They have almost $6.5 million in assets, and $6 million in debt. They are literally $400k from being flat broke.
>MFW my house is worth more than the entire fucking DNC
>fucking kek at this time line
The DNC is almost broke
we will live to see a one party state in our lifetimes?
Can we cook up something to make them waste more money?
Unsolvent is not unliquid
I guess their gib base doesn't contribute much.
Are you saying they have not liquid assets that are not being accounted for?
Self-inflicted suicide. I'm in my late 20s but even I remember when the DNC actually had coherent viewpoints on taxes, the economy, etc.
What do they stand for now? Illegal aliens, trannies, muh Russia, and REEE Trump? Seriously though, thats all they've talked about the last three years.
It feels like election night all over again.
And...apparently it's not a lucrative endeavor. Who would have thought that the party of gibs and free shit would be broke?
lol, they failed to realize that beaners and illegals might support the Democrats, but they dont DONATE money to the party. Only old white people are smart/stupid enough to donate money to a political party.
Democrats have always been the worst party.
>hol up, you mean
Brings in millions of illegals
>taxing people who actually contribute to society
Gives everyone (((free))) healthcare
>and then giving it to leeches
Makes sanctuary shitholes
>isn't a good fiscal policy
No hopefully not, the Republican party can barely be trusted as is and the only reason they're getting anything done is because Trump is belt whipping them into doing their due duty to Americans. Hopefully new, less traitorous parties arise out of the smoke of the democrat party that allows for our country to have a healthier democracy in which one of the major parties isn't trying to sabotage the country from within.
We can develop a new Libertarian/Republican dynamic in the future.
Both of you are delusional.
Sloppy Joe check
What shall we call this new party?
Yea, that won't fucking matter if these shitheads file chapter 11 before 2019.
dont really care about race, im more focused on creating multigenerational wealth as i firmly believe we are in the dark ages but instead of the best warriors being the aristocracy this time, its going to the best capitalists. The races will all mix eventually, whether 100 years or 10000; however there is also a relatively accpeted theory that humanity is going to split being tier one civilization and people who go back to living in the woods like varg eventually creating two separate species with the later eventually being considered animals.
Obama ran them into the ground with spending and Hillary was running convoluted multi-state money laundering and probably giving it the ol' Haiti treatment where it gets disappeared into the Clinton's pockets. Maybe that's why they're really going all-out, the ((DNC)) has to take down DRUMPF or Soros/Buffet/Bloomberg will clean house and just find a new cartel of politician cronies to serve them
My thoughts, in 100 years we will be growing hearts, lungs and livers in labs, it won't be cheap either. The people who have money will live for hundreds of years and amass more wealth. The poor will die in the streets at 45. It will create a social cast system unlike any ever before, and, yes, will eventually lead to two different species.
In short money will determine the future of evolution, and back to the OP-the dems are loosing.
Yeah but if the current democratic makeup fractures it will be impossible to build something else that will over take Republicans. Mexicans, blacks, soy boys, whites, trannys, gays, etc... Once the democratic party collapses all these groups are no longer connected
An organization that feverishly practices affirmative action, hiring incompetent sassy black ladies and double digit IQ spic,sprinkled with some real life supervillain thieves and scoundrels, and it only makes sense that they're broke. Of course they are.
The DNC is basically a poorly managed organized crime family.
If the DNC breaks they will eat each other alive, they already are.
>starts a civil war
>imports brown people
>civil rights
Yeah, I'm thinking by the end of trumps second term the DNC will be in complete tatters. Death by a million small cuts
Disband the democrat party, replace them with Libertarians.
Those numbers seem way too low, I'm sure they are hiding real figures somewhere
Who knows how much money Obama syphoned off for them..
>numbers too low
mfw when GEOTUS signed an executive order on 12/23/2017 freezing the assets of the kind of sleezy bastard fucks that tend to donate to organizations like the DNC and Clinton Foundation etc
I'm listening...
Why would they hide shir? Aren't they nonprofit? I truly think we are witnessing the death of the Democratic party.