Are there methods other than a higher minimum wage that could raise the incomes of low-wage workers without reducing employment among youngsters?
Are there methods other than a higher minimum wage that could raise the incomes of low-wage workers without reducing...
Look at the mid 20th century before masses of women entered the workforce. Same jobs, but more people competing. House prices went up and living wage dragged along like a Tortoise while the property Hare was gaining distance between them.
Lower consumer prices, which is something people could realistically do. Consumers are the ones who ultimately set prices.
I'm liking this.
Care to elaborate more?
*Look at the mid 20th century before masses of women entered the workforce. Then women entered the workforce. Same jobs, but then more people competing. House prices went up and living wage dragged along like a Tortoise while the property Hare was gaining distance between them.
Ummm, no sweetie!
The alternative to UBI is to provide necessities at a cheaper price so low income workers have more purchasing power. Low wage workers with access to cheaper housing, transportation, medical, and food would have a higher standard of living without raising their wage. It's like bringing the economy to their level.
this too
and who are the main consumers btw?
Yeah, the Black Death.
That plague certainly raised the incomes of low-wage workers without reducing employment among youngsters.
Consumers haggle prices down. Sellers are generally agreeable people due to the fact they need to move product. There are some cases where prices will go up but that only occurs if there are too many people chasing too few goods. Consumers need to learn to walk away from a deal if it is too much.
>cheaper housing, transportation, medical, and food
That's pretty much been the entire history of humanity though, hasn't it?
Bruce Jenner in the garden of Eden ?
Simple. Get rid of immigration. Raising minimum wage has led to cuts in employment in certain areas where it has been tried. The new tax plans in your country may lead to a stronger economy. Business will hopefully do better. This leads them to want to expand. But if workers and few and hard to find, wages will increase to get the best ones. Exactly what your new boss "The Donald" has been doing. Its economics and free market 101. Whilst cheap labour continues to pour in, US bosses will cut staff to drop the wage bill. But if there is no staff available, then more expensive labours will have to suffice. Everything being done in your country now is economically smart.
So permanent poverty? You lefties are braindead. We need to deport all the illegals, get rid of the law that bans IQ testing by employers, and incentivize employers to provide job training somehow. This does 2 things, it reduces competition for low skilled labor, because let's face it, not everyone is smart enough to be an engineer, as well as removes the monopoly that Marxist universities hold on getting a good paying career.
drastically limit college enrollment
We can do that by allowing employers to test for IQ and incentivizing them through tax breaks to give job training to those with high IQs.
As long as lowering the cost of living doesn't mean replacing workers. Ideally, if everyone owned their own business, everyone would be wealthy.
>more money for 'free stuff'
Isn't this just more of a burden on the taxpayer?
raising the nominal income of a worker does nothing but raise the prices of goods he buys.
increasing productivity is the best way to make a workers wage 'go up' because it means goods are produced for less, and so a worker can buy more with the wage he is given.
There will always be poor people in a capitalist society, what im suggesting is increasing their purchasing power by lowering the cost of goods and services.
Just look at new cars. 50-60k for a new SUV is only attainable because of 72 month financing at 1% APR.
No one can buy that cash, but sure $500 a month isn't that bad!
A growing economy.
You can't price fix in a capitalistic society. It removes competition and the drive to create a better product for cheaper. The best solution is to limit immigration, remove illegals, and weaken universities by allowing employers to IQ test and giving tax breaks to those who provide job training. Your solution creates a permanent underclass that has no hope of ever rising.
Minimum wage is meant to motivate you, not live off of. Earn and learns that give certs. and tax breaks for people who are actually full time minimum wage jobs. People that don't work (in certain areas) are can live off bread and water.
>increasing their purchasing power by lowering the cost of goods and services.
You will end up with fewer goods and poorer services.
>The alternative to UBI is to provide necessities at a cheaper price so low income workers have more purchasing power. Low wage workers with access to cheaper housing, transportation, medical, and food would have a higher standard of living without raising their wage. It's like bringing the economy to their level.
>Provide goods at prices lower than it costs to produce them.
The absolute state of Democrat logic.
But what if it's take from the CEO's salary? That wouldn't reflect on the product.
I "like like" you post though.
And shittier quality goods at that. We will also end up like Brazil, the lower class living in shantytown favelas barely scraping by because their wage never rises but the gap keeps increasing.
I actually get the feeling the left likes the idea of a permanent underclass. They all feel so superior with their (((education))) and comfy careers but they just cannot risk the possibility of losing their place.
You're going in the wrong direction on this. There is only one true pathway for raising the quality of life for White workers, and that is to return to the natural order.
>Are there methods other than a higher minimum wage that could raise the incomes of low-wage workers without reducing employment among youngsters?
Pressure politicians to make business stay inside the U.S., and push out those who choose to (((JEW))).
The American market is the Platinum League, there is absolutely no reason why we all shouldn't be satisfied. Those who hurt the economy would be obvious if this was the case.
>subsidies aren't a thing whoof how can we sell things belong basic cost of production no government or corporation has ever figured out how to sell things below cost of production
fucking idiot
Increase demand for labor
So tax the middle class to take care of the poor? Because you know the rich have ways of getting around taxes and they couldn't support the economy anyways. I would rather we just get rid illegals and remove the Marxism from universities. It would be better and it would be permanent.
One step further. Mass exodus will increase local wages. EG. England's youth employment is affected positively by shipping people to australia.
A mass casualty event like a major war or plague, particularly one that affects the elderly.
However, I'd point out that killing off a big percentage of the workers, technically means they're not employed.
tax capital gains at equal rates to the highest income brackets, cut military spending on relatively useless conventional forces/pointless hardware programs, and slash the executive branch by at least 40%. Removing illegals wouldn't be permanent, and the "every college professor is a Marxist" lie is spoonfed Hannity-tier bullshit
Massive population kill off
they're going to replace workers with machines wherever they can no matter who is president and no matter how much you cut their taxes. No business will hire a human if they have a machine to do their job.
kill all niggers and mexicans
outlaw women from working
And totally remove the incentive to invest. Good thinking.That totally won't cause a complete offshoring of wealth or anything. Gosh it's as though you guys oppose any solution that doesn't allow you to keep importing votes and cheap labor. Smaller government is a good idea, I'll give you that, however, we absolutely must maintain military superiority at the same scale we have it now, otherwise we will be destroyed militarily.
a plague
It doesn't reduce the price at all. It just moves around who pays for it. It's functionally no different from UBI.
Low wage workers earn low wages because the value they produce isn't that much.
They could solve that by educating themselves, designing/creating something to become more productive at what they do, or switching to higher-wage labor, but they're typically either too stupid or too lazy to do anything that they aren't going to be immediately rewarded for, so they stay where they are their entire lives.
Also, you're a brainlet.
Even without a minimum wage, the unemployment rate would almost surely be higher among teenagers than among adults. Why is this so?
Always funny how you people think that rich folk magically invest their money into helping their country when politicians are nice to them vs. trying to make as much as they can regardless. Repatriation of cash should be a condition for access to American credit. And military superiority achieved with the weapons of fifty years ago isn't superiority, it's stupidity. Carriers are overvalued, armor and infantry and nearly useless, and manned aircraft are going to disappear in 20 years tops.
Oh right, which is why you pay the total cost for the dairy and grain you consume, or the gas your car uses.
"Switching to higher-wage labor"
>yes, please senor, I would like to become welding robot so I can make the salary of a line worker from the late 70s
the idea that wages are directly tied to productivity is bullshit. wages are set as low as a market can bear, regardless of how productive people are. the 2008 recession in particular proved that.
Easy. End immigration and deport all non-whites.
School and having parents.
Cut immigration and welfare to ZERO. The excuse my dad always uses not to help me is that the government will do it.
your dad is an alpha
If I weren’t drunk and watching SciFi, I’d shop a big black cock as the snake
Stop taxing employers to death for hiring somebody
But user, that's the point of the story in Genesis in the first place. The forbidden fruit was an interracial child.
A flat tax would end up reducing prices of goods for the lower income families so you wouldn't have to raise minimum wage. Increasing minimum wage would raise prices of goods causing it to harm those of lower income. You can't trick the market, things always sort themselves out so you have to be smart about it.
Adam, Eve & Jamal
Book of Talcum X
replace all taxes with a land value tax