Liberals talking about assaulting babies

>Liberals talking about assaulting babies
Genocide when?

Asian grills with tattoos are me fetish


Jesus Christ these people are degenerate


I'd let her punt our hapa children

The reason that I don't pick up babies anymore is because there is something in head that says "what would happen if I just threw this baby across the room?"

she then switched on Maddow and remained completely silent for an entire hour.

it's not liberals

it's non whites. nothing drives a non white up the wall more than a white baby.

it's never "liberals" or "Democrats". it's our racial enemies who are behind it, namely jews and non whites.

They're all mentally unstable.

Fuck Asians

She loves white cock

those are cauld intrusive thoughts and are a sign of oncoming schizophrenia

Tom Hardy is good looking guy. Every girls likes him.

I'm just trying to imagine how people would react if I threw a baby across the room. It's such an awful scenario that its shocking and hilarious to think about.

just ocd probably

I can't tell if she's a troll account, a self-hating Asian lusting for white cock, or if Asian liberals are trying to "take back" gook.

Fuck I'd be barebacking that all over the crib

I dunno babys are pretty puntable desu

>Finding gooks attractive
Me love you long time

Breed with a gook, get deported to gookland.

Hillary is that you?

real talk, if I was that babby I'd let that asian girl punt me in the dick and face with her bare feet.


Nice name, wanna make a white baby?

honestly how long would it take to doxx her 2 hours lol.