why does race mixing cause white genocide but not black genocide?
why don't we just mix with blacks until all blacks are no more and only mulattoes remain?
why does race mixing cause white genocide but not black genocide?
why don't we just mix with blacks until all blacks are no more and only mulattoes remain?
Yes, it causes white genocide.
Because blacks have nothing worth preserving.
People who care about "white genocide" are proud racists.
It is white genocide when it happens in a white country. There will always be billions of fast-breeding niggers in africa.
thank god ill be dead
How are they going to get that much food if they dont know how to grow it?
>why does race mixing cause white genocide but not black genocide?
because obama was the first black president.(yet he is as black as he is white.)
>White genocide
No such thing
>why don't we just mix with blacks until all blacks are no more and only mulattoes remain?
This doesn't fix anything though.
>why don't we just mix with blacks until all blacks are no more and only mulattoes remain?
Because black genocide is better
1 drop of black makes them black
There are too many of them.
Also, African women look like gorillas.
i mean in the us, not all blacks worldwide
Because idiot do-gooders keep shipping it to them.
what white person in their right mind would fuck a nigger?
Whites may not be doing well but the real losers in worldwide birth rates are jews. In equal parts due to matrilineal descent, miscegenation and good old fashioned degeneracy infecting their own youths and blowing up in their faces.
When you mix a little bit of shit into the dough, the whole cake is ruined.
You mix water with mud, it's still mud.
Would you drink a glass of water with even just a little bit of dirt thrown in it?
cuz white people love their 7 deadly sins
shame on you
nigger will be too busy dying of AIDS to get to that kind of population.
there's literally nothing wrong with racemixing
Because black countries are pretty much 99% black and their birthrates are at a much higher rate than whites.
These white people have birthrates that are below replacement race, which leads to more (black) immigration into the west for labour. These blacks mix with the whites yet still mainain low brith rates. Because of this, another wave of immigrants flock to that western country to put more black genes into the already slightly blacked ''white'' genes
Because mixing is an upgrade for niggers
Go make mulattoes on your own time. Your duty to civilization is to produce white children in a stable home.
If you have a top of the line gaming computer, would you remove the best parts and replace them with outdated hardware that struggles running 90s software. That's what it's like for a white person to breed with a black person.
>why does race mixing cause white genocide but not black genocide?
It does, but blacks don't give a shit. They hate their own race and want to steal white genes.
Im working on it. Getting off work soon and going home to inseminate my black fiancé. Probably gonna hit it twice tonight to make sure it takes.
That would imply that genes work like shit.
mulattoes are not any better than niggers, thats why
There are more blacks than whites so we lose that numbers game, also we don't want to make even more browns.
because "muh 1 drop rule" would cause this plan to backfire
You can't dilute a race that breeds like fucking rabbits, you kike.
you know the concept outbreed and assimilate?
if 10000 muslims goes to 50000000 population the original population outbreed them and they got assimilated, through the years, by the other case if you import tons of thousand of niggers from countries from africss you end up having same amount of niggerss in africa and the other population with nigger traits
Colonizing is only acceptable after you have already sired 2 pure whites
It does.
But honestly I don't care about blacks so why would I argue for them?
Mulatto girls are qts
Goddamn she'd fucking get it
It's never acceptable you faggot.
>why don't we just mix with blacks until all blacks are no more and only mulattoes remain?
Brazil tried this as semi-official policy through the 19th and 20th centuries. Look what happened
> Look what happened
They produced insanely hot women?
its all about the women, if black guys are impregnating white women at a higher rate per capita than white guys impregnating black women, the white race will be eliminated; this is inevitable since africa has so few white people and so many black women having tons of black babies
We could mix with Blacks so much that the mutts that remain are barely distinguishable from Whites, but we don't have enough White people to do that, and because Calvinism.
Guys some mixed race black girls are qts and have big tiddies.
What will happen to them when we make the ethnostate?
I suggest we give them a white child to adopt and raise, and give them a white husband.
That way they will raise our babbys and not get kicked out to Africa where they will get devoured by niggers.
It does cause black genocide, but nobody cares.
I cant get over their nasty wool hair
really?? I find the curls more attractive than any other part. *shrug*
theres a difference between curly human hair and the animal fur that niggers grow
pretty much every white country is committing sudoku.
nigger countries have a whole fucking continent to themselves, yet they still complaining about the white man.
because there's way more black people on earth than white people?
euthenize yourself you fucking retarded dumbfuck
That mulatto has curly hair though.
The larps don't understand just let it go
1.21 NiggaWat's
Her hair is straight.
>why don't we just mix with blacks until all blacks are no more and only mulattoes remain?
fuck off kike, you don't have sex with animals
>Le 1/32nd african face
i don't give a shit about blacks. I don't need to genocide blacks. I just want my people to be free to live together. I don't think about them, I think about us.
>1.21 NiggaWat's
Mulattos are usually insane, in fact I can't say I've met a sane one in my life.
What's wrong with being like Brazil?
you're a democrat/retard so you wouldn't know
brazil has several aspects to be admired. Worth noting is their definition of race.
by american standard, they have 3 races. spanish european, african, and native american. By brazils standards they have 9 races, based on a combination of these traits.
as such, they dont have a fraction of the problem with race we do.
brazilian supremacy