Orthodox Christianity

Putin is orthodox, what is orthodox? How does it differ culturally from more western sects? Is it more mystic?

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Catholicism split off from the Orthodox Christian church when some faggy pope told the Roman emperor "nah this fuckin retarded french dude is the emperor instead"


I like Orthodox personally, but I don't think it really matters, so long as you're not a prot.

Be warned though, the Western church is occupied by an anti pope atm

anti-pope? Are you referring to the pope himself?

Putin is KGB

Protip: never trust the KGB and his manipulations


Redpill me on the KGB bro

Yes, Francis is fucking insane, or possessed, or both.

they were selected and raised to be commies' attack and guard dogs, literally what makes those regimes oppressive and tyrannical

it's a special kind of "human" not really human


I am about to read the Gulag Archipelago, should probably get some good information from this.

Seems Pope Francis isn't a Catholic but a humanist, as he wants to merge the different religions comingling. Which the bible I would assume forbids

lol Muslims are not interested in commingling whatsoever

Only prots and cucked catholics believe in this kumbaya bullshit

There's nothing humane about that kiddy diddler

Stop being a newfag and go buy em:

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amazon.com/Origins-Fourth-World-War-Destruction/dp/0966687701/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1517628596&sr=8-6&keywords=Jeffrey Nyquist

that's the irony

relax, he is just a bad pope, he hasn't done anything all that crazy. None of his little press conferences have any effect on the dogma.

Pope John XXIII was much worse than this guy.

Christianity is based on an inversion of Zoroastrian mythos to REPLACE Roman Sol Invictus, the main faith in time of Christ, AND Stoicism, the most popular common philosophical system at the time. Both Stoicism and Sol Invictus or Mithraism have a bases in Persian Zoroastrianism, just as all "philosophy" does.

Jesus' father is YHWY = Set
>a god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion.[2] In Ancient Greek, the god's name is given as Sēth (Σήθ). Set had a positive role where he accompanies Ra on his solar boat to repel Apep, the serpent of Chaos.[2] Set had a vital role as a reconciled combatant.[2] He was lord of the red (desert) land where he was the balance to Horus' role as lord of the black (soil) land.[2]

>In Egyptian mythology, Set is portrayed as the usurper who killed and mutilated his own brother Osiris. Osiris' wife Isis reassembled (remembered) Osiris' corpse and resurrected him long enough to conceive his son and heir Horus. Horus sought revenge upon Set, and the myths describe their conflicts. This Osiris myth is a prominent theme in Egyptian mythology.

Illuminati's god = Venus/ISIS or her son Lucifer/Osirus, used as an anti-thesis to the Roman Christian violent jihad-like purges by the pagans and mystery schools which suffered from them.

Hence the two forces are:
Judeo-Christian NWO vs. Gnostic-Luciferian-Pagan NWO.



easly. Lucifer is only ever refered to as a man in the bible. There is not connection him as satan in any biblical are judaic mythology. To begin with it is not even a name but a title.

Thus making your connection to Osiris a fucking joke.

So I would say the Judeo-Christian NWO are the light side

orthodox Christianity is basically Christianity with unchanged dogma. basically, the romans decided their patriarch was super cool and way better than the rest of the patriarchs and came to the stunning conclusion that they don't need the others, so they made him the sole vicar of god.

uncoincidentally, the western church is humiliating itself because it subordinates god to human reasoning. the same with protestantism.

best not to stir the autists
(but if you are interested, this meme-y youtuber already debunked this autism.)


Putin is synagogue of satan.

>Lucifer is only ever refered to as a man in the bible.
Lucifer isn't in the Bible.
It's a Roman god.

>So I would say the Judeo-Christian NWO are the light side
Well they destroy shit too, so...?

boils down to this

Orthosoxy = KGB

It's not the original church. That was killed off by Commies.

lol @ those mental acrobatics unironically performed in the next post that replies to a post making fun of mental acrobatics.


Rejecting the pope. That's Protestant heresy