which one is worse?
/ptg/ vs /sg/
Pretty sure nothing in the history of Sup Forums has ever been worse than /ptg/. Gaymercancer was less of a tumor.
Whatever you say, Muhammad
from my pov of view, /ptg/ is evil
r/t_d needs to go back reddit
Syria isn't controlled by the Roshchilds, but Russia (who are helping Syria) are.
Can someone explain this geopolitical situation?
Why would anyone have a problem with Syria threads?
Triggered reddit SJW detected.
saved, here, have a meme
Both as fine...
Just make sure they don't spill out to each other
Their political stances are polar oppsites and are pretty venomous to each other
Russia intervened to keep Islamists out of the Russian SoI
Americans tried to change puppets from rebels to Kurds
Turks got scared and invaded
Show your real flag Shlomo
Russia is protecting a naval base, as well as blocking Saudis from building alternative oil routes. Syria's closest ally isn't even Russia, it's the DPRK.
Hail Assad
Wew you're not that smart. It's either Iran or Russia.
OP is an Israeli scum who is assblasted that we support everything they hate.
Both pure cancer
met my wife on /sg/
cant complain
At least /sg/ posters stay in their fucking thread and don't ruin the rest of the site with offtopic nonsense.
I'm an /sg/ regular, and don't dislike trump nor /ptg/.
One is dedicated to sucking the dick of the current ZOG puppet of America, the other supports a Government who is one of like 4 remaining Governments without a Rothschild owned bank. Decide for yourself.
They're both equally shitty and full of autistic-types.
/ptg/ although both should be removed /ptg/ brought in the redditors who are ruining Sup Forums. Plus it is redundant. Trump won, he isn't up for reelection for another three years, you don't need to perpetually defend his actions in a circlejerk.
what's wrong with either of them? I don't browse either of them consistenly and they don't seem to bother me.
They spawned the current flood of generals so now every election in every irrelevant country and every conspiracy theory needs its own general. There are about a dozen generals or similar threads up at any one moment.
Trumplets are cancer, they leak all over the board with their retarded threads about the same shit over and over, it getting to the point where you have 4 fucking threads talking about the same shit with retarded trumpfags acting in their cringe retarded way.
They need to go back to plebbit and i hope it will teach you faggots that your retarded internet political activism led to the state of this place.
>The one that's been the colonial cunt, and reka of history since beginning of their timeline.
PTG is the worst thread in all of Sup Forums
literally T_D
memba when we hated the jews?
/sg/ is pure ass. At least /ptg/ was tolerable during the election, even though they have overstayed their welcome. /sg/ has always just been idiots worshipping a sandnigger that doesn't matter to anyone except them.
/ptg/ obviously. Generals should be banned because of them and because generals are always fucking cancer.
And /ptg/ is sucking the cock of a Zionist.
one is a kike puppet the other is kike kryptonite
I wonder who is behind this post
The same twenty shitskin refugees who post in the Syria gen and muttpost threads produce almost as much content as the MAGApedes.
They probably get hype every time one of their cousins in the refugee camp get shot or exploded kek.
/sg/ is the good kind of autism that is well informed but caustic and annoying
/ptg/ is the bad reddit kind of autism that's just repulsive
Are those r/faggots at ptg anti-Assad? Imagine being so hyped up on NeoCohen propaganda
Lmao, I also forgot to mention that the Muslims who worship him get really sensitive when you criticize good emperor Assad.
/sg/ doesnt spam /pol with the same shit threads, cancer memes while being retarded redditfags that have no clue about the boards culture. Although /sg/ is a circle jerk they never leak their shit into the rest of the board and dont make 4 threads about a stupid fucking word some orange nigger said on his twitter. Its very telling that most of /ptg/ are fucking mutts they perfectly exemplify your fat pig nations iq and insecurity.
My fucking ass /sg/ stays in their thread. Every single time something remotely positive is said about Trump, someone shows up to post that picture of him at the Jewish wall or some other shitty spam like that. I originally came here to talk about politics, and while I dislike the goddamn spam for Trump that used to happen, most of it has been replaced by spam that goes along the lines of "Trump is a like puppet that only mutts and rural and suburban retards voted for, he launched missiles at le based muslim so I KNOW he's jooish".
My point exactly.
t. K*rdish communist
That fucking projection you /ptg/ fag, most of /pol hates you and your fucking general, people spam mutts because its easy to trigger you mutts with it, nobody cares about /sg/ they are irrelevant while faggots like you spam this board with trumpshit 24/7. The only shills that exist on this board are trump shills that suck not only trump cock but nigger and jew one as well like the good goys you are.
Its laughable that you say you want political discussion while your retarded plebbit brothers spam the first page of this board with trump shit. (You) and the rest of you reddit filth have no contribution to this board except for being the laughing stock and easy targets for quick (You)'s.
Here's a mutt for you mutt.
/ptg/ and /cbts/ are the worst by far. This board has been filled with MAGApede spam since the election and its high time they fuck off.
I don't see whats so bad about /sg/'s though.
Sell me your cousin as a bride please
>t. unironic hillaryvoter
> Everyone is a shill if they dont love our orange nigger
Good try trump shill.
>Every single time something remotely positive is said about Trump, someone shows up to post that picture of him at the Jewish wall or some other shitty spam like that
Are you fucking joking m8? Do you even post here? I can't make any criticism of Trump no matter how small without a million chesscucks calling me a shill.
Both have their share of shitty people. /ptg/ has a good amount of boomers who literally worship Trump and wouldn’t dare criticize him, while /sg/ has a lot of Khomeinists who don’t realize that Assad’s i
i didn't say he was a shill, i just said he voted for hillary.
drumpf doesn't need shills anymore (he did when he launched his campaign though)
ideologically opposed to Shia extremism
/cbts/ and /dss/ are far worse. The larpers/tripfags/larping tripfags are the most cancerous fucking idiots ive seen on this website since i started coming her e in 2006
/ptg/ is full of 14 yrs old cringy kids from reddit, /sg/ is basically a bunch of russian shills under proxies.
It's as though the majority of Sup Forums users are Americans and primarily concerned with American politics rather than Arabs concerned with the minutia of sand wars
i am not proxying my shit
One loves kikes, the other one hates kikes.
That's all you need to know.
Allah, Souriya, Bashar, ou bas
>supporting 100% brown sandniggers
>supporting at least 56% whites
this is a no brainier
/ptg/, i can't see why anyone would hate /sg/
reminder that brown sandniggers are counted as white by the US government
Absolute state of mutts
and yet assad and his sandnigger pals are still 100% smelly brown people
Even if 1% of Trumptards were white they'd still be beating assadcucks
They are as white as you
/ptg/ is by far the most incidious cancer to ever grace Sup Forums. /ptg/ is the gateway for everybody new. they're basically Trump sychopants that can't tolerate rational discussion or any opinion that differs from their own, basically right wing SJWs. I wouldn't mind them so much if they would just fuck off back to plebbit. /sg/ doesn't bother me whatsoever and even if they did they're not very numerous to have an effect like /pgt/.
it would be hilarious if it weren't so sad. Their entire national identity is composed of being ambiguously "white" with no unifying culture, history, language, or religion, yet their country is 52% "white" including Jews, Morroccans, Turks, etc.
Drumpf general of course
have you ever been there? it's literally bunch of young adults talking about anime, posting memes and pictures of women they find attractive i.e quintessence of modern day Sup Forums
and they wont leave because
>our cancerous thread been here for 2 years mmkay sweetie? ;)))
Its ok their culture is McDonalnds, niggers and jewllywood. Im pretty sure they with that they can make something good with their little mutt hearths in the right place before it shutdowns after all the fat.
> have you ever been there? it's literally bunch of young adults talking about anime, posting memes and pictures of women they find attractive i.e quintessence of modern day Sup Forums
> and they wont leave because
> >our cancerous thread been here for 2 years mmkay sweetie? ;)))
You just described /sg/. Except for /sg/ is also full of grills and literal commies.
i'm screening your post friend. it's one of the best and most accurate I've seen here.
>talking about ambiguous culture with an EU flag on
O i am laffin
opinion discarded
>in all fields