Look at this shitskin women.
How much Moor ancestry does a typical Spaniard have?
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She’s pretty hot. You’re a fag if you wouldn’t
She's from Valencia, not very far south in the country.
She's a shitskin. If she were in an American airport she'd get mistaken for a terrorist.
Give her a white Chad husband and that will create the perfect castiza goddess 20 years in the future
She looks nice why would you call her such a mean name
Race doesn't exist it's a social construct
Average Spaniard has only 4-12% North African DNA. Uncle Moor was not as randy as Sup Forums likes to think
Somebody post that soyboy looking dude who scored a 9/10 Moorish looking qt. Feel happy for him desu
She doesn’t look non-white. Just looks like a Med/Gypsy to me.
Those girls are uglier than op's pic
because this board sucks and so do many people who post here
Yeah like I said you’re a fag
your face is the social construct
Spanish Blue Division, ready to exterminate communists.
She may be nice looking but she still is ridiculously dark skinned. She looks like she could fit in Morocco. At least northern Morocco. (Starting around Marakech things start getting a bit niggerish.)
..... It is sad how the white race is blamed and hated for doing what everyone else is guilty of but this shit is ignored. Last time I checked, whites did not repeatly rape women of another race repeatedly generation after generation until their genes were not what they originally were.
Other than that, she has many white features, getting bleached for 2 more generations should erase most of the moar, but once again sadly, won't be with the original.
Spaniards are white
4-12% North African? That's awful.
Moor... i mean more, please.
That's a beautiful construct, the greek gods socially constructed that shit.
Most of them can't even grow hair on their chest.
I'd love to meet the shitskin that put that macro together
Yes user we're 100% Allahu Akbar
Here we go again.
Spain is white
How can somebody with that much Northern African be considered white?
one drop rule you abbo
whiter than you muttface
I'm also heard that Spaniards have a decent amount of kike DNA.
He's not Spanish he's Catalan which actually has a good argument for being white.
You know............. Maybe a civil war, WW3 would be a good thing. If you are someone who needs human guinea pigs and is good with gene manipulation and want to experiment with CRISPR to see if you can extract a certain race's genes from someone, then during war no one will notice people missing or will be too busy surviving to have time to look.
Spain is white
Okay. If I were to breed her, as a white dude, (inb4 mutt), would the kids have:
>problems receiving blood products
>problems finding matches on the bone marrow registry
>an increased likelihood of genetic illness related to the union
If no, and the population is...let's call it ~30% similar already, why the hell not?
Why not A. partition off Le Happy Shitskins, B. genocide Le Happy Shitskins, or C. just get on with life?
What am I missing here?
Spain is white
t. shitskin in denial
250k "Spaniards" converted from Judaism to Christianity, and some continued to practice Judaism in secret.
Any source on that?
Catalonia is one of the regions with less north african admixture, which does not come from arab invasion by the way. Guess which other region has a very low amount? Eastern Andalusia. Guess another region that has the biggest amount; Galicia. It's not south vs north before you try that meme.
damn those meds.
If she was in an airport, any red blooded guy would be checking her out!
As a med I will be sure to shart in a nordcuck female's gene pool and give her children dark hair + eyes.
Fake news - kikes and musdlimes were kicked out in 1492 - the conversos who stayed were then kicked out by pic related
YouTube has plenty - just type Spain waterpolo
implying we werent like that since roman times, you even know what iberian genetics are?
The average Spaniard match 2-4% of north african ancestry and 0'2-1% of sephardic ancestry in Dna test ( by the way, it is probably because of the expelled moors that where mixed and now live in north africa, and with sephardic jews is the same)
>American education
>swim team not
>Saving the hair for speed
Are you b8 mate?
so shitskin
Spain is white
What is Spanish conquest. Or hell, even British. They didn't physically rape, but half of the evils of the modern world are either directly or indirectly related to British Imperialism.
The other half is American Imperialism.
This includes the problem "shitskins" cause.
Yeah that why they make you go through the door frame scanner at the airport. If you can acutely fit, without your fat touching both sides, you must not be american and need extra screening.
>Iberians are Mediterranean
I'm shocked
No one is 100% pure. Impossible for the 100 millions of years we have been here.
Spanish actress
its great if you think catalonia is white, since catalonians are darker than basques aragonese asturians navarre aragonese and north castilians
Of course he doesn't! You'd be lucky if he can name the State capitals!
Now here's some Moroccans
if Sup Forums can't see any difference between them and Spaniards I don't know how to help you
North African = Caucasian
They're still white, just not as european as everyone else you idiot.
Amerimutts have a shitton of Native and Nigger blood in them, and those two ethnic groups aren't even caucasian.
North Africans were pretty caucasian up until the muslim conquests, I'm pretty sure a few popes even came from morocco back when they were white.
Even today, some berbers are still pretty european looking.
I don't see the importance either way. It's reaching autistic levels and makes no difference whatsoever.
The irony is that the brown ones that OP posted are the hottest.
I wish she would be my wife :(
You're not a real Mediterranean if you don't have green/hazel eyes.
You're a nigger arab, probably sicilian.
Berbers are of european descent
Cromagnid skull can only be developed in Europe and its a trait of europeans
I'm Spanish /Italian olive skin and have only been with blonde white girls, they love the Mediterranean man
tell me one population with more than 30% green eyes in eat
you fucking tard
Holy shit, she looks like an arab. Spain is not white and they all are ugly shitskins.
Is the boy on the left really that much darker than Imma Cuesta? The boy on the right must be a Saharawi and/or be a descendant of slaves.
Spain is probably whiter than both america and france or the uk at this point in time. I think you're fucking deluded if you think the woman you posted represents what the average spanish population looks like.
Hey faggot Spaniard here who grew so much hair in Highschool I got the name gorilla. I guess your inferior manlet genetics cannot compete. Kek nord cucks make me chuckle.
Because the overwhelming majority of their DNA is white and because North Africans are still Caucasian as has been mentioned numerous times already.
Spaniards and Italians are white. The small amount of admixture doesn't matter at all. You fags are exactly what Sargon of Cuckad was warning against, retarded Nordicists who don't understand the root of the European race and think Meds are a bunch of Arabs.
My gf is ethnically german ( her grand-grandfather was an architect camed here when the ww2 was lost and her grandfather received a nobility new surname and her other part of the family is an admixture of nordic with alpinid, they don't know where they came from but probably from germany or eastern europe) and she has almost black eyes
oh boy posting sports where only richfags compete in
No romans spanish and greeks are not the same others
they harbor so much hate, the poor cucks . being on the bottom of the food chain must be tough
>y-you're not white!