What are some redpilled cartoons I can let my kids watch?
Any cartoons you watched as a child shape your beliefs? Or push you towards something?
Or does it even matter at all ?
What are some redpilled cartoons I can let my kids watch?
Any cartoons you watched as a child shape your beliefs? Or push you towards something?
Or does it even matter at all ?
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my little pony teaches right wing family morals
No, (((animators))) after the 1950s tend not to be redpilled. Maybe try some banned loony toons
Dude, just don't let them watch trash, and don't let them watch too much TV period. Make sure you're involved in your kids' lives and help guide them that way. If you parent correctly and your kids aren't complete idiots the media propaganda machine won't affect them too much. Honestly, you should be more wary of the group mentality of your kids being surrounded by a bunch of brainwashed dolts as their peers - a reality everyone has to face eventually and learn to deal with.
Also, Gumball might be ok since they had an episode where they called out SJWs.
I was propagandized by GI Joe as a kid.
The classics are always good
>Tom and Jerry
>Looney tunes
>Samurai Jack
>Dexter's lab
Samurai Jack
Johnny Bravo
Not until they're at least 10+. Anime can fuck kids up easy if you aren't careful.
Angry Birds Movie
>letting your kids near anywhere near the electric jew
retard, the attention span between kids that watch tv and those that dont is very noticeable.
keep them away from that shit and have them do something that will keep their brain focused like playing an instrument.
Unironically this.
Everyone, no matter how alike or different, have their own purpose and their own place in society.
The fucking pony show. Not making it up.
watership down
Studio Ghibli is sfw
>this thread's replies
For lord's sake, just put them study, they don't need this entertainment. Children are not stupid, but you think they are.
King of the Hill is pretty redpilled
He-Man series and She-Ra series are redpilled. Good classic art and humor encouraging American will power.
Where do you think you are?
Teen Titans Go!
If you're actually redpilled you'll notice all the subtle nuances
The god king rabbit (((El-Ahrairah))) literally tricks, lies, and steals his way to success and is worshiped by all rabbits for this. He embraces degeneracy and hedonism, drinks fucks and eats his way to the grave. Thankfully the cartoon skips those parts and the king is just a bumbling dummy.
I mean the old/real series. I just googled and saw (((Netflix))) is making a new She-Raw series which will probably be loaded with anti-American white genocide propaganda.
toy storys would probably be ok. watership down is just sadistic to make your kids watch..
The Animals of Farthing Wood
How old are your children? My wife and I try to limit tv as much as possible. Not saying I’m perfect, its Very easy to give up and let them watch, but it’s the better parenting choice to get involved and go out together a puzzle or go outside or something that they can actually look back on fondly
the batman movie, lego movie.
Unironically MLP.
>he doesn't watch Spongebob
But they bashed trump
But TTG supports feminism.
Dragon ball
ants life, dispicables
anime is right wing as hell in general.
Read them the Redwall books by Brian Jacques.
Guaranteed red-pill foundation
Puffin Rock, the cartoon in the OP, is pretty redpilled. The characters are super xenophobic, everyone lives separately, the characters are constantly worried about the others moving in, etc.
Naziman is right. Kids these days litterally grow up with TV, Ipad and all other electronics.
It’s good to limit that. Learn them the value of family life. Play with them. Let them know that you as parents are always there for them. That they can learn, and enjoy company with parents.
The electronics are all distraction. Sometimes usefull, but limit it to the minimum. Let them play and also outside with other kids.
Try to limit their TV exposure and have your kids do constructive things instead. Crafts, sports, exploring. Get the Dangerous Book for Boys/girls and some old Readers Digest Treasury for Young Readers. Actual science textbooks might seem above them when they're just starting to read, but it gives an incentive to study and grow.
If you do end up keeping the tube on a lot, you can't beat science documentaries. Kids love to see bears beating the shit out of each other, or learning how STRONG and FAST giant bugs/sharks/etc are. Nova.
As far as actual kids shows:
>Dexter's Lab
>Liberty's Kids
>Sagwa The Chinese Cat
>Samurai Jack
>Getter Robo
Puffins are Newfies and they're pretty red pilled
K-On , Non Non Biyori, and Cowboy Bebop.
MLP is unironically redpilled by the way, they're not joking. Read the blog My Nationalist Pony and you'll see.
Don't let your children watch cartoons. They won't want to if you don't introduce the idea.
Powerpuff Girls ffs
If they're not old enough for this, put on the animated version of Peter and the Wolf. Cultural enrichment and learning to have a healthy respect for wild animals at the same time. Original Scooby Doo is unironically not bad, they learn to be wary of strangers. Some Disney classics are alright, Lion King off the top of my head. What people are saying about limiting TV time is good advice, not memeing about MLP either. Nature docs and Nova type stuff is S-Tier if you want a kid interested in the sciences, I watched Animal Planet back when it was still good tv.
>Liberty's Kids
Fuckin forgot about those, absolute classics.
yeh bruv just sit em infront of the tv all day watching fox and theylle be a fukin genius aye
And then become an (((((((Australian)))))) shitlosting cunt?
Go beat your wife you drunk cunt
if you would actually show this to little kids you are fucked up.
forget about the media brainwashing this is a whole new level, literally nothing but propaganda, its not aimed at the kids enjoyment literally just to implant an ideology in the head.
i miss allanah :'(
My Little Pony. The Incredibles. Almost anything by Studio Ghibli (no Grave of the Fireflies tho).
Wander Over Yonder based on the little I've seen, but I haven't seen enough to swear to it. At the very least it's not Captain Planet.
Old GI Joe and He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. Don't touch any remakes.
Disney is tricky. They're pretty solidly blue now, but it's hard to keep young girls away from princess movies entirely. Original Sleeping Beauty is okay. Frozen is a mixed bag - they're clearly trying for blue-pill, but the red slips through despite that.
The real answer tho is turn off the tv and read them a book. My parents read us the Little House on the Prairie series when we were little, which was a long lasting red pill. Fairy tales of all things are strikingly red-pilled, just make sure to get the old versions, before modern editors got to them to clean them up.
Avatar the Last Airbender is pretty good kids tv.
Just don't show Korra.
Notice how macho and manly 80s media was. Look at our society now.
basically all i watched from 6-12yo
and the b movies on sci fi
cartoons are for infants desu
Up until Season 5 yeah. Been all downhill from there though.
Masha and the Bear
If you want to start with redpilling and your kid a stick and go tell him play in the dirt.
>JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken
>Ookami to Koushinryou
>That one red-pilled anime that I can't remember but everyone talks about
>That fucking article
Popeye the sailor man
Ok, I'll give this a stab.
I know I'll get shit for this, but it's a show that's not pushing degeneracy. And it's a show that dads can watch with their daughters and enjoy. That's why it was made.
>Samurai Jack
>Early Powerpuff Girls.
Not the new shit.
>Teen Titans
Not the new shit
>Donald Duck Donald In Mathmagic Land
Obligatory. Yeah, it's just one thing, but kids like to watch the same crap over and over again.
>Sleeping Beauty
Yeah, just a movie, but kids like that shit over and over.
I think the most important thing is to limit their options. There is too much to keep track of these days. Like I said, they're fine watching the same crap over and over again, so it should not be a big deal.
you two are morons, mlp is a great show but its a feminist fantasy land where women are important and can persue their careers and passions, it is not at all a family moral show or ever mare character would be obediently raising their stallions foals.
see not even going to touch the fact that theres canon gay in mlp now
>no Grave of the Fireflies tho
Grave of the Fireflies is a cautionary tale about what happens when kids defy their parents (or guardian, in this case).
That's just Hasbro trying to kill the series to that they can reboot it to sell different styles of toys.
Well put faggot.
Has any one seen "stickman"? Its a well pilled movie about a stickman fights to get back to his family. I dont know how netflix accidentally made it.
>Good family values,
>family is shown broken with out the dad.
>Dad risks life to get home
yes thats right, a feminist show from its inception with a mare dominated world was just recently subverted into displaying massive ammounts of, according to pol, degenerate behavior for women. right.
Song of the South
Watership Down.
>Early Powerpuff Girls.
I second this.
The Matrix
>Sup Forums's meme came from a leftist anarchic fantasy written by two trannies
Only one of the horses actively pursues a career, and she's the one who shows the most interest in men. The others mostly just have part-time jobs or help their families.
I watched dbz as a child and now i'm 9001 pounds
one is a princess (the settings equivelant of head of state)
the other is a weather mare and then wonderbolt
another is basically an animal doctor and handler
pinkie pie is a baker
another is a seamstress and fashion designer
and the last one runs her own family buisness along with her brother.
You are a gigantic retard if you think any of this is just one horse persuing a career. literally none of them have any plans to marry or have children, and by far are more focused on their exploits and jobs than men.
> Saiyan -> Aryan German
> Frieza -> Eternal Jew
wait, you mean most of you don't look like that with your shirt off?
Not a cartoon, but Mr. Rogers.
Fox and the Hound
>Spongebob my favorite cartoon from childhood
>Literally made me chase truth wherever it might lead me
>Teaches real life legit lessons (atleast the old episodes)
Also im 19
that episode of the powerpuff girls where they kicked 3rd wave feminism's ass
God fucking dammit the music was terrible in kai. needs more Faulconer. It's not DBZ without the Faulconer music.
I think DuckTales (1987) are at least politically neutral.
show them this album
I have preschool aged kids ad we like Puffin Rock, Tumble Leaf, Pingu, Mr. Rogers, and Peppa Pig. Yeah tv is not ideal but there are times when you really need them to just chill out for a minute so you can cook a meal or clean something up. It works in moderation, especially if both parents are around a lot and very involved.
Wiley e coyote taught me a lot about trump
Angry Birds movie is redpill as fuck
>when an actual A*strian responds to you
You filthy scum, children should watch An*mal planet and realize all humans are identical and the Africans raping their mothers are just misunderstood.. NAZI.
Pingu is redpilled as fuck.
here's what i let my kids watch:
anything disney from sword in the stone and before
paw patrol
bubble guppies season 1
original pokemon series
spirit riding free
not animated but mr rogers and bob ross
that's about it. we limit her screentime and our own. thankfully my daughter rarely asks to watch anything. she prefers crafting and drawing and singing so we lucked out there.
beware of letting them watch too much tv. they get emotionally attached to them and it can quickly turn into a dependence for them.
>t. father of 2
Agreed, it's my favorite.
Naruto, made me want to train and learn to fight, taught me to give it my all and never give up. When im out of breath doing kettlebell's hiit session, or restling, or working out and about to give up and go home or slack, I always remember that moment when Guy opened the gate of death sacrificing his life to briefly gain more strength, to protect his comrades, after that i just cant give up, it would be an insult to his memory. Its very inspiring and good willed piece of art. Id recommend manga tho, ditch the video jew entirely, manga still has pictures that will be entertaining for a kid, but he will still have to read, also hd will need to figure out what is drawn sometimes, there are some comple moments with details, which is good for your brain too. Also less time wasted on screaming or talking midfight autismo. Cartoons didnt shape shit, they were just timekillers, reading books and manga was far more important. Dont hook your kids on media, buy them books and legoes, throw out the tv and block access to computer at first, and then use it to teach them cs, some programming and educational sites like khanacademy or sites with courses like udemy. Media entertainment and vidya rots your brain and takes some effort to recover from, better to just avoid and prohibit it while they are young, and then later explain them its crippling effect on their ability to concentrate, think and derive pleadure from meaningful and productive activities.
Can't argue with you there but there are diffidently some red pilled subjects in mlp.
>teach them gun safety and how to use their common sense. Bond thru it.
>Get them guns
>teach them to shoot. Bond thru it.
>Have them shoot your TV.
>Take them fishing
>Red pill them.
>Bond thru it.