Has Hannity gone insane?
Has Hannity gone insane?
Millions of people plead guilty to crimes they never committed everyday. Our justice system is a pile of shit.
>Flynn plead guilty to a crime
What they don't realize is that McCabe falsified 302 Witness statements relating to his interviews.
Oh so Page is innocent too right? even though he was investigated back in 2013?
Damn deep state crazy...
no, he is slowly regaining his sanity
Flynn entered a plea deal because the glow in the dark niggers were going after his son to get to him.
Pleading guilty doesn't necessarily mean you did it. Sometimes its just a cheaper/faster/safer way of getting things over with.
This line of thinking contradicts what a lot of Democrats believe. They hate the plea system because they say it targets minorities and forces them to plead guilty to things they didn't do. Look it up.
domestic crime investigated by local police (most of which aren't too smart lets be honest) is being compared to the fbi investigating dirty russian money leading to a key campaign manager?
Rosenstein must be fired immediately.
Don Jr posted emails showing they were in talks with the Russians for dirt.
Bannon, Sup Forums's hero, admitted this was insanely dumb to do.
Page has been investigated long before Steele or Trump became relevant.
Trump has refused to enforce law he signed.
Now the defense is
> deep state forced him to plead guilty! doesn't mean his guilty!
Oh boy
>Pled Guilty to lying to James Comey
>Actually Guilty
You're assuming this happens only in local cases or cases where the police are dumb. People take plea deals all the time for things they didn't do. At the local, state, and federal level.
Nice try though.
fuck off kike
Flynn got let off light. If you have the POTUS backing you, of all fucking people, you don't take plea deals unless you flipped.
>Oh so Page is innocent too right? even though he was investigated back in 2013?
wow somebody being investigated means they're guilty of a crime? are you a fucking idiot?
>fbi investigating dirty russian money leading to a key campaign manager?
you do realize that Manafort's indictment had nothing to do with Russia and happened before the campaign?
Ukraine is not Russia
It doesn't matter. Malfeasance on the part of the State invalidates investigations all the time, even where guilt is obvious. It doesn't matter what "needs" to happen according to Sean Hannity, it's what WILL happen as soon as Manafort and Flynn's lawyers get in to see their respective judges.
If they started survailing him as a result of illegally obtaining the FISA warrant, then he has a legitimate case to have the charges dropped entirely.
Giving him a lot of credit here.
Hannity is a patriot
You're retarded. No one is going to risk going to prison by relying on someone else to help you out. In that situation the only person Flynn can think about is himself.
No it means the memo mains claim, which we already knew, was that the warrant was illegal because it was based on Steele and dem funding. (Even though it was funded by repubs first which Sup Forums likes to forget)
But we know now that they have more then just that in order to have gotten the warrant in 2016. They had been following pages crooked ass since 2013. Face it. Its crumbling down and your ego will never allow you admit defeat. it'll be too embarrassing.
Great so now you understand that if he was only thinking about himself, and was innocent, then there was no reason for him to take the plea deal.
Trump only hires the best. And the best got caught.
> mfw the repubs own memo proved the NYT right about Papadopoulus
Neither one will be charged with a crime.
Uh oh.
You know, once Mueller is done with Drumpf Hannity is next. He better be sweating.
the law Trump signed gave him the discretion to not enforce it you shill
huh duh mmuuuuuhhh
Hannity is a shill
Nope he had until Monday. It came and went. First president to refuse to enact sanctions on Russia. And you idiots think its because he "just didn't have to".
The state of Sup Forumstards lady and gents.
This is demonstrably false. Plea deals can save you money, time, and most importantly jail/prison time. Innocent or not, when you're threatened with 5 years in prison or pleading guilty and facing no jail time with cooperation, a lot of people will take the plea deal.
*any sanctions that is
Flynn wouldnt be in the situation if he wasnt being witch hounded with a BS premise in the first place. The FBI can then open false investigation on anybody at will and just wait for them to lie or get something wrong on accident once then nail you.
> facing no jail time with cooperation
> with cooperation
And what type of cooperation do you think would have been useful enough for Mueller to offer this deal? If he had nothing on him Flynn would have gotten pardoned.
Not enforcing sanctions on Russia is an obvious move towards getting their help in dealing with the North Korea situation. The US really needs both Russia and China on board with whatever non-military action they want to take(most likely economic sanctions) and the military option is increasingly looking non-viable unless they're prepared to start a global war. Of course a partisan political investigation that has consistently turned up nothing is clearly more important than trying to prevent the outbreak of nuclear war in the Korean peninsula.
Their side of the story. Cooperation doesn't necessarily mean dirt.
So you not only think Trump hasn't been the one making war more of a possibility doing his regular dome shit, but that the reason why he refused to follow his own oath and the constitution was so they could work with Russia on the North Korea situation?
My god you're stupid. They could post an audio clip of Trump himself talking to Putin and committing treason and you idiots would still defend him.
"Flynn pleaded guilty in December to lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. in the month before Trump took office. He has acknowledged that he is cooperating with Mueller's investigation."
> u-uh-mmm... Thats just their side of their story! I'm sure he pleaded guilty for other non obvious reasons!!!
> I've been taught to ignore critical thinking and just ignore everything on "their side"!
Man or man.
not so sure about manafort but fucking leave flynn the fuck alone
Man oh man*
pic related
How long until Hannity is full 14/88?
>So you not only think Trump hasn't been the one making war more of a possibility doing his regular dome shit
US foreign policy is not built around Trumps tweets despite what MSNBC may have told you. If you were in the loop you'd be more worried about the fact the military minds at the Pentagon are pushing for a limited preemptive strike than funny nicknames for Kim from the president.
>but that the reason why he refused to follow his own oath and the constitution was so they could work with Russia on the North Korea situation?
Stop being melodramatic. The implementation of sanctions was at the executive's discretion. And yes, doing a favor for another country is generally how you get a favor back. Did you think international relations was built on trust and friendship?
You're ignoring the other reasons which I've already mentioned multiple times: money, time, and staying out of prison.
Mueller's goal in all of this is figuring out what happened. Some people will lie, some people will mischaracterize, some people will forget, some people won't cooperate, etc. This is where having Flynn's cooperation comes in handy. This doesn't mean he has dirt on anyone, it just means that he's valuable to Mueller in some way.
>Hey Flynn, did so and so happen?
>Yes, it did happen.
>Ok, thanks.
I know more about this than you, just stop.
>1 post by this Id
Why do these posts always start with Twitter screencaps from literal whoms.
Bannon isn't as smart as he thinks
If those FISA warrants would have found something incriminating, we would have heard about it by now. Nowadays, everything leaks and especially when it makes Trump look bad.
The only way they would let a known Russian spy walk free is if he was working with the FBI as a double agent. Judging by Page's behavior during all of this, that is highly unlikely.
> I know more about this than you, just stop.
Yeah when you're claiming to know things only known by Flynn and who he has snitched too its not hard. I also know what Trump is thinking right now so actually, I know more then you bud.
The memo was trash. Mueller shouldn't be stopped, even though most of Sup Forums thinks so, and Flynn, Mann, and Papa going down all for shady Russian bullshit. Yet people like are willing to bend over for Putin.
I'll give you one thing though. You seem to think Mueller should finish his goal and wrap up the investigation. At least you aren't supporting actual obstruction of justice. Or believe dumb things like "the president can just choose to enforce sanctions dummy!".
he was forced to plead guilty for lesser charges. what are you going to do when the courts, evidents, and public perception is controlled by a corrupt group of people who see you as an enemy
fake evidence, fake warrants, fake corrupt law enforcement, fake corrupt justice department. what the fuck can he do but plead to whatever gives him the lesser sentence?
>obama unilaterally lets millions of foreign citizens not be deported because lol
>trump tactically doesn't antagonize an actor in the ongoing syrian war
> we would have heard about it by now
> nowadays, everything leaks
How can you possibly know everything leaks? There are zero logical arguments for possibly defending this idiotic statement. They've trained you to think only material they've told you about exists? This isn't how investigations work. Unlike this half assed memo investigating Trump needs time.
>pic related
Obama had record deportations. Keep alternative facts out this thread please.
>he refused to follow his own oath and the constitution
What on Earth are you babbling about? What part of the Constitution or Oath of Office says "thou shalt place sanctions on Russia"?
Trump made it clear from the beginning of his campaign he was interested in pursuing better relations with Russia. You thought nothing of it at the time, until after he won, at which point you decided this particular tenet of his platform was clear proof he concocted an elaborate conspiracy with Putin that your side has yet to provide even the tiniest scrap of evidence for.
Nothing President Trump has done in this regard is different from what Candidate Trump promised on the campaign trail. Nor is there anything remotely unconstitutional about it.
That's exactly it, Comey was a weasel and the IG report will show that. Had Trump not fired Comey, the FBI's crimes would have never ever been revealed.
Yes not wanting to see nuclear war in Korea is bending over for Putin. Maybe next we can invade Iran and then if we still have 18-26 year old men left we can go for broke and try for China.
>Obama had record deportations. Keep alternative facts out this thread please.
Obama reclassified at border turnaways as deportations which is the immigration equivalent of cooking the books.
>Obama had record deportations. Keep alternative facts out this thread please.
How the fuck is that relevant to the clear overreach that DACA is?
The constitution has the president enforce any law he signs and that is passed by congress. Basic government class back in middle school should have taught you this.
So if you commit a crime you deserve to be punished with no forgiveness or remorse?
Let's start with criminal migrants.
Even if he's not innocent, evidence obtained through the FISA warrant can't be used against him in a court of law. That goes for anyone charged based on information obtained through the warrant.
>I also know what Trump is thinking right now so actually, I know more then you bud.
Oh shit, are you that anonymous source familiar with Trump's thinking that is constantly referenced on CNN?
When the fuck did it become "pleaded" and not "pled"?!?!
Comey was trying to blackmail Trump.
Then Rosenstein.
Now Mueller.
Its relevant because they're trying to compare daca to why Trump can refuse to enforce the entirety, 100%, of this new law he passed. He is ignoring his duty. But I'm sure you'll defend him til he gets impeached and probably afterwards too so good luck with that!
You do realize Democrats are literally condemning Trump for enforcing the law by letting DACA expire right? The doublethink of modern liberals is astounding.
I'm not claiming that I know what Flynn knows or what he's told Mueller. All I'm doing is disproving the narrative that Flynn only pleaded guilty because he did something wrong and the narrative that he was given a plea deal only because he had dirt on other people.
If Trump wanted Mueller gone, he would have been gone by now, even if it resulted in him being impeached. Trump wouldn't just sit back and let Mueller find all his supposed crimes. If you're being investigated over something you know you didn't do you'd probably act in a similar way.
past tense: pleaded; past participle: pleaded
Like I said. the state of Sup Forumstards is nuts.
Obama didn't enforce federal anti drug laws, so the precedent was already there.
>it's completely okay for obama to choose not to deport millions of people, but Trump needs to be impeached for not enforcing sanctions
>The constitution has the president enforce any law he signs and that is passed by congress.
No it literally does not. Discretionary enforcement is a privilege of the executive and it's a privilege that was extensively used by Barrack Obama when he was president. You don't actually understand anything that you're talking about and multiple people in the thread have pointed this out for you.
Feds raided dispensaries and seized money during his administration. He just moved most of the issue to become a states right thing. Something many conservatives agree with. It was still being enforced.
Selectively enforcing != Trump refusing to enact any part of the law he signed
There is no reality where there is 100% verifiable evidence that Trump committed serious crimes and it doesn't leak. That's just not possible in this day and age and especially in involving the media and government which is anti-Trump.
I need to tell you a little secret friend
Sorry your girl lost.
If he didnt' want to enforce the sanctions he could do what Obama did. Selectively enforce some of it or pass an executive order in order to allow him to keep following the law.
Trump has done neither. But keep up with whataboutism. Its delicious.
Because Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI. It turns out the 302 was changed after the interview, thus will.be pardoned. Mueller has already postponed this
The failure in protocol is technically a crime, albeit a very small one in this case.
An executive order is literally just an order being given to the executive branch. It does not change or create law, it's just the president handing down official policy to the branch of government they control. If the law requires the executive to move forward the sanctions they want and they decline to submit any then they don't need to do anything because there's nothing to do. For someone so sure of what they know you don't know very much.
Flynn pled guilty for lying about contacts with the Turkish government. Not for Russia
The law was passed because of the Russian investigation. The memo shows that the Russian investigation was started by a man who was clearly biased against Trump and a FISA warrant that withheld vital information from the FISC. On the other hand, putting sanctions on Russia could start a war. Like the war on drugs, the law Trump signed is based on false premises and would cause more problems for the US if enforced.
If that information was obtained through the Page warrant, it can't be used against him in a court of law.
Flynn pled guilty, true -- but trump can pardon him. That would be the right thing to do.
lispy mushmouthed hannity is an accessory after the fact at this point.
after we have ridded ourselves of Drumple Thinskin, how can he go out in public after sucking DuhNald's treasonous tally whacker?
tomorrow probably
do you even know what the flynn thing was about? da fuck is wrong with you?