While you are all distracted by this memo farce, an enemy of the state Russia is planning on attacking the midterm elections!
The biggest threat to the United States is not some silly memo, its RUSSIA. Stay focused on RUSSIA!
While you are all distracted by this memo farce, an enemy of the state Russia is planning on attacking the midterm elections!
The biggest threat to the United States is not some silly memo, its RUSSIA. Stay focused on RUSSIA!
I'm guessing alabama didn't please you enough did it?Election hacking my ass.
You just KNOW it's going to eventually come out that Clinton is in fact the one in collusion with Russia.
>Accuse your opponent of that which you do in order to avoid accusations down the road.
>DNC modus operandi
Can somebody fuckingexplain to me why people want us to consider Russia our enemy?
I thought we outgrew the red scare when the USSR fell apart and Russia stopped being communist?
The biggest threat to America is Soros and his foundations
>an enemy of the state Russia
Dems are going to get absolutely demolished. They already in full damage control mode
Oh PLEASE tell me how Russia is "our enemy".
its the next big war the neoliberals and neocons are orchestrating.
>You just KNOW it's going to eventually come out that Clinton is in fact the one in collusion with Russia.
fucking hell lol.
is it really all that impossible for americans on any side to fathom that politicians are well capable of being corrupt lying parasites all on their own without having to blame muh russia?
That's the Jewish tactic though. Do something shitty and accuse your opponent of it.
Ohh no they're going to shitpost more on Facebook damn those Russians.
I always have said leftists project over the years, but only recently have I seen how much I wildly underestimated how much they do.
>do the opposite of what a leftist says
>assume they are doing whatever they accuse others of doing
if you follow those two points you have the perfect grasp of american politics
funny how any care in the world fell off the face of the earth about roy moore the second the election ended. google "roy moore investigation" and limit searches to the last month and not a damn thing will come up
Sounds suspiciously exactly like what a russian bot would say.
>That's the Jewish tactic though
It's a classic trait of sociopaths (which Jews happen to generally be).
Isn't Russia kind of a dinky little country? Do they really have the power to take over the US?
Can we just have another civil war already? These people are just going to fucking cry "Russia" whenever they lose.
It's just politically convenient to have a scapegoat for when things go wrong. The funny thing is that prior to November 2016, it was Republican neocons pushing anti-Russia paranoia while Democrats weren't making a peep. Now it's flipped.
>h-h-how could Trump win? Could it be that we were wrong about him and his supporters?
>Nah, let's just blame Russia. That way it's not our fault
If these people get there blue wave crushed
>IT" WAS PUTIN!!!!!!
I've never been this close to supporting wholesale genocide but the left is fucking testing my limits
тoвapищ please im burger proud just like both of us
Even prominent Republican strategists are saying it's a great big nothingburger.
Yo memo's so lame Jeb Bush looks good in comparison LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't see a single thread on the memo on Reddit /r/popular or any of the non-"alt right" subreddits so nobody on the entire internet cares about it.
Russia only has a say xause it be run by jews
anyone that truly understands that knows that. unfortunately that limited to at most a third of the population. The US spends more on food stamps than Russia spends on the military lmao
Americans are infants with the attention spans of a goldfish, go figure.
At this point I think it's just an easy target and they need a boogeyman to run their distraction narrative. Russia is weak and won't do anything about it so they can just keep screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA as much as they want with no consequences, but at the same time, the Russian-Boogeyman idea is still part of American public consciousness so it's a good target.
top fucking kek
what the fuck are you even talking about
You haven't heard about Uranium One? She sold US uranium on public lands to Russia.
Gee if Russia meddled in the 2016 elections and we’re going to have another election in November we’d better figure out what they did and try and stop it. Good thing the inquiry into the Russian meddling is a giant clusterfuck of secrecy that no one is allowed to ask any questions about, especially what Russia did or how soon it will end, without being called Russian agents. Mueller isn’t in a hurry and he isn’t going to leak anything that doesn’t help the media try and discredit Trump.
And that means Trump didn't work with Russia?
even outside this meme russian collusion, they arent friendly at all. They arent really our enemies, but they arent a friend either. Theres a difference between not going to war with them and being a "le based putin!" retard
wheres her special council?
blyat, Sergei, never be posting in Russian. Will blow cover.
The left is making Russia out to be an unstoppable superpower.
you forgot the part where nu-pol/GOPers support russia attacking us
You responded "what the fuck are you talking about" to a post claiming that Clinton colluded with Russia. I answered your question. Sorry your shilling backfired.
even if true, is that supposed to be outrageous? russia isnt an enemy state, have they ever even fought a war against the usa
US elite don't want a competitor
Jesus Christ liberals need to take a chill pill on this Russia shit, this is like McCarthy on steroids. Do they really think the normies are buying this?
>Nothing to see here goy
>This document isn't going to destroy the deep state in the west.
Nice try big nose.
To be honest, many people here really flattered by burgers thinking that our humble country that gets through the day by selling oil to white man really controls their government.
you wouldn't know who's buying what because you live in a tiny echo chamber. you sympathize with the enemy of your country
You're talking to a bot. I've been noticing a lot more off the wall responses lately. Responses that make no sense within the context of the discussion.
I support anyone attacking traitor leftists.
>you wouldn't know who's buying what because you live in a tiny echo chamber
unironically coming from some fucking schleprock who spends his days on r/politics or some shit. fuck off, liberal cretin
You guys spent like 20 thousand dollars destroying Hillary's chances of getting elected. So if it only takes you 20K versus her 2 billion that makes you nearly infinitely powerful.
You are the enemy of our country.
Using your position at the State Department to obtain land within the US so you can sell nuclear materials to a world power we had a decades long nuclear stand-off with? Yeah. That's outrageous. It's also what the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) Bundy stuff is about. The Federal Government is forcing people off their land because they believe that land holds resources they can sell off to foreign powers.
I think so. There are lots of bots now. And I think there are lots of shills who've been re-assigned here from reddit. There are way too many shills making long, pedantic, reddit style posts about Russia, as though anyone here would even take that seriously.
who?...russia is so weak at this point they are less relevant than ... brazil
>communism finally falls
>Russian Jews quickly leave for America
>the country finally starts to recover from third world status
>they have enough voice to warn the west of "communist" tricks
>they suddenly become our enemy again, all of their media is cold war tier propaganda, according to (((them)))
almost everything they blamed on russia came from boards like this and people like me.
Q fags and rabbi in the OP managed to convince the latest wave of newcunt brainlets to jump on the russia meme.
I want every single journalist in this country to die painfully
Wow look, it's a dirty ficking kike.
Just a classical Red Herring
Doesn’t surprise me
>Using your position at the State Department to obtain land within the US so you can sell nuclear materials to a world power we had a decades long nuclear stand-off with? Yeah. That's outrageous.
its outrageous if you accept the premise that russia=ussr and they are your enemy. they have done nothing but try and be friends with the west, russia was even pushing to be part of the nato missile shield at one point but it doesnt fit with the MIC's narrative theres a massive boogeyman on the horizon.
israel has killed more us soldiers than russia has lol
I assumed it was people, and when you think about it, to a dem that is far more frightening to think about than if it was russia. They can't get their minds around the fact that they lost the people so they need a boogeyman.
>when you transparently teabag the goy society but nothing happens to you because you're chosen
Absolutely top shelf. I'm going to laugh myself to death on Monday when nothing happens. Shalom faggots!
I wonder who won the cold war
One has to wonder if Hillary could have won against Putin.
Sup Forums memes have been presented to your senate as evidence of russian hacking
Putin is an ally.
>(((Mother Jones)))
Literally a commie rag.
Pathetic bait, try harder
I'll see you one colluding journo and raise you a controlled asset...
Shareblue owns your life haha
>no proof of Russia doing anything
>msm still pushing this narrative almost 2 years later
Double 00's ...confirmed.
How does it feel that Russia is no longer a narrative? Kind of sucks after today doesn't it?
>Russia is the real enemy goyim, the memo is a nothing burger
Why just this country? They're even more deserving of it up north and across the pond.
the real threat to the US of a is (((that country))) and how many of our politicians that (((they))) and (((their)) sayanims and (((dual citizens))) are paying, bribing, blackmailing, intimidating, ??
If it was really nothing, it would be front page on reddit. Reddit is a left wing hive mind and would relish the chance to discredit anything the republicans do, the fact they are avoiding it like the plague speaks volumes.
>Russia is the real enemy goyim, the memo is a nothing burger
Listen to this guy! Also, the real *Democrat Memo* will clear the hysteria.
If Russia is really able to attack and hack the midterms, then the USA deserves it. I hardly believe that you cannot defend yourself if you are expecting it. It doesnt make sense, and it goes to prove it is a false narrative, The Communists Are Coming 2.0
Kek /thread.
came here to post this
Kek. The DNC is completely out of money and you're going to lose every fucking midterm. In order to save face, they have to preemptively convince you that this is going to happen because of Russian hackers, not because they're terrible with money and getting caught red handed with a ton of corruption.
S-stop bullying Russia! Russia is my biggest friend! I love them!
Preaparing my mongol horse right nao!
David Corn is a molestor as well.
Daily reminder, the OP and these kinds of threads in general are made by trump supporters masquerading as democrats/leftists to farm a reaction and also incite hate for Dems and support for trump. A good example of this is the /ptg/ but hey if you don’t believe me I implore you to take a look at the catalog for a moment, notice how many “angry soyboy liberals” are making threads? Start connecting the dots.
We got a live one!
Does anyone believe he was being sincere? Blatant sarcasm to start a discussion. It was obviously pro-Trump to anyone familiar with human beings. Autism sucks.
I want you to look at this response, notice how it’s always either a Pepe or the bait fish? It’s almost cult like how they all respond in the same way, it’s kind of mind blowing how cohesive they are.
Mental illness
David Corn was mentioned by name in the fucking Nunes memo, you fucks! He carried Steele's water! He is complicit in this scandal!
Noo se better
I demand that a true believer of the leftist narrative provide a mechanical explanation as to how Russia could "attack" the midterms that would leverage this claim with any credibility.
Who's to say the idea for that meme wasn't seeded on Sup Forums by a Russian agent??