>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>The Memo
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC for Mar-A-Lago 2/2/18
>Pres Trump meets w/NoKo defectors @WH 2/2/18
>Pres Trump @CBP Roundtable on Immigration 2/2/18
>Devin Nunes on Fox 2/2/18
>Some Mooch interviews 2/2/18
>VP Pence Arrives in Pittsburgh PA 2/2/18
>SoS T-Rex Presser w/MEX+CAN FMs 2/2/18
>SoS T-Rex Q&A @UoT 2/2/18
>SoS T-Rex arrives in MEX 2/2/18
>UnderDefSec Shanahan Nuclear Posture Review 2/2/18
>UnderSoS Shannon on Nuclear Posture Review 2/2/18
>UnderSoS Shannon @Duke U 2/2/18
>UN Amb Haley @Congressional Inst 2/2/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Burma 2/2/18
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on NoKo 2/2/18
>This Week @State 2/2/18
>HHSDep Video: Officer Ryan Holets 2/2/18
>IntDep Video: Promises Kept 2/2/18
>Pres Trump @RNC meet (cutoff) 2/1/18
>Pres Trump @GOP retreat 2/1/18
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how better would this world have been if Communism was destroyed in WWII?
Hey Faggots,
My name is Peter Strzok, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the law debate club, and starter on my senior class mock court prosecution team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (Lisa just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my FBI lawyer mistress.
It feels really good, for once we are not the ones getting blasted by the current events
Feel the heat, redditardz
When is the lying media going to get shut the fuck up?
Hopefully he'll die soon.
You and me both
>literal pedos are posting B8 threads on Sup Forums at will but /ptg/ is saturated by glow in the dark interns who analyze clotposting for a living
when they run out of business
Tay has no butt but her legs make up for it.
>just randomly remembered Big Rich is kill
how do chinlets fold towels?
singles and McCain outlives Trump's Presidency
When we get Tay nudes desu
>Just one little clot. That's all we need.
Kek wills this fucker's death before 2018 is over
it was actually a few weeks ago, there's a flower on it now, but it already bloomed and it's about to fall off now so i don't want to take a picture
oh wow that's a breddy neat set-up, i might have to try that
Is Dow Jones kill?
i wish Patton would have gotten his way
9001x better
when your waifu says:
>Obama weakened America because he hates white people.
Its been 2 years, 7 months, 17 days since Trump made his historic escalator ride
Today he has almost completely destroyed one of the alphabet agencies. Let that sink in
Is that the comedian who murdered his own wife?
We are going to shut their mouths soon!!!!!
Sell stocks, invest in cryptos
Worst... blankets.
Picking singles is the cowards way out. Digits and he dies within.
Her butt is fabulous
Stay strong America, today had been a good day.
Rep. Gaetz is showing a masterful high ground maneuver here.
>yeah it's OK you tried to sell us out, Nancy Pelosi
>let's put that behind us and drain the swamp
Now the onus is entirely on her for refusing.
Rosenstein threatens Nunes and House Intel
i think im in love...
markets are doing better than the fed anticipated, so the fed adjusted their timetable for interest rate hikes
people responded by selling and pocketing their profits
this is completely normal
If he goes after ATF will your guns and moonshine be safe forever?
man, black/dark brown eyes look so soulless. scary.
>related article
Yes Jews skew elderly. Only 2% of White people are Jewish yet 5% of white elderly are Jewish
and dogs
imagine being Colbert
Man, anyone feeling IHOP all of the sudden?
preddy flower fren 10/10
Rumors about 5.4% growth plus rumors from FED increasing interest rates = speculators, not that hard.
You will just move to an environment where people play the market with a couple hundred thousand instead of millions/billions.
What's his end game? He was pretty sly for a year, acting like he had solid evidence on Trump but couldn't talk about it because it's classified. Lately, he doesn't even seem to give a fuck about Mueller but is still sticking to his muh Russia guns.
Fucking jew, he needs to get das boot
Soon, brother....
I'd probably believe it if it wasn't reported on Hannity.
user how old is this gril
Based photo.
I wish the Senate didn't exist. The Senate is a circlejerk of "moderate" fucktards. The House is by far the better chamber.
He’s being a partisan hack.
I can't even imagine the amount of dirt his kike handlers have on him. He must have fucked so goddamn many kids or maybe killed one
Prison, at least if there is a god.
O nevermind I clicked on the vid shes fine.
Idk, but he looks like such a nasty fuck. Snake in the grass faggot.
Be careful with falling in love with a Jewess user. It’s tricky business.
He has no backup plan so he's just dropping spaghetti everywhere and throwing it at the wall to see what sticks, if you'll pardon the double metaphor.
moonshine has gone commercial over here now. doesn't even make sense. moonshine was moonshine b/c it was illegal. now there are moonshine bars
t. California
Sounds like you prefer parliamentary politics.
Shut the fuck up, guy called Tucker a "russian agent" for making him a question, it's a fucking jewish socialist idiot.
Sounds like he wants single payer.
>Steinfeld's father is Jewish.[6] Her maternal grandfather was of half Filipino and half African-American descent.[7]
I wish Congress could bants like bongbros.
If theres grass on the field play ball.
Literally le 56% face.
>wanting John McCain, Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse, and Lindsey Graham to have any power at all
thanks fren
i want to try crossing it with another hibiscus
thinking of getting blue and yellow and then creating a hybrid tree, maybe next year tho
It's been legal since 2010
Say that again and I'll shove a pencil down your dick hole
it needs to go back to being state appointed.
Post the video of the guy making a scene because he got there late and wanted to resign.
It'd be never-ending nervous laughter and impotent rage, I'd imagine.
A libertarian walks into a bar and is shot because it was not his property
literally the perfect world if Germany crushed the USSR and America managed to take Berlin and negotiate a treaty with Germany
Or a better class of Senators. These fuckwits in the Senate now are completely useless. The Senate is always full of moderate cocksuckers and I hate that about it. There are very few Steve Kings in the Senate.
Big if true.
An Australian woman walks into a flock of emus and emerges pregnant.
That would DEFINITELY fix the Senate.
The idea that George Papadopoulos started the Russia probe is almost impossible to believe. Keep in mind the timeline here....
>Papadopoulos gets drunk and boasts to some Aussie that Russia has Hillary's emails
>Wikileaks dumps emails
>Aussie reports to American authorities
Now this sounds reasonable, but keep in mind the narrative then. This was before Russia collusion or anything. The BIG story was Hillary's email investigation and her 33,000 deleted emails. There were many people openly opining that Russia, China or some other foreign power had them. She had an unsecured closet server. But most importantly, those emails were NEVER published by Wikileaks. They dumped DNC and Podesta emails. So drunk Papadopoulos talking about Hillary's emails isn't nearly enough to launch a federal investigation. Hell who wasn't speculating about her missing emails then?
Also, the Russia probe was launched in the Summer of 2016, supposedly because of Papadopoulos. Well he wasn't even interviewed by the FBI till late January of 2017, around 7 months later. And he was never put under surveillance.
But Manafort and Carter Page were. My guess is Papadopoulos didn't start the Russia investigation, Mueller just caught wind of what Nunes was onto and changed the narrative a few months ago. Remember, the Papadopoulos news literally came out of nowhere in a rando leaked report to the NYT.
disgust mongrel
Lol. A Jew is born in the US, then 9 other die because the median age of American Jews is 65.
Cunnyposters are too strong
>the absolute state of democrats shilling
I’m not reading all that.
He has no end game, he's just a sleazy little toady for bigger players.
*blocks your path next year* lol
this one?
Beady eyes.
Blame the 17th Amendment
is there a limit? Somehow I doubt the revenuers would want to give up tax money.
>getting rid of Alex "White Hope" Smith for Le 56%
MSM is trying to move the goalposts after a solid year of shilling about Carter Page. Don't let them!
Smug cunts. But not for long
When you taycucks stop posting old pictures and post your aging wall-hitting whore as she is currently and not a decade ago
The Nunes memo barely scratched the surface of everything. This is true.
This was just the opening salvo.
The best is yet to come