Whats the most important emerging technology?
Whats the most important emerging technology?
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wouldnt it have to be AI?
quantum entanglement
Sex robots
I would say the tech where you can upload information into your brain
also anti-aging tech being developed by Google and AncestryDNA
Wait a second quantum entanglement is a technology?
It is just an observable fact, there will be technologies to come from what we learn about it but its not a technology in itself
Quantum communication
current research into proving finland exists
bend over and I'll show ya
Whatever one kills us all.
Deep learning, but even the people running that shit don't really know what it is.
I'm referring to the research itself going into it as an emerging technology, realistic consumer grade applications are decades away imo
quicker shitposting
My cock, trannyhuman scum
> Blockchain
>Whats the most important emerging technology?
Muh dick. You guys should invest. It has enormous growth potential.
Stem cells
AI, alpha go zero
I thought your image said loli based on the thumbnail.
nano technology will be used to eat fat and other bad shit from our bodies and they will be used to clean our water and oil spills air pollution. Garbage men are essentially the riches mofos in the future funny enough
Mel was on Joe?
Did he went full Final Solution?
Sauce me brah
It will be used to kill almost all of us.
rusbot is getting pretty strong
In order
>anel rodriguez
There isn't one. We peaked about 50 years ago and have been declining since then.
Were technology, not Canada.
Fusion, then 3D organ printing.
Its a curious shame how so little work is going into perfecting either of these.
Blockchain is a meme, just like "dah cloud, mang" was 6 years ago.
Thick waifu bots.
AI or genetic engineering advancements.
fossil fuels
we have brave new genders to discover, bigot
Plz explain?
These digits.
An AI will be able to achieve superintelligence far faster than genetic engineering can. A generation takes 18 years, an AI could reprogram itself in 18 seconds.
Aubrey de Grey and the SENS Research Foundation are also doing research to end the aging process
Genetic engineering/stem cell research
Fusion power
Smart Contracts.
Artificial wombs will solve the roastie problem and save the white race
self driving in general
personal cars, moving cargo, machines of war
Has Sup Forums signed up for cryonics yet?
None of them.
Well, now I'm flaccid
machine learning and assclowns united
Its touted as "decentralized", just like "cloud storage". The internet is not decentralized, no sub-network within the internet is truly decentralized, and therefore blockchain is not decentralized. Why is the internet not decentralized? Its called a DNS - all traffic required consulting a DNS to resolve a text string to an IP address. That requires centralization. As with the cloud bullshit, it also requires an internet connection. Not decentralized in the slightest, and not nearly as reliable as it is marketed to be.
Cultured meat grown in labs is important from an effective altruist perspective, since non-human animals vastly outnumber humans, and it will solve the factory farming problem.
Computer vision and machine learning. They have been around for decades but the computing power and code libraries are becoming far more accessible and the applications will replace unskilled workers.
Exactly! See, we could print up whatever new sex organ the snowflake wants, then sew it directly onto its crotch.
I'm actually looking forward to lab meat. No hormones, no blood; just a slab of protein.
What does Sup Forums think of pic related?
>no blood
>just protein
Gross. Enjoy your iron deficiency.
This, of course. When the "intelligence explosion" occurs.
You could always just dig it out
>implying you couldn't add iron to the meat or produce blood cells in the lab
Don't count on it. They'll make it mandatory for being in certain sensitive areas and then eventually the whole public will be required. They'll make it too convenient to want to remove it. Then they really will have more control on society and individuals.
>muh AI
The singularity is a fucking meme. No one understands how the brain works and no one knows how to program a truly intelligent AI, no shitty neural networks aren't "strong AI".
The idea that the singularity will happen in 2045 is based on the assumption that moore's law will hold up until then (when IRL it stopped in 2014) and that somehow, having a lot of processing power magically translates into AGI for no reason. It's literally a fucking religion for redditors.
Also the answer to your question is embryo selection based on IQ and physical features. That is 10 years away or so.
In the last year or so I've seen a lot of demented faggots begging for "lab grown meat", almost all of them have been evangelical vegans, to a mentally ill extent.
I first heard about stretched-meat, artifically grown from stem cells, 20 years ago. It was a horrifying thought.
Funny how millenial fundamentalist freaks relish the idea.
I long for a global nuclear war, you don't deserve the planet.
AI, followed by VR. In a decade, assuming we haven't all nuked each other, the world will be a very different place.
Lab grown meat. By not raising 10's of millions of cows/chickens, it'll be massive environmentally.. somethin like 30-40% of all pollution comes from farm animals/production of them. The whiny enviros will have to come up with something new to complain about.
>The singularity is a fucking meme. No one understands how the brain works and no one knows how to program a truly intelligent AI, no shitty neural networks aren't "strong AI".
Not an argument. Just because people don't understand these things now doesn't mean they never will.
>The idea that the singularity will happen in 2045 is based on the assumption that moore's law will hold up until then (when IRL it stopped in 2014) and that somehow, having a lot of processing power magically translates into AGI for no reason. It's literally a fucking religion for redditors.
Moore's Law becoming obsolete doesn't mean that the Singularity will never happen, retard. Computing power will still increase but at a slower rate, and will eventually reach a point where it can recursively improve itself.
>Also the answer to your question is embryo selection based on IQ and physical features. That is 10 years away or so.
See . An AI would be able to rewrite its programming to become smarter orders of magnitude faster than it takes to edit DNA and for generations to pass.
They are going to make a 'life extender' drug which will be specifically coded to each person. People will buy it, thinking it will keep them alive forever. Shortly afterwards they will reveal that you need to take it for the rest of your life, otherwise you die within a month from withdrawal.
All the poor will die, the middle class and above will become slaves to the elite.
Brainwashed cancer
The ability to create humans from synthetic DNA would be pretty interesting from an ethics perspective.
Virtual reality and nanomachines. One or both of those will definitely kill us all, so that's pretty important.
AI in combination with cryptocurrency
Quantum computing, if they can make it work for classical computing
Medical Tech - Gene Editing, Stem Cells, 3D organ printing
Materials Science with 3D printing
>the middle class and above will become slaves to the elite.
Slavery is pointless when any job the slaves could do could be automated
I have a feeling that you kind of people would be first in line for whatever cancer they have to inject you with, as long as it is modern and advertised.
"WOW these aids biscuits are great. Only have the sugar of normal biscuits and I don't have to worry about catching aids from faggots anymore, because I already have it, amazing."
>muh they're wrong because they're soyboys
Not an argument
There won't be many people left, but enough that the top few can feel power.
Power over mindless machines means nothing, power over helpless humans is everything.
How much soy have you eaten today, and how much semen.
Every other one of you lunatics has been a self proclaimed vegan/vegetarian, unless it is just the same 3 faggots repeating it endlessly.
Kill yourself, then you won't have to eat any food.
This + IOT(Internet of Things)
AI isn't emerging at all and is highly unlikely to progress until we many orders of magnitude faster/ more efficient computers.
It's important to differentiate neural networks from AI. Nn's are amazing but they're 2 dimensional compared to authentic AI.
Them being faggots doesn't mean that cultured meat is a bad idea
Your only argument is muh feels
This is beyond retarded. Sure these things are centrally accessed through the internet, however almost every industry that runs today requires the internet in order to function. If you want to say that they aren't decentralized because they require the use of the internet, you might consider that banking, logistics, commerce, and ultimately society would fail due to its dependence on the internet.
Weaponized anti AI hijacking the equivalent of a Nuclear weapon against the MSM.
> cryptocurrency
Why does this meme persist?
It is bound to become no different than government meme-dollars. Money is the same to people, no matter how it is implemented.
If you want a revolution, you need to deal with the PEOPLE responsible. Making a new currency which those same PEOPLE can exploit in new and exciting ways will not solve anything.
>government meme-dollars
There is no central point of authority/failure
>Making a new currency which those same PEOPLE can exploit in new and exciting ways will not solve anything.
nvm you clearly have no idea what you are talking about
government meme-dollars are based on personhood. you need a name and address. encrypted currency has no such requirement, thus AI can use it online and it can't be decrypted to discover if it's an autonomous agent or an actual person behind it.
I am a longevity researcher and this is mostly true. There is no conceivable treatment that could be taken once and provide permanent agelessness - the only way to obtain agelessness is by periodic maintenance / rejuvenation of the body (although that period could be as long as decades, especially for certain biological processes like the accumulation of senescent cells...it's hard to imagine a hypothetical treatment that would only extend life by months even if such a thing were desired; drugs just aren't that precise).
>People will buy it, thinking it will keep them alive forever
Anyone who thinks that is incredibly retarded and deserves what they get for not even understanding freshman-level biology desu
Mind to maschine control and command technology.
Its by far the first step to making the world even more efficient. Especially if we can directly upload out thought and command other people will know exactly what you mean.
It basicly solves the issue with voice communicated info and speech.
Mind to machine connection enable the making of parts and machines with just the imagination.
It enables us to make artificial limbs that actually work.
Exoskeletons and primitive mechs could come from this.
Mind to maschine communication is the first step to a super advanced civilisation.
AI sex robots on the blockchain
Dat AI in dem sexy sex dolls
Its the same as Git: Everyone needs the same copy of the blockchain, just as everyone generally works with the same copy of the repo. It doesn't mean its decentralized; it means it distributed. Marketers could at least used the correct terminology when shilling it.
Try to keep as much of your infrastructure OFF the internet as possible. Online store? Well, the best you can do is keep those assets and records in one secure place, not spread them everywhere. This is especially problematic for some government contractors: "Oh, don't worry, we've put all related FOUO data on the cloud. Its perfectly secure, and you can access it from anywhere. Also, don't worry about your browser pinging some server in China every time you log in..."
If someone is selling you a lock, they already have the keys. Be very worried about anything that has a marketing effort behind it, not matter who is funding it. If money is being spent on "open source" technology, it means there is a financial advantage to be had by doing so. Altruistic academic discourse does not exist outside of graduate school, and most certainly not among proponents of this crypto crap.
its machine.
fucking dropped.
Cas9 crispr desu
>designer babies
>rewrite genes
Nice meme
Sorry leaf. I must have let some of my Übermensch german slip in.
Sorry for the wrong spelling and shit.
Machine is called Maschine in german.
As I said. It slipped in.