>Sup Forums gets utterly BTFOed by a since british guy
Sup Forums gets utterly BTFOed by a since british guy
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Vegan Gains already BTFO Paul Jewseph Watsonberg.
>Soyboy getting butt buttblasted by the phrase soyboy
That's the whole point
hes looks are JUST
>eyesacks readish
>feminine pasture and manerisms
Why do leftist Brits always look like Hobbits?
Sage this gay shit.
who the fuck is this fucking faggot ?
he is the fucking prime example of a soyboy
a weak emasculated feminine low-t faggot with feminine mannerisms and feminine vocal tones.
Yup, its kinda sad how people fell for that meme.
It was just for laffs xD
Some british guy who got famous from what I guess or assume, making fun of sonic, or being way too much into sonic. I'm unsure, I know metokur once mentioned him in one of his video but it was really quick.
>That thumbnail
Actually he got Famous of calling Fallout 3, and Sherlock garbage.
>soyboy tries to debunk the soyboy phenomenon
This is (pic related) claiming that human beta/alpha males don't exist all over again.
these guys either have no basis in reality, or are maliciously misleading people. it's fucked up.
male feminists are fucking scum
this guy's natural body scent is cum
love that memory
Fucking lel, he's the epitome of one. For all the bullshit sourcing though, doctors tell women prone to breast cancer to cut out soy. Let that rattle some neurons.
>a since british guy
>a since
What does this mean?
the dangerous thing about soy is that it is increasingly in almost everything americans eat.
and soy is has a huge amount of xenoestrogen, like multiple more amounts than other foods.
so even if studies find it does nothing or can't see what it does in small amounts, it could change the affect after so many doses of soy over like 20 years, perhaps. I don't think there's really any inclusive data either way, so saying "omg soy doesn't do that!!" is a little dumb.
plus Sup Forums is always right so, be prepared
theres no reason to think that it does do that stuff
plant estrogen isnt human estrogen