Hey Trumpettes, if you're going to take credit for the DOW going up you have to take credit for it going down too.
Dow drops
>Time to short the Market, thanks Trump for making normies buy stock at ridiculous high P/E
Who all in VIX here?
It went down because of Obama instated policies
Umm, okay? Is that all?
In ancient rome 666 was the code for NERO
nothing new under the sun eh
So, is this finally the beginning of Trump's economy or will you claim it's still Obama's economy a week from now?
Whatever you need to tell yourself. The truth is the president has little to nothing to do with it.
you do realize it's all make believe, right?
the stock market literally runs of what people believe
Fine by me. I have a stable 401k with fantastic allocations and will have a safe $2million by the time I'm 55. It's fine.
Poor joos lost lots of shekels today. Boo hoo
Yes I do, even when it was high. But that didn't stop Trumpetts from taking credit for it.
Turns out doj treason is bad for the economy.
Oh wow a 2.5% drop. Not even close to an actual correction.
I wonder if it has something to do with the memo and the deep state getting called out.
RSI overbought on large and mid cap stocks, so ready to start shorting. I might break six figures this year if everything goes well.
I'm sure it wasn't the threat of fucking civil war by a bunch of retarded commies that never follow through.
okay niggers, every day trader and their grandma knew the Market was overpriced, normies bought high and now they are regretting it.
The bull run that started with Obama is over. Now all those Trillions in the market are gona hit the streets and you will have massive inflation.
Get on VIX, GOLD, Bitcoin and Start shorting if you want to make money, it's gona get ugly.
The FED will increase rates in order to soak up inflation, when the FED increases interest rates it cause a massive market correction because capital will be more expensive to borrow and will cut into profits.
Money is a zero sum game.
I love to trade volatility. Something tells me you do not? Please explain your short position and how your are playing the VIX.
Or you just shilling...
2% drop is just slightly outside of a normal trading day... and happens all the time.
Broker doesn't allow to short VIX, so I just Play UVXY.
Usually I'll get out when it tests a support, if the support is broken on the VIX I'll get on the inverse and vice versa.
My Short positions are on small caps with ridiculously high P/E and no earnings, those are the first to break.
aren't you the same shill that said the economy was inherited by obama that trump is profiting from? you cucks really need to make up your mind
>stock market fluxuates
It's just a cohencidence.
Sounds legit. Not that I would recommend technical trading to anyone.
I trade the S&P 500 eMini futures and options. Mostly the options unless I get stuck with the futures. Looking to buy cheap volatility options and sell high ones, but typically just end up front-spread.
Markets go up and down you dumb fuck.
This. Even a leaf can be right twice a day.
lmao this is what the roman catholic said when the protestant found out the papacy is the antichrist, martin luther said so himself and many more
gold always falls when economy falls, why invest in gold? in 2008 gold fell
>Dow plunges to close down 666 points
What does it mean?
It's literally because the job report numbers were so good that the fed will raise inflation rates.
It went down because of obama
2 (Two) years into trumps presidency
Nope this is Jewish activist investors
trump owns the stock market u filthy dindu
trump took ownership for the economy
its still obamas economy desu
It's down because the bad behaviour of democrats became public.
I took ownership for the economy, it's my fault now.
Crashing the market is the biggest card up (((their))) sleeve but they know Trump will audit the Fed if they don't pull it off right.
Trump is daring them to do it every time he brags about the economy.
give me 1 (one) reason to care about the (((economy)))
Dow goes up 7k pts
>It's Obama that did dat! Trump is an orange loser, and he's just making fatcats rich!
Dow goes down 666 pts
>Do ho ho! What now, Blomphkins!? This is all that orange buffoons fault!
>Fed says interest rate hike is coming
>market reacts
>libfags jerk off furiously, mumbling "DRUMPF!!!"
nah, we can just blame it on Obama.
Obama blamed everything bad that happened during his 8 year presidency on Bush.
That means Trump can do the same to Obama.
Came to say this
>>dow down 666 points.
>Obamaleaf wastes his life spamming
>just for the heeelarious pleasure of offhandedly denying it later
Wouldn't put it past him.
that's because Trump DID have a lot to do with it you fucking dumb.
You mean when it goes back up? Well then it'll of course be Obama's again right sweety? Ask yourself this how come they never raised interest rates under Obama for 8 years but they have rapidly and will keep rapidly raise rates under Mr 2 Scoops?
>dow goes up
>dow goes down
God damn I hate liberals.
nice trips
>amid fears of rising interest rates
As in the kike Yellen at the Federal Reserve trying to sandbag Trump.
I think the writer is of course a kike trying to spin it of course though.
>We're only doing it because the economy is doing so well goy
Basically admitting Obama had stagnant growth without ever calling their pet nig out on it.
>666 drop
I guess we won't need to deal with obnoxious, overly christian doomsayers, since a Republican is in office instead of a Democrat. That is certainly nice.
dumb niggers
dont you see
Trumps SOTU
the train incident involving paul ryan
markets going down with a evil number as the amount
they're pulling all their strings because they're mad at Trump
they still haven't seen Trumps hand yet
>tfw bought high dividend stocks at low P/Es that perform well in recessions and are linked to commodities
Nope. If it goes up, it’s due to trumps brilliance. If it goes down, it’s all Obama’s fault. Now fuck off.
The smallest drop under Drumpf is a catastrophe and the largest gain is ignored. Only "autistic" people notice any of this. "Normal" people just go with the flow like 1984 or Brave New World. Here have your soma and your 2 minutes of hate and your sensory VR porn to a population purposely not taught civics or critical thinking.
hey goys, forget about the market just go to /biz/ and buy crypto. they really know what they are talking about and every post is supported with extensive dd.
>thinking yellen is still chair
How did you two get into trading stocks and where should I start?
They'll try to crash the economy just before the 2020 elections. This is their trump card to get a dem in the office. It's all in their Jewish programs like the simpsons, predictive programming.
I swear upon the internet which I love that my boomer Dad told me tonight that "It's the end of Democracy, Trump has ruined the market and is firing eveyrone at the FBI" then bailed when I tried to tell him the entire dossier was fake and how it says Trump went into the bathroom and shouted that he hated black people because he wouldn't say niggers or offend those poor piss prostitutes. FML senpai. Hold me Pol.
Checked and presumably correct, very astute observation user.
clearly a response to the memo
I literally walked up to the options trading floor and asked the receptionist to help get me a job. The receptionist ran out on the trading floor, spoke to a brokerage firm with a lot of runners and got me a job starting at 6am the next morning. Worked my way up to a market maker.
Now you do not need to do all that to learn stocks. Just open a brokerage account with whatever funds you have. Then whenever you get a bonus or tax return buy a stock with it.
Stay away from penny stocks and stick to names you know.
Then make sure you open an Roth IRA for stocks when you have the extra money. Any stock you have a large capital gains in can be used in a pinch down the road to make large purchases like a house without tax consequences.
Stay away from anyone talking about moving averages, charts, lines, bands, etc... just buy stocks you believe in.
I bought NFLX for $19 because I liked them.
Remember this... you get rich through concentration and stay rich through diversification.
Ohh and if you want a career in stocks, but do not live near a trading floor (Chicago/NY/Phily) go to a brokerage house and ask if they will hire you while you get your Series 7 license. You can still do lots of things, you just cannot trade for clients.
Then when you are there focus on being an expert on things people hate. Like margin and derivatives.
Once you get the 7, start getting as many more as they will let you get. If they will not sponsor you for more that is your cue to move on.
Good luck!
I like it. Da joos lost lots of shekels today and it makes me smile.
Markets will fluctuate especially when a big news story breaks. One week from now it will be back on track. Screen cap this so your faggoty ass will remember I told you so.
Okay, you're illiterate to begin with, so I'll use small words:
The big number went down because of what the bad men did at the Federal Reserve.
Okay? Got that, pinhead? "Obama's instated policies" had shit to do with it.
>credit for it going down too
Yes it's a relief, it went crazy high too fast, time to consolidate.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Nice try, faggot. Bitcoin is toast, over, dead. Go try to pump your worthless crypto somewhere else, you dumb fucking rube.
The move on the market today was needed, and will lead to more growth in the future. I fully expect that all losses today will be restored within a month. I've been around a lot longer than your dumb ass, seen this plenty of times before. But you keep shilling your dumb crypto. I won't go into how dumb going into gold is, your botcoin bullshit is funny enough.
But it doesn't happen all the time.
The market retreated for known reasons, and we'll probably see more of this type moving forward. We've been stagnant in low interest rate land for so long, there's going to be needed adjustments as rates start to go up. It will all adjust and the lost value will return, but this is not normal in any way. Stop talking out of your ass, just because a bunch of retards who don't know shit about investing and the markets are running their mouthes, and desperate Cryptofags are trying to shill their fake coins to stop the orderly death march off the cliff that their "investments" are going through.
Holy shit we gon die soon.
kek btfo
If you have to ask that, you're not ready to risk money yourself. If you have a couple thousand, go open an account at Meryll Lynch or Ameriprise, they'll assign you an account rep, and they can walk you through solid, long term investments.
If you want to day trade, start reading. Go get as many books on it as you can find. Sign up to investing forums, and read. Ask questions. Set up a fake account at Morningstar after a couple of months, and pretend day trade on paper. Do this for a year. Keep reading and educating yourself for that year. Your "trades" at Morningstar are free, so play around. Take risks. Educated risks. Experiment with imaginary trades for at least a year.
Then, maybe then, you're ready to jump in with a couple thousand you can afford to lose, and start making some small trades. You'll probably lose some of it, at best break even, but you'll learn. Keep doing this until you start seeing growth in your trades, and start pushing the money you have to invest up.
You're not going to get anywhere without doing all of that, and you WILL lose all your money if you don't. The Market loves suckers who don't know shit and jump in with no experience or knowledge.
>Trump isn't responsible for the economy flourishing the moment he won the election and every day since. That was Obama's doing.
>The markets taking a nosedive today is all Drumpf's fault! Impeach!
>kek gives digits of gold
"hey pol take credit for this
rollin' for a massive financial crash that ravages the US, plunging the nation into the pits of a third world hell, where people have to resort to cannibalism to fill their bellies while human excrement floods the streets as a result of the complete breakdown of govenment sanitation services.
Its clearly all George's fault. Faggot cant sell shit.
Define "all the time"? It is outside a typical one day standard deviation, but it is far from extraordinary.
Do you watch the markets or just read liberal garbage news?
After all the fed gov's dirt is aired, the DOW will probably drop down to 1,000.
>wells fargo issue
>i lost 6k on my ira. it will bounce back though
>worst since june 2016
>we've had a record breaking period with no corrections
>things growing exponentially
eh, i've always said trump was a retard for laying claim to the market gains. America's been doomed to a massive depression since the 1980s, maybe longer.
One man cannot take credit for the earnings (good or bad) of so many companies. But, he can create an environment where companies want to invest in America instead of driving them overseas like Obummer.
And to think there are STILL people here who mock Ron Paul's economic policies...
One bad day, has to do with Obama spending cash like a retard, it'll be ok. The fed is playing its tricks that they have to raise rates, anything to stop the Trump economy and slow it down, not a big deal though.