my path.
Don't dox yourself user.
I'm pretty sure maids were common in America... in the 19th century. Brazil seems to be stuck with colonial, pre-Enlightenment mentality which preaches that any kind of manual labor is for the poor.
I think Capoeira is amazing, and if the community aspects and physical challenges of were more unifying to the people of the country as a whole your country would be doing better.
I believe that all persons should train in martial arts, as an exercise in humility, respect for the self and others, and as a chance to experience the reality of struggling against your limits and achieving small goals through community guidance and your own perseverance.
Also, your countries women are attractive and I thank you for samba dance.
Only the middle guy looks white. The other two look like light-skinned Mexicans, and I wouldn't be surprised if they're actually darker than they appear in the photo. Anyway, you can find white people in Africa too, but on the whole Africans are still niggers. It's similar for Brazil. Enough so that I seriously doubt anyone posting from Brazil is actually white unless they prove otherwise with a timestamped picture.
Friendly reminder that Brazil's most violent criminal ever is living in Chicago right now. Be careful murican anons
It's not just her, though she is the best
El abominacion...
Hi Cisplatina
Lost money on Petrobras. How do you fuck up a regulated utility?
Did you all not get the memo that you need to protect the rainforest from shit tier slash/burn/logging forest rape? Makes you look stupid.
Good thing I don't live in a crime-ridden shithole like Chicago. He wouldn't come to my city because the police actually arrest people here and then he'd get thrown in ADX Florence.
Well... Fuck.
I married a Brasilera. Tightest pussy I ever had. I even bred a couple 56% halflings with her.
What's up