Sup Forums absolutely annihilated
Sup Forums absolutely annihilated
>A movie about ethnic nationalism and the evils of rag heads
Why would we dislike this movie?
Because it has niggers in it
OP absolutely annihilated
Our plan is actually to make it insanely highly rated. Get with the times
What do you want to bet outside of ticket presales, nobody is actually going to show up to a movie theater to watch this shit?
There’s a secret plot (that validates the prejudice we feel towards deplorables) that isn’t working too well ( because it’s our delusion not an actual plot by human beings).
>block opinions
>gloat about it
Randall Coalburner has a point, the non-existant plan to discredit the fictional country of Wakanda is disgusting. We need justice for the rich and technologically advanced fictional black men.
They are so deep into their delusions that they act surprised when the conspiracies they made up don't happen
Panther vs. Gorilla?
More like And
We never seriously tried to tank the score.
>We've changed our algorithm from democracy to Reddit
That's all I read.
K, keep me posted
now i lurk fairly often, but when has there been a RT tank thread for this? christ as far as i remember there wasnt even one for the last jedi, just pol highlighting ones that were hateing vs paid (((critics))) and soyboy push back reviews.
so im guessing op article is just more bullshit blame game trying to hype up the left into thinking they can actually accomplish something.
i'm here every day and i've yet to see anyone call for tanking any score. neither did anyone call for the tanking of the last jedi's score. these are organic events, a lot like Trump winning the election, and don't require conspiracy to explain. op is a faggot obviously.
>Sup Forums ironically supports this movie because it advertises ethno nationalism and blacks will want their own state allowing us to have ours
IDK bout you guys. I'm downvoting this shit. Even if it was an A1 movie, niggers ruined that shit. Twilight was gay as fuck too but tweeny bitches made it worse too. So, in conclusion, downvote to oblivion. If whites are a majority, you're either downvoting or a soyboy.
Why don't we flip expectations and make the most patronizingly positive reviews that we can? These ideologues always have such one track minds and never think outside of the box in ways that we can fuck with them.
Just imagine if Black Panther was the #1 reviewed movie of all time, with the most thickly slathered and patronizing tone that we could possibly muster. Test the limits of liberal fidelity to bullshit.
Already downvoted this garbage movie
I've not heard a single person say anything about tanking the score. In fact I've heard a ton of people calling for to meme the niggers back to Africa.
Jews are literally incapable of telling the truth.
>implying Sup Forums had anything to do with this bullshit
Is this the standard industry excuse when their shitty SJW movies tank?
funny, id never been motivated to downvote movies bc i don't give a single fuck but i'd be motivated to do shit like this
Hillary is the DNC. She owns it. She literally bought it.
We are supporting a nationalist ethnostate, shill
>Randall Colburn
Just a coincidence??
>Sup Forums absolutely annihilated
How? Black panther is /our movie/
60 years ago maybe. Now... No fucking way you are disconnecting Latashansdaniquwa and her 8 bastard niglets from the fuck you white people gibs me dat jew matrix.
Whatever man. You got me, I used Reddit for a while. Who fuckin cares?
Whats to patronize? Wakanda is proof that an isolationist ethnostate is the true path
>the last jedi receives terrible ratings
>but it was a feminist masterpiece
>creates facebook group claiming that they rigged the scores
>rotten tomatoes says lol no that never happened
Now every time some shitty propaganda-filled movie is released which no one likes even though they were supposed to be totally into it there's going to be claims that the scores were rigged by Russian hackers.
But we like Black Panther. its about ethnostates and how they thrive.
What plan?
Why do they fail so hard at making false narratives for damage control?
You know downvoting isn't exclusive to reddit, right?
>Sup Forums absolutely annihilated
Proof that Sup Forums is massing a negative score for a film that is propping up a black ethnostate.
You're dumber than you think.
You stupid nigger, it's a plan by DC fans to try and attack Marvel movie ratings because Marvel fans hated all the DC movies and gave them bad reviews.
This. Never give into normies expectations. Make this shit marvel movie better rated than any other high class film and then if it doesnt get every award allow the left to rip apart the hollywood elite.
Leftists have no bullshit detector.
I have a troll account on reddit that I use to post about "my wife's black boyfriend that voted for Trump and hates Mexicans, and I disagree with him politically"
I continually get upvoted for that ridiculous shit.
covert? since when
so covert, we didn't even know we were doing it.
It's not Sup Forums. it is soy boy DC fans.
Sup Forums wants niggers to see this movie so they all move back to africa
Kek, nobody is even mad about this. It's a black character who was always black, no big deal. People get upset when you randomly change the race or gender of an established character, not when you just have black characters. These people are so fucking desperate for everyone else to be racists so they can feel special.
Also I fucking promise none of the people writing these articles had even heard of Black Panther before, I sure as fuck hadn't. I never gave a crap about comic books either and I don't pretend to now so I can debate the equality issues of kids movies on twitter.
am i a russia
I think it's great that dumb American niggers think that Wakanda is something more than a fictional location in a comic book being brought to the silver screen.
Their deep attachment and belief in something that doesn't exist at all, a fully developed and even advanced African nation, is wonderful to witness and mock.
Kangs went mainstream when this film hit cinemas.
That shit is brilliant.
exactly as we wanted.
I dont think anyone gives a shit either way about this movie. Its refreshing
I would kek heartily if Black Panther somehow won an Oscar? Why not make more naked the retardation of the modern film industry? They already Oscar'd some movie about gay niggers so its already up that path.
lying larping faggot
but you know a bunch have to die in some kinda incident.
Mfw white girls rate is as it really was
Only Thing the Black Panther ever did to elicit rage was marry Storm.
Various celebrities have made a big show of buying up whole theatres worth of tickets so that poor people (blacks) can see it on opening, hence why the pre-sales are so big.
What they don't realize is that if the movie is bad or if people are just not interested, all these pre-sales are going to make the 2nd weekend drop off look like the marina trench and enhance any narrative about how the film is unpopular by word of mouth.
I've already been preparing positive reviews for it's release. Get on my level, faggots.
Imdb staff. How can anyone ever believe the shills
all black cast movies tend to be terrible
john singleton is the only guy able to pull them off
Check 'em trips o' truth
>thinking anyone here cares about capeshit
So this is the 14th? 15th? Marvel movie set in the MCU
Panther has been around since the 60s, when they were looking to add diversity by creating new characters. Instead of today by just copying and pasting and saying it's equal.
If anything, it should be racist that it took Marvel this long.
15 fucking Marvel movies and we finally get a black lead?!
The fuck.
Because it's nigger capeshit based on a comic written by a jew and produced by a hollywood studio full of jews?
this was open day.
usually there are several hundred ratings and the IMDB people have rated it as well.
who cares
We should cultivate outrage that the special effects software and original story weren't all done by black people as well as the acting and directing.
Isn't this supposed to be about the potential of black people? Why not show that potential in the computer graphics?
lol at all the under 18 10 ratings
so they prepaid a bunch of school kids to see this and inflate their ratings is what actually happened here.
I thought the plan was the meme this movie up so niggers go back to africa?
the only thing that even irks me about the movie is that they are calling a movie with 90% black people the most diverse movie ever made ever.
Oh, and that they forgot Blade and Luke Cage existed.
You're an idiot. The film opens on February 16th, and the review embargo is going to be lifted 10 days prior, which is usually a good sign.
This would be great, becuase if they delete the reviews...
Rotton tomatoes is a filthy faggot faggot shithole anyway, we should have absolutely no reason to be sorry about if black panther's #1 on it.
You stupid nigger, it's a plan by DC fans to try and attack Marvel movie ratings because Marvel fans hated all the DC movies and gave them bad reviews.
I unironically think we should rally behind this movie. The MWGA would be a great way to redpill on ethno nationalism. Hollyweird BTFO again!
Who really cares if BP is #1 on Rotten Tomatoes? The website is such pleb basic bitch level tastes that it would hardly violate the "reputability" of RT if Black Panther rose to the top.
You know what to do boys.
Looks like the SJW faggots might have stepped up their game just a tad by trying to make us look ineffectual.
Nobody cares OP, because nobody watches Hollywood movies anymore. I haven't watched a Jew movie in over two decades.
>Sup Forums absolutely annihilated
looks like you're teh idiot
>covert plan
Are people really this delusional?
I can see the headlines already.
"White studios profiting from cultural appropriation" "Racist theatre staff won't allow phone calls during movie" "BLM protest for 4LOKO concessions "
right? it's been a decade since the scientology raids happened, shirley our secret club aint so secret
I havnt once seen a threat about "lets tank the RT rating for Black Panther" on Sup Forums
Is this just more subversion from the media that TLJ is the best movie ever and it was just Nazi trolls who ruined the rating? FFS No one I know likes that movie.
>fake plan we made up not working
jesus these people are boring
chekd' and kek'd
eat shit faggots
Affirmative action film
I don't remember seeing any threads about this shit
I thought it was pretty clear after social justice wars, the last marysue that the normies were starting to flip on hollywoods forced diversity
No reason to beat a dead horse
Hollywood can suck nuts. their PC sjw shit just ruined a shit ton of awesome movies and shows.
i mean, doens't it HAVE to at tisi point or less the nigs will chimp out on them?
is there any ebonic speech in this?
idk why, but whenever I hear someone say aks or the likes, my thoughts just move on to the next important thing.
is this a mental problem?
should I start putting fluoride in my water?
They know people are going to hate the movie, so they have to make up a reason why the ratings will be bad. In this case, the obvious excuse is muh alt right neonazi white supreeemacists.
Hollywood is actually collapsing, they tried to push their jewish propaganda too fucking hard and it's backfiring big time
I thought Sup Forums loved Black Panther because he's a Black Nationalist?