If you guys oppose MINIMUM wage, then you HAVE TO logically support the opposite: MAXIMUM wage
There's no way that some fat white CEO should be raking in MILLIONS a year just for sitting down behind his desk all day, making phone calls, flying to China and telling his workers to do ACTUAL work on the factory floor. No way. Especially when they employ people who need a sustainable living wage, like immigrants, college students and poor people.
See if I care if they can't afford their third yacht
Christian Clark
So you went from Mina to Toga?
Brody Hernandez
>if you oppose restrictions on pay then logically you HAVE TO support restrictions on pay
Okay sure whatever you say retarded faggot
Parker Reyes
So it looks like we have a pair of Trump supporters too stupid to give an actual response.
Chase Wilson
>misnaming the anime character in the file name >putting the purpose of the pic in the file name >using proper grammar in the file name >obviously shit logic
Jonathan Sanders
Oh no.
it's retarded
Hudson Long
he's trying to slander my favorite girls
Aaron Butler
If you're going to shitpost so poorly, at least have the decency to use a Canadian proxy.
Jose Gray
Part of me sides with the argument for a universal wage, I just can't work out how to compensate for higher skilled jobs like doctors or engineers when figuring out wage disbursement.
You would definitely have a lot more people pursuing their passions and not a paycheck.