When did you realize that pornography was the ultimate form of brain-rotting degeneracy and had to be cut out of your life?
When did you realize that pornography was the ultimate form of brain-rotting degeneracy and had to be cut out of your...
Sounds like someone’s benis is broken. Sage in all holes.
>t. Addict in denial.
Beat your meat to your imagination you degenerate scum
I'm a superior human being that never had to rely on the degeneracy of pornography. I never sacrificed my integrity and decency and deplored myself just for a small grain of satisfaction. You are simply weak for every consuming pornography to begin with
Being addicted to it for years makes you hate it and yourself. And it does fuck up your attention span.
It's a distraction that's for sure. Just like pro sports.
apt comparison; both incredible homosexual
I'm gonna jerk off to uncensored JAV with a cute Japanese girl, and there's nothing you can do about it.
So what do you do as a hobby?
Last night in a thread.
This is why you should always rush first reply, OP.
I was molested when I was 4 by my 12 year old baby-sitter.
I grew up with a pre-developed heterosexual tendency.
My babysitter had big tits, and was a little chunky, so since then I began drawing baloon women with big tits.
I remember the smells, and every time I smell something similar, it brings out some martin sheen insanity in me(but instead of killing people, I want to fuck-this is an apocalypse now reference for the uninformed).
Mom gave me and my sisters a computer when I was about 11-12.
Since then my pornography addiction has been ceaseless.
I don't know how to stop, and it's definitely getting in the way of finding women and sticking with them.
I might find someone who I feel genuinely attracted to, but if they don't have anything I ingrained into myself, I pursue no longer.
It's giving me depression.
How do I stop?
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life
>How do I stop?
Wait for your dopamine agonism to drop as you age, or if you're desperate and don't mind becoming a veg, take an antipsychotic.
Convince yourself that you deserve better.
Reposting from the other porn thread:
It's a mental illness in every sense of the word:
1. psychological anomaly whereby your hand becomes a projection of some whore's vagina
2. effect on the body as you are drained of vital fluids and waste time and effort
3. heavily impacts your lifestyle especially if you develop addiction (yes the weekly fap session is an addiction)
And that's not even touching the spiritual ramifications if you believe in that. Quit now because there is absolutely no reason to believe in pure fabrications that lead to addiction.
this is A SLIDE THREAD. there have been several about this same topic, stop replying if you're a person and not a paid shill
this he fucked up his dick ejaculatory system from jerking too much because he's a NEET
God damn
enjoyed that
>quit now
Cold turkey?
this is something I've done for 22 years of my life, please give me some advise.
You want REAL advice? You have a dopamine imbalance. You need to harness it and focus it on something productive.
1. Get away from things that get you hard. No anime even, if that's what it takes.
2. Find something that DRIVES you. Something you want to do full-on. Spend your dopamine on it.
3. Avoid stimulants of all kinds. Avoid drugs altogether until you get your act together.
4. Stop looking to the past. Stop playing victim. Everyone goes through hell. You're not unique. Deal with it.
5. If you listen to EDM, stop it. All of it.
just now
>give up porn
>get addicted to Sup Forums instead
hahahahaha! nobody understands you OP.
Never since I've always found watching other people having sex to be a bit weird and gross.
Yes, cold turkey is your goal. If that's too difficult, then the next time you fap, make it your goal. It takes perseverance but it's very possible. Have faith.
You need to change your mindset. You don't deserve to ruin your body by fapping. You don't deserve to think about your shitty past by fapping. You deserve to be free of the shackles of porn and degeneracy.
You are worth the effort. Believe this wholeheartedly and the goal will be closer than you think.
I don't get it?? why is brain-rotting?
I feel great after fapping, the amazing release it's the cure for not thinking about women 24/7
I have fapped more than 1000's of time every feels like first time.... I think OP dicks is broken. my dick love to have his workout
the closest thing to edm I listen to is vaporwave, synthwave, 80's sounding shit.
I mostly listen to orchestral and metal because it inspires me, or pumps me up(mostly listen to metal when I lift).
It's not just looking or hearing things, it's the smells that get me. And I go to the gym to get away or to put my frustrations out, but the moment I smell female B/O or a particular perfume: game over.
I don't do drugs, not even alcohol(not even beer, because it gives me headaches. So does weed).
>when I lift
I hate to break it to you, but this isn't helping your sexual situation.
Try and cut back a bit on it, replace it with a mental hobby like model building, etc. I'm not saying give it up, but it DOES stimulate the almonds. The OTHER almonds. Physical activity in general, along with anything related to physical exertion is going to aggravate your nads. That's why soldiers often spent time after battle raping the conquered/fucking whores.
Nothing is free, and getting the boons of exercise comes at a cost like anything.
Yeah like the Somalian said, you need to develop psychologically now. You're only breaking your body down more by exercising and exposing yourself to female pheromones.
It's time to put a firm stop to stimulation and focus on mental cultivation.
it has an adverse effect on performance that requires small amounts of adrenaline, and it seems concentration as well.
google "adrenal fatigue"
Come back to God, user. Find a local Catholic mass, and start going.
It worked for me. I'm not out of the forest yet, but I've been a chronic masturbator since I was 13 (I'm 26 now.) 3+ times a day, every day, for 13 years. Looking at porn for an hour or.kore every day. Becoming used to objectifying women, being consumed with trying to get laid, filled with lust... It was awful.
Now I look at ecchi for maybe several minutes every few days, to scratch that itch (I do my best to avoid it however,) and I go 2-3 days without masturbating. I was playing with it today, but managed to stop myself. I'm on day 4 of no orgasm, and this is maybe the third time in my life ever going this long without wanting, since I started cranking it 13 years ago. I find the act reprehensible now, and it's literally no different than being a chronic drug addict.
You can do it user. It requires a whole hell of a lot of will power, determination, and faith. I believe in you.
I will pray for you this Sunday.