What the fuck is this stupid shit? Do these people even care about their country and the corruption that's happening? These fucking morons...
Other urls found in this thread:
The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and the San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.
a very simple psyop
Yeah, those jokes suck. Paul Ryan one was ok.
>yo memo so stupid it looks like it was written on Sup Forums
>implying your thread is going anywhere during a major sliding event
can't you tell that the topic of the memo is verboten on Sup Forums right now? forum sliding on a massive scale for obvious reasons (i.e. it's politically unfavorable to the shills on here)
Well keep fucking bumping it then. This is a war.
Twitter is extremley liberal. Of course all the liberal shit will get popular and all the conservative shit will either be deleted, banned, or completely ignored. But then again, Americans are retarded and will eat up all the fear mongering anti-right bs the mainstream media will make up. You Americans are fucked.
We're not fucked. These are the vocal minority - most Americans can see through this bullshit. That's how Trump made it into office.
It's ok, Texas will become its own Republic again, and eventually we'll just take the rest of it back.
United States of Texas imminent. Lone Star Nation whoop!
I don't think the majority of Americans or twitter users have an issue with republicans.
Their issue is with Russia. They PWNED our election, and are actively taking measures for 2018 and Trump is giving Russia head pats.
I think Democrats like Trump if he had won with out the help of Russia.
this shit is awful
it's bad enough that the jokes are bad but the fact that these literal useful idiots are making a joke of un-elected scum spying on elected officials for political reasons
i mean, this is embarrassing
these fuckers need lead
oh, no - I meant because the memo is obvious and empty bullshit.
sorry that you're a real life retarded person
Hurts to see the lack of fucks given about privacy and the Constitutional rights of every American. They don't know how good they have it.
Bye bye Trumpsters. The blue wave is coming.
Hi shareblue
liberals have been complaining about FISA warrants for decades. democrats massively voted against re-upping the FISA system, but were defeated because it was INCREDIBLY POPULAR AMONG REPUBLICANS
now suddenly there's a complete 180, gee I wonder why. Probably it's the impeccable moral integrity of conservatives
it hurts more to see the 100% disingenuous pretense of giving a fuck about privacy
yea well yo mama so fat when she went bungie jumpin she went straight to hell
lol pol so butt hurt
They’re bought comedy isn’t funny to anybody but they’re convinced it will help them dull the outrage
lol imagine just heckin' and laughin' about secret courts attempting to favor certain candidates at the behest of an outgoing administration. Like heh, funny shit man, third world banana republic shit bro, eheh funny shit broooo
What did my ancestors do with the enemies of Our Republic, I ask myself?
Those fuckwads will make a good home here in Canada
I have a theory about what ACTUALLY happened. I came up with this on Monday, and today kinda confirms it.
>republicans create memo with classified information
>memo contains nothing
>plan to NEVER release memo
>build the memo up to be much more than it is
>use memo to create seeds of doubt in American people
>nobody will ever see memo with classified info so it's ok make it bigger than what it is
>Russia somehow gets copy of the memo (!!! this means there's a mole in congress!!!)
>Russia's plan is to force the memo to be released, and embarrass the Republicans
>(in case you didn't know, Russia isn't working with Republicans or Trump, they're just using them to destabilize America, if burning them helps destabilize America they'll burn them)
>Russia twitter bots storm the internet for 2 weeks
>Russia gets Trump to believe the memo will save his presidency
>Trump demands the memo be released
>republicans are forced to reveal the memo was a sham and there was nothing in it at all
>now russian troll army is making #yomemojokes trend on twitter
Dont even try to understand people like that.. Its a waste of time. Just see them for what they are.. dog shit. Dont get drawn into their world by giving them false sympathy or by trying to understand them. They will dig into you like some kind of inhuman vampire and rob you of your life without an ounce of regard. They do this shit, even to totally innocent people. Just see them for what they are and see the danger of being drawn into their world were they will screw you into the ground. You will never get back out from underneath it when you are falsely accused of being a pedophile by these angry ass people.
No, they only care about virtue signalling and crying on Twitter all day about inane bullshit. This is the life of a normie; sweeping everything that scares you under the rug so you can live a carefree life of being a useful idiot.
lol absolutely hilarious
It was only ever the Neocons who gave a fuck about FISA, now suddenly libs are slobbing on secret court knob after being against it *squints* just over a year ago
Talk about moral integrity
blue status: shared
>At least it has a happy ending
>It was only ever the Neocons who gave a fuck about FISA
explain all the FISA votes over the years then
and just because I believe in a fair justice system doesn't mean I think that drug dealer isn't getting off on a technicality when the warrant was improperly issued, you gigantic moron. Blew up in your dumbass faces, I'm not complaining
>implying that the steele dossier was the only piece of evidence that all the other evidence was based on
the whole memo is bullshit top to bottom regardless, sorry
None of these people actually care about the legalities. Although none of them will admit it to themselves, they want to win. Participating in politics offers them that avenue. They will mindlessly believe any propaganda thrown at them if it means getting their candidate in office. They live vicariously through their candidate. Every win for some politician they've never met is also a win for them and a justification for their existence.
what candidate?
>projection: the post
It's really fucking mindblowing. It's a matter of time before they get a real taste of reality when all their tweets and "taking to the streets" doesn't stop justice from being served. People will be fired and/or prosecuted. All the autistic screeching in the world won't change that.
>literally all neocons voting for secret courts
wow, you got me retard
>t-t-the whole m-memo is b-b-bulshit, drumpf is done for! secret c-courts are now a-okay!
At this point I really hope somebody is paying you to be this fucking retarded.
Yes it goes both ways. But I'm not a hypocrite, and that's not the issue at hand.
>pol not Sup Forums
fuck outta here
>retarded lemmings dictate the destiny of your nation
Welcome to (((democracy))), faggot.
Honestly it’s brilliant next level shilling. Nothing is makes something more unappealing than being mocked. By mocking the memo brain dead NPC normies will go well hurr I don’t wanna look stupid guess the memo is a nothing burger thank god I almost felt a synapse firing for a moment there
i once heard that mainstream modern culture was fun in the 90s [insert gen z jealous screeching because this era sucks]
>everyone with opposing opinion is a shill
russian bot status: cozy bears
>Do these people even care about their country and the corruption that's happening?
No. They hate our country. They are egocentric and narcissistic. They're consumerists and addicts with no regard for community or culture. They feign acceptance of minorities and immigrants to make themselves look superior to the "common folk." In reality, behind closed doors, they're the most racist, unaccepting, self loathing yet self righteous vermin you've ever met.
Texas is full of niggers, spics, and SJW faggots. Clean your own house, first.
Now these are bots if I ever saw one. These are jokes you generate on a crappy website and then copy onto twitter.
I repeat: what candidate?
Deflection. Shillblue-bots never sleep
most people are unaware of what's actually happening anyway, we're good
>the FBI has never found anything true
>the secretiveness of the court determines whether the warrant finds true things or not
it's always been secret courts, so what a great point you've made about how you disagree with them now that it's politically expedient for you to believe this
use it as fuel for day of the oven
Nice pasta.
>Do these people even care about their country
They hate the USA.
The more they meme the more exposure the memo gets.
Modern liberals are kind of like developmentally stunted children, they speak in sitcom catch phrases and have a naive trust in state as the benevolent good. So when strong evidence comes that shows contrary to that trust they short circuit and resort to Harry Potter or Star Wars fantasies.
Or in this case, they use 10 year expired memes that not even Big Bang Theory would touch.
its fucking true
the left cant meme
these people are so desperate they're resorting to shitting out recycled "yo mama" jokes that even middle school faggots won't touch anymore.
welcome to our timeline
>The more they meme the more exposure the memo gets.
Self-awareness was never their strong suit.
reddit doesnt even have a major thread on the main page yet, fuck that gay site
>but muh russia
Wrong thread shill
If this happened in Ireland politians would hang from nooses
This hits so true.
Sky is blue.
Grass is green.
The left can't meme.
"YoMemo!" Brought to you Hillary Clinton, the same comedic genius who has brought us such other classics such as "Donald Ducks his Taxes!"
So people are getting more money in their paycheck, Americans loved the SOTU speech, and the memo has revealed Watergate 2.0
Trump wins.
why does this make more sense than anything else?
>Self-awareness was never their strong suit.
>"more people seeing how bad the memo is will be a good thing "
>I think Democrats like Trump if he had won with out the help of Russia.
Holy fuck this board has been absolutely unbearable to browse lately. There's too many of these posts to just be ironic shitposting alone. Shit is getting worse than the weeks before the election.
the libs' new attempt at "is benghazi a scandal yet" which was effective
They cant respond to the memo so their answer is to deflect and minimize without actually responding to the allegations.
Damage control is in full swing Goyim.
> #YoMemo will die in her sleep if you do not reply to this post
This is pathetic
These degenerate cucks have never had an original thought. Is this because of collectivism?
But, today is opposite day.
>these fuckers need lead
They certainly do
They PWNED our election
>Saying PWND unironically in 2018
Your colleagues next to you stopped typing DNC talking points, glared at you, locked eyes and shot knowing looks of disgust, then went back to typing. You dropped a level on the office caste, hopefully you can make it up to the boss with another slobbery apologyblowjob. Good luck with that.
When Trump had that amazing town hall debate against Hillary the media and twitter users memed Ken Bone and Biden jokes for a pathetic week. This is what they do to ignore inconvenient stuff.
Oh they get paid burready gud dude. You're signing the checks.
>Create a problem
>Complain/attack/defend problem in public forum.
>Solve problem.
>Be heros to Kekistanis on reddit,TV
>Rewarded with budgets, more toys, raises, power
>Groom and mold next round of soft clay into their (not yours) blackmailed public servants
>liberal retards trying to meme
fucking painful
>hurr durr anti-racists are the real racists #MAGA
So that means it's not opposite day?
for retarded shills its always opposite day
It's true. Its not specifically racism but like an attitude towards all people that's full of cynicism and cruelty. I get this feeling when I watch sit coms or stand up, like every joke is ultimately based on the idea that everyone's terrible, miserable and don't care about each other. The left wing anti-hate message for these people is almost a rationalization of an aversion to seeing other people that love anything. Like "I can care less than you do, see I have no racism, no sexism. I hate everyone and think everyone is worthless"
It's almost as if watching their shithead president say racist things has a demoralizing effect on decent folks.
I am utterly surprised that the people forcing this don’t see how utterly cringey they are.
All this does is make gen z abandon them even more.
omg, did they ... did they just cutlurially appropriate nigger jokes?
I can't even