Is this literally mccarthyism?
Or is the world about to end?
Is this literally mccarthyism?
Or is the world about to end?
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When will this old faggot die?
Songbird of Hanoi will always be a traitor.
If only McCuck's brain tumor would do its job...
Mccarthy was right Jews are scumbags and communist
I wish cancer would do it's job and get rid of this worthless fucker
Mfw people pretend that Russia wants Republican supremacy
When they really want the Democrats and the Republicans to hate each other; and the Democrats make it so fucking easy
>Being transparent = doing Putin's job.
Imagine being this retarded.
False dichotomy.
remember that time McCain went to Syria to consort with some top al-qaeda network leadership and then came home to lobby the US gubbment to send the islamists arms? Pepperidge Farms remembers. What a shame McCain is unlikely to ever see a jail cell for treason on account of a brain tumor which may or may not even exist, these old self-serving Boomer warmongers have been playing for sympathy as hard as they can to alter their optics and make them look harmless instead of evil.
Didn't this piece of shit die 2 weeks ago?
What the fuck happened?
McCain was literally one of the faggots that funded the dossier. This exposes him as well.
I wish people would stop comparing lefty projection with mccarthyism. Mcarthy was exposing commies. REAL COMMIES. He wasn't some paranoid loon, that's just what the commies pushed.
Why isn't Shitstain McCain dead yet?
McCarthy did nothing wrong and everybody he outed turned out to actually be a communist. He was 100% right and the fact that his name is brought up in the negative and synonymous with witch hunt, or that even Comey insulted him the other day is all because nearly all of those communists were also jewish.
jewish “culture” is obsessed with revenge. The jewish “religion” demands it even. They will always seek permanent revenge against those who are against them. Even look after they are dead.
McCain helped orchestrate false flag chemical gas attacks in Syria too, in addition to his role in the weaponization of the intelligence apparatus against a presidential candidate and the lawfully elected president.
He's drinking kids' blood like Soros
its not "mccarthysism" you fucking dumbfuck. People are literally telling you russia is fucking with your government. the fucking media is yelling at the top of their lungs that russian is fucking with your government. But somehow you fucking small brained retards are ignoring all the fucking evidence and just siding wit trump cuz of you know "muh memez n funnie frogz lulzzz"
you fucking retardeds pussies fell for the russian bots and believe everyfucking thing. you fuckers trust Russia today over your own fucking medai. you fuckers are traiters to america.
but hey "meme warz funny frogz" am i rite?
>fuck fucking fucker fuck fuck fuckers fuck
Go change your sanitary pad Svetlana
mandala effect
exactly, gotta save face
Yep, and your assholes still gonna be sore for the next 7 years /leftypol/
Trump is justified in ordering the military to arrest traitors right now, imhotbqhfam
Mccain is literally the reason the dossier exists
>McCarthy wasn't a good guy?!?!?!
Man, what it must be like to be young, and have a full erection in the morning.
>my 8yo said Caesar was a bad leader, so brave.
Thanks for the redpill
Jesus this place is infested with Russian shills now. I'm sure some fools here just play along, but the blatant shilling efforts are so glaring now...
who are the shills?
Take a few guesses, homie.
There is some truth to it. Remove putin, and state the obvious, there are no external threats, only internal threats, like corrupt secret law enforcement agencies that are given the power to surveil their citizens through secret courts.
>Is this literally McCarthyism?
fuck I hope so
i havent even read replies yet. i dont until 200+
Won't take you long. I believe in you.
In theory the media would be doing "putins job".
I struggle to get on board with this Russians are invading things. I don't get it. Was the cold war really scary for americans? I was too young to remember.
I think if McCain doesnt die, he was playing sick all along. He seems to have a lot of energy to make comments but not enough energy to show up to vote.
Ahh there he is bless his tumor soul. I thought it was peaceful for a while
Cold war is unrelated. Would take a fool or a willingly "ignorant" person to not see the blatant networks on twitter, here, Le_Donald, and Facebook.
An interesting tactic is to make it about something "different." The goalposts moving. Like asking about invasion when it's about destabilizing.
Probably hiding because he gave the dossier some credibility by giving it to the FBI (of course they already had it by then).
>Cold war is unrelated.
Is it because Melania seems Russian with her funny accent then? Because she's not.
Or is Russia impeding the American Empire by not challenging American expansionism in East Europe.
What is it that scare you about Russia?
Interesting. Best of luck to you, Boris.
Why are you scared of Russia? I am having trouble being afraid of them.
I hate to break it to you, but...
Come on shill...why should we be afraid of Russia?
If I were a shill I would have engaged you already, no? Have fun.
Be afraid of russia, ignore there economy is 1/10th the size of Russia, ignore that US encroaches on their sphere of influence and ALWAYS WIN. You're either a shill or uneducated.
or brainwashed into believing a small little russia is something to be scared of...come on loser...explain why someone should be afraid of Russia
>multi billion dollar media conglomerates and unelected shady government officials vested in the same financial interests as the media corporations themselves are producing propaganda targeted towards a nation currently acting as a thorn in the side of a hegemonic global capitalist market
switch flags please you stupid fucking liberal
>taking the opinion of a Neocon seriously
Russia resists the gay disco.
It's a fairly powerful and influential country that resists the normalization of homosexuality so homos hate it. Democrats are homos, so homos hate Russia
>ignoring all the fucking evidence
Remind me what evidence is that exactly?
he's a senile old reptile who is clinging on to this life. he won't be around forever.
This nigger has brain cancer. Brain cancer! Pilots aren't allowed to fly if their medical checks come back with too high of blood pressure. This cocksucker can continue contributing to running a country with a fucking brain tumor. GET HIM OUT OF THERE!!! JESUS!
thank you for that thoughtful reply
It's Judeo-McCarthyism.
Where is Kek?
Literally the best explanation I have heard. Social power against the homosexual agenda?
Fucking pathetic
mccarthy was russia russa russia
my sides
wow we should really make a wiki page for that word. i googled it and nothing came up. we could be on to something, this is how periods of time are named.
2015,2016,2017 could be categorized as the age of Judeo-McCarthyism. (some may argue the entire Obama-era as well.
Well go on then
Ok that is funny pic
>runs away from a simple question
Intellectual coward
Putin personally implanted that tumor in his brain too
Hahaha this can't be real. From now on though I'm going to act like it is.
I wish Trump would go full on ruthless troll mode ala 2006 Sup Forums.
The evidence of the Russia narrative being created so all the berniebros would forget what came out in the memos?
McCain is living proof goyim are worse than any Jew
Not soon enough.
he dies tonight check 'em
>far-left extremist Cuck McCain agrees with the propagandistic angle of his fellow far-left deep state shills
Imagine my shock.
The only mistake McCarthy made was underestimating just how many commies were in power in media and government and for how long they'd already had that power.
>all the fucking evidence
we're still waiting on that btw
God damn Russia, they want americans to have better jobs, higher wages, an immigration policy, 2nd amendment rights...fucking bastards.
Yeah, this. Remember back in 2008 when he was running for president and the only reason anyone voted for him was to try and keep Obama out?
McCain spent more time sucking Obama's hairy balls than attacking him. Not even his muh war hero status helped him.
No one ever points out that McCarthy was absolutely right.
he is a robot that shills for DNC now.
...meanwhile McCain(or is it McZionist lackey) is doing (((their))) 'job' and (((Bauer-Rothschilds))) 'job' and (((Mielekowski aka Satanyahoos))) 'job'...
saying this shit is 100x more divisive than the fucking memo.
he's basically saying,
>don't fucking look at us, we are above the law you filthy peasant.
>we will do whatever we want, we will break any and every law, we are the good guys.
>criticizing us makes you a traitor, it makes you Putin's puppet.
i gotta say, I am inspired in the wrong way by his continued choice of words.
Why does he do it? He's already rich, he'll be dead soon, there's no more power he can grab, and he will have no legacy from it.
What's the motivation for McCain types?
>memo controversy is “doing Putin’s job”, says a senior member of the political establishment
The fact that now-con John McCain doesn’t like this memo is a clear indication that releasing the memo is a great idea for the people interested in the ongoing process of draining the swamp.
"Criticism of the state means you are in cahoots with the Enemy!"
Pretty sure that's a strat run by Goebbels.
>Pretty sure that's a strat run by Goebbels.
wtf i love john mccain now
>democrats burn down their own house
>putin wanted this!
Basically a bugman version of "if you do/don't X, the terrorists win"
Meh, they got him on methodology, and rightly so. His heart was in the right place, but he didn't follow the Constitution in his prosecutions. He was a master at arresting people with empty and sealed manilla envelopes. He forgot that even though commies are human waste, they have to actually be actively trying to destroy the nation before you can arrest them. Sadly, being a dirty commie isn't illegal.
was McCain the one who actually went to England to get the dossier???
we in the Adamic Christian culture should return the same to (((them)))
(((they))) have 'something' on him...