Lets get a Sup Forums humor thread going, lads. I need to fill my folders
Bonus points for niggers getting BTFO
Lets get a Sup Forums humor thread going, lads. I need to fill my folders
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Interesting how is left leg extends after his brain is blown off. Must be some reaction from his brain stem.
When cortex is removed, inhibition is removed from basal ganglia which are normally firing but require suppression. Depending on where the injury is the position is different. Look for this when you see people getting hung, blow away etc. Unless the brainstem is blown away at the same time, they move.
Op..... It's black history month. Show some respect
wtf is your problem, user. Keep that shit where it Sup Forumselongs.
Also, pic related, but because I like the thread, not you.
WTF I love Israel now!!!
Did he die?
it iz da black man month? shud i shuw respek?
Black history mostly consists of niggers getting fucked anyway, so lets post more to show our appreciation
>wtf is your problem, user.
My problem is empty folders
Putting it out there, that is kind of awesome.
This is what happened btw
anyone else make the "pew, pew, pew" noise when watching?
That almost made me chuckle.
We Wuz Kangz N shiet
desu, i would go on a killing spree, too
fucking shitavious.... mom would've died first
>literally looks like tyrone
Also I made this the other day after the SOTU because I was feeling good and decided to give blacks a break.
This takes "I sexually identify as an attack helicopter" to whole note he level
>whole note he level
>this guy probably frequents /leftypol/
If someone wears whenever they leave the house, I don't mind using attack helicopter pronouns.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeit calling someone apache would be neat. . . but obviously you'd call her. . .
Black Hawk
would love to give her a helicopter ride
a nice way for a nigger to die
If we didnt police niggers, they would kill themselves off in a week
straight up dead
in the year two-thousaaaaand
in the year two-thouuuuuuusaaaaand
why does trump want to block these upstanding people from entering the USA
I actually wish i didn't read read all that shit
>watch me twerk
holy shit! Walking dead right there!
Was he trying to steal copper and got zapped?
ahaha a classic one
>being this new
good post, where can i upvote you for the walking dead reference soyboy?
*screams while running from abbo's launching scorpion-tipped spears*
Dumb sandniggers first shot was below the skull and hit the guy in the neck region because his sandnigger brain didn't understand the sights are higher than the muzzle.
thats where your supposed to shoot them, brainstem
unless you enjoy being coated in brain when their skull explodes
That wasn't even close to being funny. Fuck off newfag
You're joking right? Did you watch the entire thing?
God I love being white
So top is head shot and bottom is spinal cord damage?
Not arguing with you, but did you watch the whole thing? That guy obviously wasn't concerned about "being coated in brain".
This picture always raised questions.
Firstly, can black people use normal soap?
Secondly, did a black or white person make this? It comes across as either racist towards blacks or something so stupid that black people would make, unless...
Third, does it actually have tar in it, and if so, can tar be used to clean skin? I am not versed on tar.
Fourth, even in a world where racism like this is not only legal, but revered, the marketing on this sucks. Why is the nigger so fucking sad!?
screw you pal
Just a butcher trying to feed his family.
Will they ever learn?
>soy boy
Sure smells like summer in here
That fucker just broke my internet!
looks like a nigger built that wall too
MRW niggers think they're humans
Cannot be flimflammed
Sensible chuckle...
truth bump