Other urls found in this thread:
>implying this isn't the future you chose the minute you decided you could participate half-assed in politics, get all your sources from talking heads, and never actually watch a rally or speech before forming an opinion.
Bumping one time so you finally STOP.
>He says this as antifas been regularly attacking folks for the last 3 years.
The jew cries in pain as he strikes you.
Ok good good. You made your point. You're getting your wall. Now just stop with all of this other nonsense. Did you see what the market did today because of that screwy stupid memo?
wow look at all this samefagging, forget about the ID's?
Welcome to Sup Forums. Lurk moar, faggot.
I'm from Reddit. And I don't know what any of this means. You seem like one who needs to really stop.
Do they always project the problems of others onto themselves? Being liberal is the most safe thing you can be right now.
Stop posting. Lurk and only read for a year or fuck off back to upboat town.
you have to go back
>from reddit
No shit
Also note that the twitter feed that posts the names and addresses and place of business for Trump campaign contributors is still active and a it's sure as shit not run by republicans.
Sometimes I wish Right Wing Death Squads would actually roam the streets hunting down brown people that these faggots and their bellyaching would at least make sense. Like if they're going to wail and cry and cower and quiver pathetically anyway, why *shouldn't* the thing they're shitting themselves over actually be real??
You got heart kid, but your bait is tame, and needs work.
>$0.05 for effort
Get off my board redditfag. you fucks are worse than the israel flags.
I'm sure a great many of us would be concerned if our unfiltered views were made public. However, we don't bitch about the possibility like the leftist faggots do. Also, really? Leftists are really seeing the country sliding towards a place where Republicans will attack Democrats? My observations of years in recent memory show the exact opposite. Shit, even the main example of the Charlottesville Cow HH was likely the result of a Republican being chased by a violent, armed Democrat.
>guys I feel like the right is becoming increasingly hostile towards leftists
It’s all so tiresome
Behold, the ignorant moderate in its natural environment.
Gas yourself.
Do you have a state worker dress you in the morning?
Sup Forums is literally a bunch of autists stuck at home
what is there to fear lmao, skinnyboiis? please
>Implying Republicans are more dangerous than Democrats antifags SJW who will fire you, beat your ass and destroy all your friends and career prospects
No. Just no
>Accuse your enemies of your own crimes before they call you on yours.
Every.... fucking.... time.
>registering to be part of a party
Why? Just vote.
>leftists keep insulting and threatening people on the right on a daily basis
>literally say things like "I hope they all die" and "anyone on the right deserves death"
>right cant do anything because of social stigmas and consequences in every last facet of society
>right peoples futures and livelyhoods can be destroyed instantly by one angry howling leftie
>g-guys Im scared the right is so violent toward us peaceful loving lefties
Well he isn't wrong. What kind of retarded country lets people report on their political affiliations, that's just asking for another genocide be it left or right.
Some of us like to vote in Primaries, dillhole!
We all wish the Right Wing Death Squads were roaming the streets, user. But until that day, we'll have to find some hope in the Right Wing Death Squads that roam our hearts.
The only time it mattered since Nixon was 2016
If he's afraid of his voting record being used against him what's even the point of joining as a Republican and voting Dem? They'll still know you're voting Dem.
>Sometimes I wish Right Wing Death Squads would actually roam the streets hunting down brown people that these faggots and their bellyaching would at least make sense
I wish this all the times.
Exactly. This coming from the side of the aisle that shoots a softball field full of Congressmen, riots, loots & kills cops.... Projection. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.
Settle down, Beavis
You don’t belong here faggot. Fuck off back to Plebbit retard. We don’t like your kind here.
Too fucking late sex_qqqq. The right wing already has a databse of all leftists. You can't escape the rope.
The stock market didn’t drop because of a “stupid memo” you insufferable cunt, it dropped because contrary to your brainwashing overlords, President Trump is doing an amazing job, he’s great for business, he’s great for the economy, he’s great for jobs and in a year, he’s kept more promises than probably the last 3 past Presidents before him. The stock market fell today because of the TRUTH IN THE MEMO. No one likes to see abuses this blatant, it’s not only bad for business, it’s bad optics & it goes against our values as a Constitutional Republic. We are getting dangerously close to communism, and Trump is trying to stop it. Your kike masters hate him for it. If you can’t figure out how good Trump is for the USA, then you’re the problem. Go back to Plebbit. We don’t need your venom here newfag.
>Bully white people for 2 decades
>OMG White people are starting to organise and want to play identity politics too
Fuck leftists. They deserve everything that is coming to them.
I AM AN AUSSIE. Can you please explain why anyone would have to register an "Affiliation"? Our voting is compulsory, registered (ie. they have your name and address, and you show id to confirm who you are. Then ticked off to prove you, and only you, voted), and no affiliations recorded. People occasionally swing vote here to register disapproval of sitting party. Recent stuff in your media blows me away. Busloads of people from outside a state being bussed in to vote? HOW? Surely only voters registered as residents in that state can vote yes? Out -siders voting? That is, mexicans and others? How on earth did you develop a system like this? And why register affiliation? As far as many of your people bitching about the electoral college, esentially the same is practiced in every parliamentary democracy. All commonwealth countries have voting areas. They are won on individual basis. Then the number of electorates are counted and the party with most electorates, NOT THE MOST POPULAR VOTES, wins. I think the United Kingdom floated the idea of a first past the post in total votes thing a few years back , but it was squashed because it would mean an end to the entire system of parliament (Local members working for their electorate). Otherwise, a single man could run for leader, win the most votes, and effectively run the entier country. Next time someone tells you that Americas weird electoral system is rigged, point out that virtually every western country in the world uses their version of the same system.
It’s for Presidential votes. It makes sure that for primaries, where we pick the actual nominees that will run on both sides ex: Trump vs Jeb. Trump wins or Bernie vs Hillary. Hillary wins. Once the actual candidates are picked, in the GENERAL ELECTION, you can pick either one.
What does politics have to do with dark skinned people committing heinous crimes?
> Busloads of people from outside a state being bussed in to vote? HOW? Surely only voters registered as residents in that state can vote yes?
Yes. However democrats cheat. They believe they rules don’t apply to them as you saw with the Memo today. Some elections it only certain counties or towns, other elections, it’s state wide. Roy Moore lost because the Dems cheated. Hopefully DHS Dept of Homeland Security can fix their cheating before midterms.
fucking plebbit fags
Nice digies
6/10 would bait
Check. Shanks
A Wall?
>the right is becoming increasingly hostile towards leftists
i wonder what caused that
Where’s the gore for the newfag?
its the left that is violent because we let them get away from it, but make no mistake.. the day we are allowed to strike back will be the day streets run red with liberal blood, they wont stand a chance.
i will personally hunt down and kill everyone of these fucks. Just take off the leash and its done.
Pack your bags and fuck off
Antifa will end up being thrown into camps to the shrill impotent screams of their moderate lefty allies.
Leafs.... The shit posting pros
Crying like a little bitch. Fuck off.
Hi babe
yeah holy fuck how can they say this unflinchingly after all the punch a nazi shit
I agree that it should be private too. Not anyone else's business.
no one is stopping you from being a democrat you delusional cunt
The salt is amazing
well hello
Neither is your kind, tripfag. Get the fuck out and kill yourself.
t. Antifa communist
I think you need to get comfy faggot
that's not what samsfagging is ao. he isn't not pretending to be Op
Leftists always project.
Just take the reddit post as an admission that if the left gets back in power, they will use your voting record against you.
yup, can't believe lefties are scared of shit when conservatives are being shamed day in and day out on social media and the MSM, let alone not taking literal antifa violence into account.
>memo comes out that shows Democrats pay to fabricate evidence to get law enforcement to harass Republicans
op sounds like a fag
>actually watch a rally or speech
top zoz
Trump needs to create his own little alphabet agency. A gestapo that makes those fucks disappear overnight. Give it a good think tank name like The Community Justice Organization
Are you sure you don't want us to track you down Mr Stephenson?
It took extensive research, but I found a picture of OP
Everyday, I see this type of cognitive dissonance from the left, and it hardens me to the point of zero empathy.
super comfy right now, drinking some whiskey ... what a time to be alive
I wonder what is going on at the Schiff household.
>Probably in some massive fight with his wife
>she is yelling at him how he fucked up
>we are going down for this careers ruined
>the throws his drink across the room
>shatters against the wall
>storms out
>gets a dui tonight
You're too late. The whole charade about "our friends from the other side of the aisle" ended when you started getting people you don't like fired or even raided, harming not only them but their families who had done nothing to you.
This will never be forgiven, the cool friendship between right and left is over, and yeah, you should be scared.
How do they even.... I mean I don’t get it. How the fuck do they even believe the shit they spew?
is this eternal summer? why the fuck is every retard responding to this bait? every one who responded to this and unironically believed he was from reddit need to fuck off or lurk moar
denial phase still. They wont admit they were wrong, everything in their life was wrong. The. Whole. Time. Wrong. Everything they thought was true, was all a big lie & they dont have the mental capability to deal with this.
I can ONLY imagine. Can you even fathom the amount of blow Pelosi had to do tonight to forget she’s alive??? Lol
this is all your fault you stupid nigger
kill yourself
8ch DOT net/pol/res/11222153.html#q11222816
Eat a whole bag of dicks you fucking shill. You and your ilk have been cracking our skulls with bike locks, beating, and stabbing our people for 2 years now. Fucking projecting, always projecting.
Fuck off.
When the DOTR comes, it will be glorious.
What comes after denial? Anger? Somehow I doubt that it's ever going to lead to acceptance.
You will know me as the list maker...we are everywhere...stay tuned.
its also thanks to the technocracy that his precious allies in the silicon valley constructed that anybody has the means to bully him through records (even Sup Forums wouldnt waste their time with a bottom feeding redditor though)
oh just wait, it's going to be glorious