Who do you think are the most powerful individuals of the New World Order?
Who calls the shots?
Who do you think are the most powerful individuals of the New World Order?
Who calls the shots?
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Search your feelings.
You know it to be true.
Ashkenazi Jews
jesus, king of the jews
That image is backwards.
Baal doen not submit to Moloch.
Satan literally calls the shots and his followers obey his every command. The power structure on Earth has the Rothschilds at the top and diminishes as the pyramid descends to the base of degenerate Whites and subhuman shitskins at the bottom.
How high in the pecking order do you think Richard Branson is? Strange fella has house on British Virgin Islands, jet skies with Obama, has a company called Virgin, has received the title of Sir, is buddy buddy with Bill Gates.
Nope. The person at the top is someone you or I have never heard of and never will.
Most likely the cult leader, but he must some unknow faggot ruling behind the curtain.
He's Zuckerberg tier at most, probably not even that but just a rich bored deviant fuck.
The most powerful is the average individual. They thirst for power over individuals and as such all of their power hangs in the balance of each and every one of us. We could turn our backs on them in an instant and they would instantly become worthless.
yhvh, the demiurge.
People we have never even heard of. Its not the Rothschilds or Soros or Rockefellers.
((I wonder))
kill yourself gnostic fag dualist
That's kind of the whole point, I look forward to having my soul destroyed so I can no longer be alive in yhvhs universe.
Ateh gibor leolam shaitan
el acher
Jared Kushner
well said
US Department of the Interior. Specifically, the Fish and Wildlife Service.
Well thats true but after seeing how ignorant and easily lead most people are I have to say that the probability of the people turning their backs on them is very, very slim.
A panel of 3: Top money mover, Top Royal, and top Secret Society heads.
With a panel of 2 above them: Jesuit's 2nd, Rothschild's 2nd
With a panel of 2 above them: Top Jesuit, top Rothschild
The Cabal is entirely funded from mining "native"lands in Alaska and Canada.
The Cabal Penny Stock Exhange. TSX
The largest income to the mystery cabal/zionistic shadow government
Is native mines and sovereign lands since 1971.
F&G, NOAA and EWC are just facets of a much bigger cabal income.
There will be Russian Rigs in Nunavuut and Chucki sea.
There will be Chinese Flex5 triple drill rigs in ANWR.
There has been a huge Collusion with Communism and Russian Jewery/usery.
Crazy eyes over here is one of the more powerful foot soldiers but he’s taking orders from higher ups.
A woman
Same goes for Schumer
Weinstein was probably a shot caller but now he is fallen.
Debbie was a rising star but she got sloppy and now shes going to prison for murder.
Is it true game wardens can enter your property without probable cause or warrant?
Ask Claude Dallas about it.
the nephilim some dark and ancient demons unironically serious and I am not a retarded Christchuck
The Jew with the biggest nose calls the shots. It lives in a basement and it's schnozz is so big it cannot stand and other kikes have to bring it little scraps of kosher foreskins to eat.
Look up the Dragon Family and the $100+ billion in bearer bonds that were seized on the border of Italy and Switzerland.
they are actually a dark priesthood that has been around since Atlantis this can be proven conclusively btw
this is what the Reich discovered and tried to expose btw this was what WWII was really about
He's a first class anti Brexit lefty cunt. He'd kiss Hitler's feet for shekels though.
well I mean, up until a little while ago, now they're getting BTFO by /ourguys/ with the help of the Super-Federation and The Guardians
I am of The All, and The All is of One.
Enki and Marduk
unironically this I think they only look like serpents in demonic form before taking over the meat suit avatars but I am not 100% how it works
again this all the same thing as the nephilim
this, they're literally lining up to get cucked exactly as he said they would. Silly kikes.
The Annunaki were Altanteans though imo not ayys I think they came from the inner earth portal not space
It all started with the Bavarian Perfectabilists actually.
The same craft the Nazis recovered brought a higher level of intelligence into the Germanic Mts. when it landed.
Blue eyes arrived and Science began on Earth. The Angel Hearted people.
or pre Atlantean anyway pre Thoth
>It all started with the Bavarian Perfectabilists actually.
>This is what I know from Sup Forums threads and a quick google search for Illuminati
Blue pill opinion discarded
All Aryans had blue eyes buddy for millions of years
Not on Earth though.
Bavarian Perfectabilists.
oh sorry I apologize, I though you were saying Bavarian Illuminati try this
The Scheoningen spears are the oldest spears.
Lionman the oldest carving.
Venus figurines the oldest Godess.
German caves have the oldest musical instruments, oldest Paleo Alphabet, oldest Art, and oldest metallurgy on Earth.
It's one family that I've never heard mentioned, not even once. It's a very old name that used to be used to denote Royalty but you will never know who they are until the crowning of a God on Earth. They literally have a Phaoronic bloodline and we refer to the strongest male heir as Horus--- We live here in Set's world/Satan/Saturns world and this family is engaged in a spiritual war on all our behalves. You can see why, if the God of this realm is Satan, and this family is against that dOG, Just why we are Luciferian. We are very much anti-Satan and always have been---but there are two colours on the Chess board, white magic and black
this theory is bs, our consciousness is cyclical
In its current form anyway, we are de-evolving this age, this yuga so this theory makes no sense
this is all some kind of simulation anyway, this can be proven conclusively mathematically Tesla figured it out so none of it really matters, it is some kind of test the Buddhists figured this out, Samsara then transcendence to Nirvana etc
My uncle that works at Nintendo
Honestly, just the hyperwealthy. Probably a lot that are Chinese but luckily those seem to only consume western commodities and not want to meddle in our governance.
Other than that, just other wealthy individuals of our countries who do have a stake in politics for obvious financial reasons.
an unknown man behind the curtains , not even the cabal knows who he is since he can only be contacted via sessions seances and the likes.
The oldest prayer on Earth was in Today's Bavaria. Its over 500K years old. Onagar's Prayer,
Oh Great Breath Giver of Life.
Give us this day our daily food.
Protect us from forest enemies
Deliver us from the curse of the Ice
And with mercy, accept us into the Great beyond.
If you are Luciferians then why not release that info to the public?
These are on to it. In the movie Jew Suss, Suss has control of all the kings wealth but he still answers to an elder rabbi versed in astrology and the occult. Rothschilds probably have a master rabbi similar to this, maybe a relative.
nice LARP this goes back much farther than Egypt
>God of this realm is Satan,
again nice LARP satan means adversary in Hebrew no such thing as a debbil
The major religions on earth are a lie wrapped around some truth,El Shaddai is Satan, this family is part of the Trinity that we call the walking, living breathing Godform, I am.. oh and btw Satan is inside all of your heads. We are lining up a reveal but Normies are going to get BTFO beforehand, probably. Believe me up until 2015 it was a definite that many would die beforehand
Cirlce of the Black Sun
>El Shaddai is Satan
Ego is what we call it nowadays Friend, It's all up in your head, his head, her head, cause of all wars and suffering....
why do they do it anyway?
You don't know what you are talking about my friend no offense you are talking to an actual member of the order of the Black Sun
This knowledge is about to become all of our realities. We've been able to mathematically prove it for nearly a century
Not some useful idiot minor degree mason either I have the arcanum
>We've been able to mathematically prove it for nearly a century
again no millions of years , you don't even know what the square compass and eye mean do you?
Prove your a mason.
Do you have a hands on Initiation? What was your first day like after being brought into the light? My life has never been the same. So I might ask you this, what colour is the light and where do you see it?
rothchilds are high up. maybe lizard people?
Who have you Seen with your brothers? Bought anyone big through?
I'm not mason you retard I just told I in the order of the Black Sun I suppose you could say we are masonic but you don't really even understand what this means
You surely mean the DNR (Dept. of Natural Resources)? Dem boys got some power.
Whoever is in charge of the network of "Illuminati" bloodline families behind the Windsors, Rothschilds etc, is going to be some esoteric network of priestly bloodlines going back (at least in legend) to "Atlantis". All I can really say is that it's very odd that we should find ourselves encountering each other (openly in a sense) here, now, in this place.
lol yah nothing is ever the same obviously we barely even speak the same language as anyone else they don't even know what words mean, they don't know what anything means. Yes I was initiated, my first day? Astonishment I guess is the only word for it bewilderment, dazed, wtf but also tranquil I guess not worrying about anything because the all father has the plan and nothing will change it anyway it is what it is. Not sure what light you are talking about if you are asking about the entity it was light blue
Rothchilds are clear front for the real cats. I think if we ever knew these modern Pharisees we'd be deader than disco for knowing it.
Not going to answer and I know you can't research this on the internet. Now who's larping, (You) the fucking peon, or the Hierophant
It is whoever has the most powerful occult blood. From my research, the Collins & Van Duyn bloodlines have more occult power than even the Rothschilds. Their may also not be a true apex until you reach Satan. I believe that under him is a council of 3 men with the most pure blood who interact with Satan directly.
HellBoy! nah jk I am not really into demonology my dude only visit the ancestors int he astral realm and I don't bring anything back with me you are playing with fire
>we'd be deader than disco for knowing it.
nah, read John Coleman the committee of 300
Now who's larping? I would have said, UV and when I close my....
I don't even know what you are saying here buddy but you are right this is not something you can find on the internet here I will give you a hint though
Absolutely correct. 1st reply best reply.
So you only call on that side? What has happenend to some of the AA recently? Surely you'd know about the casualties from the 'war', Michael surviving from the original 4 etc
In fact I figured it out on my own I was not taught it and it takes a near genius to do it
This. The controllers today are the direct and ideological descendants of the dark preisthood of Atlantis, who were crossbreeds - half human, half extraterrestrial. They are not Gods. They are just another creature.
The weirdest thing is that through KEK, we, ourselves, may as well now be the most powerful caste of priests in all illuminati bloodlines.
Fair enough, I didn't read to the bottom of your last post either. Disregard. How you doing there? Why you on this board? How far you plan to go this time round? Rainbow man, bridgebuilder?
Yes it does mate, well done