Is porn bad for me? If so, why? I am goin g to college and I work a lot so I don't have time for a relationship. It scratches a certain itch.
Can it be healthy in some instances, or is porn always harmful? Justify your answer.
Is porn bad for me? If so, why? I am goin g to college and I work a lot so I don't have time for a relationship. It scratches a certain itch.
Can it be healthy in some instances, or is porn always harmful? Justify your answer.
90% if the porn industry is owned by jews
porn is essentially given away for free
have you ever known jews to just give something away for free?
> Answer A
> or Answer B
yeah no
>>Majority of white countries being invaded by high testosterone swarthy men masturbating to the overabundance of white women in porn
Can't see a problem there
Only when it's blacked and professional, ameture porn and porn form confirmed virgins is pretty good desu
The lack of social activity is harming society. What we do instead of it doesn't really matter.
Damn, really makes you think...
This. It mimics addiction the same as crack. It deflates your focus and traps you in lethargy. It is also addictive. Jews would gladly funnel people into the sex industry for money, whether that be consuming or producing.
Time is limited, quit wasting it with stupid shit like porn.
But quitting in and of itself is pointless, you have to do something positive to fill the gap, such as reading.
I feel like a hypocrite writing this, but it's true. I'm gonna go read a book now, then go to bed...
Here's the thing, I just don't get it.
We all crave sex, but thanks to working, school, etc. we may not get laid like a Chad all the time...
So why not compensate by fapping to porn just once in a while?
How is it any different than eating at a fancy restaurant (both just satisfy primal cravings)?
Masturbation is a sin. Do not awaken love until it is ready.
who dat.....?? sauce
Soe is eating a dessert after a meal that already provided sustinence also a sin? It's pretty much the same thing.
Masturbation is fine in small quantities (3 times a week max) porn is terrible for you. Just use common sense, is it normal for the brain to see so much sex and dopamine releases? No it isn't. Just use basic common sense, it'll get you far in life.
If something is free that means you are the product.
The sin of onan is very straightforward, newfag.
That's some deep shit.
First of all, you're watching another dude fuck a girl you like. That's textbook cuckery. Second of all, fapping to porn hurts your reward system and demotivates you to go out and get the money/power that leads to the women.
You fap retard, not watch porn.
From a serious perspective, it Is normal for the brain to see a fair amount of the much more intense kind, Real Life porn, the amount your ancestors were selected for putting out almost 10 children a pair. Ejaculation and voluntary lust is what chemical causes trouble, not the porn itself.
Its ok untill you go too far get addicted. Starting off on innocent shit might be ok. Next minute your gay cos you pretend to be the chick giving a blowie. Or you need even worse shit like animals or kiddie shit you get caught with that and you end up in jail. You can just easily die from taking too much drugs or alcohool poisoning. Too much of a bad can fuck you or kill you. And yes all this stuff is addictive. Just dont go too deep. Scratch that itch and get on with your life you can do so much better than being a degenerate loser.
Why can't you just fap occasionally without watching porn? "scratching an itch" sounds like an addiction.
Yes, porn is bad for men. We're increasingly being funneled into a lifestyle where all normal male pursuits are being virtualized, and we're discouraged from pursuing them in reality. This is a problem. It's making men weak and pathetic.
Porn encourages you to just sit around not trying to improve your sexual market value. Why would you, when you can simulate sex with a 9/10 woman 3x a day? Why have goals that make you an appealing partner? Why have a family? Why not just sit around and be stimulated until you die?
Do you have a desire to compete with other men? Would that competition require that you master your athletic abilities and get fit and strong? Why bother? You can just get video games and compete with other men online! Plant your fingers on WASD and set your mouse sensitivity so high that you barely have to move your wrist at all, so you can compete from a prone position. The rewards are all fake, and the glory is short lived. But it sure FEELS GOOD doesn't it?
Why go outside? Just pop in Planet Earth and we'll feed you HD, crisp video of all the places you could go if you had a real life - if you were living a REAL FUCKING LIFE. But you're not. So enjoy all the pleasures of life through your screen.
>have you ever known jews to just give something away for free?
>If something is free that means you are the product.
It's most certainly a distraction from more important matters.
The longer you go without it, the easier it becomes to go without it.
You find other things to fill your spare time.
>wining in a competitive game
>porn is bad
>natural selection can't deal with porn
I deleted 180gig of high quality porn.
Control your life. You can't jerk it without looking at some bull fucking the object of your desires?
Get a grip.
>9/10 women will appear to stroke your dick on command
>games where you race, shoot, fight, create civilizations can all be done in real life
>random joe schmoe can afford to travel around the planet
Porn isn't like eating at a fancy restaurant, it's more like ordering some McDonalds, but free.
Of course it damages society, why else would it be free?
Watch this, it's kinda interesting it's an extreme case but kinda makes sense
They can't be created in real life, but they give the "close-enough" feeling that will keep you from striving for even 10% of these achievements.
Actually the less you fap the less overall you think about sex. It’s not an instant thing it’s more of a over time needing less and less sex.
Also it makes you less likely to be controlled by women through sex. A addict will want to have sex all the time but the less you fap the longer without fapping you can go with sex too.
>some bull fucking the object of your desires?
gross. lesbos rubbing on each other a best
Looks a lot like the effects of intermittent fasting. At first you crave food like never before, but then you can go for 18-hour fasts daily without a problem.
This makes sense to me.
It seems that porn and fapping are actually healthy IF you are single and not interested in a relationship.
It is always harmful because you are fabricating a fake version of your wife using your hands. Think how retarded that sounds.
It's a mental illness in every sense of the word:
1. psychological anomaly whereby your hand becomes a projection of some whore's vagina
2. effect on the body as you are drained of vital fluids and waste time and effort
3. heavily impacts your lifestyle especially if you develop addiction (yes the weekly fap session is an addiction)
And that's not even touching the spiritual ramifications if you believe in that. Quit now because there is absolutely no reason to believe in pure fabrications that lead to addiction.
You don't have time for a relationship, so your work/life/study balance is not healthy.
Obviously making a substitute good for sex free is a shitty idea.
The primary good in porn is that it exposes young, good men to the realities of female sexuality so that they can avoid getting cucked in real life by falsely believing that women are all nice and sexless.
It's also good because it works against the mental tendency to repress various sexual inclinations, it liberalises the viewer. It's an infinitely better thing that 14 year old should know what "DP" is rather than having a society where gays are thrown off rooftops.
I can confirm this, struggled trying to quit fapping permanently for years. Once I did though, I wasn't constantly thinking about sex and drooling over anything that was at least a 7. I now focus a lot better and can fuck for hours, you'd think you would cum straight away if you haven't jacked off in months. It was the opposite for me though, when I was jacking off I'd be lucky to fuck a girl for 15 minutes straight without cumming now I can last an hour most times.
>You can't jerk it without looking at some bull fucking the object of your desires?
>not watching solo vids
Goddamn plebs
holy shit you're on to something here...
Spiritual warfare
Can confirm. After a week without fapping and porn for porn addict like me, my brain is screaming after the dopamine rush. I even bought one of those chasity cage thingys to prevent having a boner all the time.
why cant you retards fap every now and then ? why do you have to go overboard like an autist.
there's no middle ground for you retards, you either have to be a degenerate who faps 10 times a day or a fucking monk who is constantly having wet dreams because he doesn't have any sort of sexual release.
>chooses belief system based on what feels comfortable
It isn't conducive to being successful at getting a female and raising babies, so it is bad, if your aim is to ensure the existence of the white race and white children.
Reminder that virgin /r9k/-style incel NEETs can only exist in our society because porn allows people to find an alternative release rather than pursuing real life 3D waifus.
bullshit, the longer you spend without ejaculation the faster it is for you to get turned on by average women, assuming you are not a low test soy boy that is. You start even having wet dreams and morning wood all the time.
It's always bad. You can masturbate without porn. The benefits of male orgasm come from the orgasm itself. The porn just makes your mind dependent like a drug. Ween yourself off. Go back to vanilla porn if you're watching weird shit. Then go to just pictures of naked women. Then pictures of scantily clad women. Then go full imagination.
It's a problem because it's a positive feedback loop on the mind, making you lust for more extreme shit over time, and in the meantime making you lethargic and less motivated to do challenging things that are actually meaningful.
>real life 3D waifus
i have one made out of silicon
Yes very bad. It programs your brain to expect something unrealistic. When you do get into a relationship your girlfriend isn't going to want to do 90% of the shit you're jerking off to. On top of that, if you stopped masturbating you would naturally seek out relationships with women and probably be successful because it also raises your levels of testosterone. Avoid soy.
Societies without porn have the highest rates of rape & domestic violence.
Porn provides social cohesion & stability. There's a reason why wartime soldiers in the West were permitted to have pin-ups, and later, Playboy USO shows.
God bless porn.
I would say overall it does more harm than good to society overall.
On an individual by individual basis, it doesn't have to be harmful 100% of the time.
>Societies without porn have the highest rates of rape & domestic violence.
[citation needed]
100% it makes women shallow because they are given tons of money for just being naked and coy and it makes males degenerate... I love porn and stroking it but I can see a problem for what it is at the same time
The majority of porn on the internet is not professional. It is amatuer women either with their bf or making pictures/videos for their bfs or they are camwhores doing it for money or they're just sluts posting pics/videos because they're pure sluts. All women are sluts. And the statistic that should scare every Sup Forumsack is that there are hundreds of millions of videos and pics of different women, and the vast majority of all women in porn are white. That means that 70% or more of white women have done porn, if we assume that there are 1 billion white people on earth and half of them are white women. That means that almost every white woman has done porn. Stop fucking defending and protecting white women, they are disgusting whores that are increasingly racemixing. You want to cling to something they don't give a shit about. They don't care about the white race, they don't care about Western civilization, they don't care about morals and families, all the care about is getting money and as many dicks as possible.
Porn does NOT harm society, it is created FROM society and is a REFLECTION of what society is really like. Jews OWN society and white women are complete SLUTS. There is no logical argument against everything I've said, I've objectively proved the truth and not only that, I've laid out the most air tight case yet about porn and white women.
>you do get into a relationship your girlfriend isn't going to want to do 90% of the shit you're jerking off to
that's why communication is key in a relationship. i made my kinks very well known to girls by at least the 4th date. there's a reason why i married my wife, she's a goddamned freak in the sack.
One thing is to have acess to a couple of pictures. Another is to have access to thousands of different 9/10 women for free and so easily. Our brain wasn't made for the amount of info the internet gives us access too, let alone a bunch of free different pussy.
>"Always" bad
"Always" is the vocabulary of Fundamentalists.
only a sith deals in absolutes
Lol this is so long deadass go back to /r9k/. Also like 6% of White women have a non white child if that’s what your rambling about.
I didn't say BLACKED once in my post. Interesting that you defend white women by saying that only 6% of white women have mixed KIDS when the majority of racemixers fuck around but DON'T marry or have kids with their non-white masters.
>Self-evident to any Sup Forumstard that rape is highest in Third World countries, where Islam & fundamentalist rule is increasing
>Until these same Nazis realize they like Muslim society, they just want the secular version
If you have to ask... yes.
Porn is "always" bad.
so now either you are a sith or a member of the jedia council
Porn and Masturbation are OBJECTIVELY bad for you and are fucking up your mind, anyone who says otherwise is a jewish shill
You’re right about the psychologically harmful and addictive aspects of porn, but your notion that masturbation is this weird unusual thing is pretty retarded
Women can be nice and sexual w/o getting double penetrtated which is gay and, somewhat sexless in a deeper poetic sense.
Faggots SHOULD be thrown off rooftops.
Let's give prohibition another try, too. If you're not pure, you're not white.
yes it does. maga
The notion that it's a usual thing to turn your hand into a vagina is the pretty retarded thing desu.
You got papers on this, leaf?
>have you ever known jews to just give something away for free?
>If something is free that means you are the product.
Who is the buyer....
Who would finance methods that stiffle the growth and development of an entire nation by getting it's young men addicted to porn and playing video games instead of focusing on education, careers, businesses and starting families?
Holy shit, it's almost as if this is all next level asymmetrical warfare. Instead of attacking USA head on, our enemies are financing our own future destruction by corrupting and weakening the current generation of up and coming young men and women.
Wow, anyone else completely getting mentally nuked right now?
it turns into a high time preference nigger
who hurt you?
Why is porn EITHER good OR bad?
Like most things in life, it can be simultaneously BOTH.
But that would frustrate your fundamentalist all-or-nothing totalitarianism.
It probably lessens incidents of sexual assault.
>what is advertising revenue
I think it's fine. Men have a higher sex's really only a problem if you're watching it 24/7, spending your all of your money on it, can't talk to your partner about how sex drive/desire differs in men and women, can't perform for your partner because you've been rubbing it to a nub, etc. Use common sense. Sex is in grained in our genes,our ancestors were heroic and horny bastards. Just don't devote/ruin your entire existence to masterbating 24/7 and not pair bond and cultivate a healthy family and family lifestyle. And don't treat it like a big bad boogie monster either. I don't really support the porn entertainment industry in the sense that it promotes women into doing sex work because of money..but whores have always existed too. Just gonna have to regulate that industry so everyone can be on the safer side.
>What would Sup Forums be like if there was no porn
Whats a woman?
It encourages women to act like whores and men to treat women like whores.
Are you going to the mother of your children like a whore? Is she going to be a
faithful waifu when she acts like a whore? It's another Jewish trick to destroy
the family unit - which is the building block of western civilisation.
Yes, it's bad it kills your motivation to find a gf and reproduce. This is what the jews want you to do.
Me myself is pron addicted I'm trying to fight my addiction but it's really really hard. I tried many times to start nofap but every day I start it over because if I see a hot slut over the Internet I get instantly horny I need to empty my balls, that's how the porn made my mind work.
It also killed my penis sensitivity, I feel nothing with a woman it's hard for me to cum of having sex with a woman.
I think people should start opening rehabs for porn addicted.
>rehabs for porn addicted
Don't be a pussy, just stop beating it everyday to porn. Rehab, FFS.
Easier said than done
correct. When industrious Jews pioneered pornography in the late 50s and early 60s, it was a reflection of white culture at the time. Everyone would have been making porn at the time if camcorders were cheaper and easier to use.
Good post friendo.
depends entirely on how self aware you are and whether you can separate reality from fiction
but just to be safe join the 2d master race
When you stop treating yourself like a spoiled child constantly seeking instant gratification
it's not that difficult.