Can anyone actually explain to me why I should be worried about "going extinct"? As long as no one's trying to kill me for being white, I'm not worried about going extinct. Why should I care what color people are as long as we share the same values? I'm not an SJW who is obsessed with my race, and I don't care what America's racial makeup will look like generations after I'm dead. My identity has nothing to do with my race. It's not something I think about when I wake up in the morning.
Can anyone actually explain to me why I should be worried about "going extinct"...
Other urls found in this thread:
because brown people are fucking disgusting
(((you))) need to lurk more
I want whites to survive but only meds
How old is rose?
OP has no kids
Okay Carl.
>As long as no one's trying to kill me for being white, I'm not worried about going extinct
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
She's said that she is 19. Honestly, she seems very intelligent, well spoken, but I just can't accept this. Identity politics is not something I like from anyone.
Its a man thing. We just dont want to lose the classic White beauty due to over mixing.
Thats all. 14/88 in Mein Kampf was written by Adolf Hitler, a man.
>Why should I care what color people are as long as we share the same values?
Because people that aren't your color don't share your values
Yeah, but who cares. You find white women attractive, then marry one. You only need one. Future generations will likely find darker skinned women more attractive because there'll be more of them.
They will kill you when you are a minority, whitey. They hate you because you're white, you'll never be able to reason with them.
Because you piss away tax dollars to support people that aren't yours.
So what's the answer, make them hate me even more by being a Nazi? No, the answer is we enact conservative policies while trying our best to engage with people and explain to them why they're wrong.
>hitler was a man
>all men are a man
all men are literal hitler
Good fences make for good neighbors.
Non-whites can't be "oppressed" by whites that aren't around.
Let them try to build their Wakanda, and we'll have our own space.
Eliminate them
Goodluck with that. You think you can reason with a pathos driven mob that is being reinforced from multiple fronts to hate you and everything about you? Go for it, see how far that gets you.
Identity politics is the basis upon which all ideological bigotry rests.
Proof: You can't have bigotry against a group without a group identity.
>Can anyone actually explain to me why I should be worried about "going extinct"
You shouldn't. Now go jump off a bridge OP.
This. And when whites are gone what will happen to what whites built?
No more economic engine. No more creative engine.
kek has spoken /thread.
>Proof: You can't have bigotry against a group without a group identity.
Group of people with glasses don't identify as a group with glasses but I can still hate them all the same. I thought I couldn't do that.
>future generations will find darker women attractive
Wrong-o! Helen of Troy is millennia old this shit has been going on since the dawn of mankind.
All men know this. Why do you think racism and the fourteen words are SO PREVELANT through out the ages in one form or another?
For preserving White beauty, yes we are.
The Chinese will take over
Trump won because the left pulled the pendulum so far back that we gave them the loudest, brashed guy we could find to put them in their place. Your racism will do the exact same thing. MLK helped to bring equality for black people through peace. That's the only option.
so are you going to wait until they try to kill you? What do you plan to do then?
I'm not going to turn the other cheek, you can if you want, good for you.
There's two major reasons.
The first is simply instinctual. It's survival. There's a natural racial survival instinct. In your case, it's defective, likely as years of anti-white propaganda.
So let's ignore that part and get to a practical answer for you.
Think about the future. What will the world look like without white people? Consider Africa and the middle east. South America. What are these places like? They don't have the same individual cultures that we have. They're dangerous, authoritarian, and don't prosper. IQ is a real thing, races have different capabilities for civilization.
Nobody here cares about "brown skin" or shit like that-- that's just memes and people trying to discredit legitimate fears. It's not the COLOR of a nonwhite America that's frightening-- it's the civilization itself. Freedom-loving and prosperous "individualist" societies are something that come from white people.
If and when white people die out, it's not JUST that whites will be extinct. But civilization itself will crumble. There will be no future for mankind.
No, its not a civilization thing. Its LITERALLY about preserving White women.
name which races have built or maintained a civilization
I would highly recommend the letter that MLK wrote after they had won their battle, and bus companies were legally desegregated. He told black people that they had won, but it would be a horrible idea to rub it in anyone's faces. He said that if they spit on you, don't spit back. If they trip you, just get up and walk to your seat. If you think you won't be able to handle being harassed without lashing out, don't take the bus.
>likely as years of anti-white propaganda.
Or just valuing religion and ideology more than the color of people's skin. I know that African countries are dreadful. They're not Judeo-Christian societies.
Lets put it this way
>Whites are just less than 70% of the voting population right now
>Despite that there are race targeting laws like affirmative action, diversity hiring quotas, and the exclusive use of (((hate crime))) laws against whites
>That being said - what happens when we no longer have the numbers to politically defend ourselves?
>What would a future Dem prez do if they knew we couldnt vote to defend ourselves but knew they could win non-white favor over other Dems by passing much worse laws against our interest?
>"Reparations"? ...Unending reparations?, a rewriting of the constitution? (((Hate speech))) laws? Things can only be against us if anything like that happens.
The media may talk alot about white on everyone else racism/hatred, but trust me, there is alot more of the reverse.
MLK was an orgy-attending, adulterous, communist golem that got much of his direction and speech-writing from Jews
>As long as no one's trying to kill me for being white
Actually most of africa is christian.
You mean "European." Don't fall for the merchants' programming
I don't rub Trump's win in anyone's face. If you're such an individualist you would let the individuals that want to live around other individuals they like free to do it. Is freedom of association not a conservative value now and if so when did that change?
The vast majority of white people disagree with that buddy. You're the odd man out.
Ching Chong Bing Tong. We Preserve the White Womans.
This is a naive and utopian worldview that all of us wish was true. We all wish that the races were equal. We wish that it was purely about ideology and culture. But the truth is that the ideology and culture or born out of race. It's simple evolution-- the same elements that forced whites to evolve higher intelligence caused us to evolve society-instincts that lead to more individualist and prosperous societies. Race and culture/ideology go hand-in-hand. Different races are most comfortable in different kinds of societies.
It's something that you'll just have to grow out of, I guess. More life experience. Good luck man.
I do understand what you're saying, and there is a lot of anti-white racism, but the solution is not more racism.
Yeah, but like, really crazy charismatic Christianity.
>Or just valuing religion and ideology more than the color of people's skin.
It is NOT "the color of people's skin". If you think this way, you are wholly missing the point. Racial differences are FAR deeper than skin color.
We don't care that black people have dark skin. We care about their BEHAVIOR.
No, I specifically mean Judeo-Christian values.
What I'm saying is that if you want people to not hate you, you shouldn't antagonize them.
Estrogen lightens skin. Women of all races try to lighten skin because it indicates higher estrogen and fertility.
You might outlive the sustainable population threshold of the subspecies. Meaning: You'll likely end up living under the Chinese World Order, and probably dying a painful death after getting sucked into the end of a moving sidewalk.
Why participate in a scheme you wont see the fruits of in your lifetime?
"I want my great great grandchildren to dominate your great great grandchildren"
Cool plan shlomo.
>as long as we share the same values
Have the ideological divisions gotten better or worse since the adoption of multiracialism?
>and I don't care what America's racial makeup will look like generations after I'm dead
Why care about anything then? The nature of a country is largely defined by the genetic makeup of its citizens.
We be preserving the BEAUTY of White Women, yo. Group effort come on everybody its time to duel.
If you're going to be that nihilistic just kill yourself. If there's a point to you existing there's a point to your people existing.
niggers are not people.
>why I should be worried about "going extinct"?
>I don't care what America's racial makeup will look like generations after I'm dead
>lol who gives a fuck about the future, gimme muh celebrity gossip and twerking videos nao!!!
The absolute state of anti-white soy bugmen.
>Judeo values
What are those? Porn? High-interest loans?
You really think it's just that simple? Thanks for the advice, wish I would have thought of this sooner.
We dont give a shit about values! Values change.
Go to /gif/ watch reeked thread
>What I'm saying is that if you want people to not hate you, you shouldn't antagonize them.
This is wrong and naive. Other people hate us for no fault of our own. Islam, for example, teaches its followers to kill all infidels. Many blacks likewise have been brought up to blame all white people for their failures.
You do not understand the nature of reality, dude. THEY are the ones coming after US. We're not racist for no reason.
>As long as no one's trying to kill me for being white
It's only a matter of time.
left > right
boo is a faggot btw
Well, I'm in favor of making sure people with dreadful Islamic views aren't allowed in, but I don't care if someone from a middle-eastern region wants to come in as long as he's willing to assimilate.
The question of beauty is something that often gets lost in the whole race debate. I wish more people could appreciate it.
That only works when they are like 1% or less in an otherwise homogenous white society. Look how well the "assimilation" has been going since 1965.
They aren't assimilating, they're trying to destroy us and take over and tear everything down and replace it with a third-world socialist hellhole.
Islam is a huge problem, but that has nothing to do with skin color.
My question is to the blacks, or black LARPers in here. What do you think you'll get out of wiping out white people? You have to know you aren't going to take over. Asians and latinos are going to fill in the void, and they like blacks even less than whites do in the modern day. Blacks are only doing as well as they are in most places because of white guilt leading to white charity. Let's say China fills the void, they aren't exactly known for treating vulnerable populations well at all.
I would never call for racism like the bunch of these plebs. Just you voting your racial interest to secure safety and equal treatment for you and your family (both current and future).
There is no other option.
Because you live in a lovely fantasy world that white men have created you fucking absolute delusional idiot.
The world is not normally like this....It's usually a huge struggle and thousands if not millions of years and people died and suffered for you to be at this pinnacle..
Clearly, objectively white run western countries outperform in every aspect.. Do you think this is a fucking coincidence user??
>Or just valuing religion and ideology more than the color of people's skin.
Nice try, anti-white leftist kike.
Happy muzziys
>My identity has nothing to do with my race.
In fact, you are your genes.
>As long as no one's trying to kill me for being white, I'm not worried about going extinct
there are more ways than one to kill people, being ostracised from work, denial of social services and removal from statistics and bureaucracy is one way.
That's what happened under the Armenian genocide. Starvation.
The government can just import and replace them with whatever group they want without peoples consent, its not like there is a shortage of humans.
But I'm not interested in protecting "my race". I don't care about white people or black people, I just want to share my values with like minded people.
Shut up you old fart white men cant run SHIT FOR SHIT without a team of brown men under them who actually out produce and out perform your soft KEK ASS fart fucker. Im tired of you barking.
This is LITERALLY about saving White Women. And only white sperm with a White woman can produce more and continue their TIMELESS and CAPTIVATING beauty.
Your funny
Libertarianism has nothing to do with logic. It's simply a value system.
Values aren't decided on logically, they are instinctual or group taught.
Logic can only tell you what is or what can be.
"What should be?" cannot be answered with pure logic.
This is why nihilism is cancer.
When nothing matters, you stop caring about the future of things outside of the self in the current moment and approximate future, while throwing away all the sacrifices made in the past for the sake of your and future generations. You squander not only the gift given to you by your predecessors, but you squander it for those who come after you who might have wanted it.
You value nothing.
You create nothing.
You leave nothing.
You are nothing.
You become nothing.
Race is not just skin color.
There are average differences in behavior, brain size, height, face structure, eye color...
this, usually only whites support things like free-speech, limited government, gun rights...
That's up to you, I guess...
I do want to protect global diversity/cultures/differences
this. black cunts can come and vist, but whites need countries to themselves.
Racism has as much to do with skin color as being a doctor has to do with wearing a lab coat.
You clearly know nothing about race if you think its just skin color.
A lot of Latin American countries also have the "Judeo-Christian" style of civilization.
And in these countries the whitest areas are the most developed.
Because there ARE people who want to kill you for being white.
Aww yes gimme da Yous
>Can anyone actually explain to me why I should be worried about "going extinct"
It's not about being extinct to these people, that's just a pretext. The point of these people is racial supremacy over other races and pushing that idea even if it means bigotry, oppression and violence.
Do not be one.
>we need Mexicans to clean the toilets
>I'd rather have a peaceful white nation
It is a shithole.
Why should you care about your own culture and your own people?
Well, trendy new-age progressiveness, you shouldn't care at all. You should loathe your own race. Plus you get bonus social justice virtue points if you diversify by marrying a refugee or someone black/brown.
Fuck off, if you have to ask you are obviously subverting or so demoralized it won't matter anyway.
I only do out of utilitarian/voting purposes. Nothing else beyond that.
Anyway, you still haven't provided an adequate alternative to what will happen when we are at the whim of everyone else?
Do you wish just to wait and see what will happen? I think you already know the answer.
They don't share the same values and you won't be safe once we become an actual minority.
>Race is just skin color
Congrats, you’re as braindead as that meme.
Very true. This is why I cherish the fire of nationalism and patriotism. I'm proud of my culture, and I want others to have the chance to experience the gift how I was. Caring about how things will be after you are gone for your children and their children to come takes a special kind of person to think about more than just themselves.
I wouldn't expect any ignorant, carefree, newagers to understand or respect traditional values that have created such interesting cultures.