Yo so what is this shit?
Somebody made a thread earlier and I was stewing on it. I came back and there's no new thread for it. Did this get solved?
I think I've figured a little bit of it out though.
Previous thread:
Yo so what is this shit?
Somebody made a thread earlier and I was stewing on it. I came back and there's no new thread for it. Did this get solved?
I think I've figured a little bit of it out though.
Previous thread:
Other urls found in this thread:
kike free first p
it looks like it needs to be made into a QR code
Still working on it bucko, I think we're all getting there slowly but surely though.
one theory
First thing to do is to look for repeating symbols?
wow we have a fucking smart guy over here
original scan
Could it be braille?
>made into a QR code
Friendly reminder that this is our Nr.1 explanation:
Backed up by a professional:
Nigger relax. Maybe he hasn't been following earlier threads.
The letters appear to be of maximum vertical height 5, so braille wouldn't work
Nothing to see here
Did i say something wrong? First time im seeing this and just wanted to give it a bump.
Dont reply unneccessary posts, we will reach bump limit again.
(message deleted in 2 mins)
no you didn't. The guy is being a faggot.
Old Thred
Archive of it
No. You're good, experiment with it, have fun and let's crack this bitch.
>Yo so what is this shit?
Someone identifying as "Q"
posted this image in last thread.
From last thread- on a light board 2 copies layered note how the symbols on either side of middle text are perfectly symmetrical
This reminds me of 32:14 here:
Where they used to use a vertical punchhole system to represent the alphabet etc in old printing presses. Heading to work so I can't dig right now but can anyone look up any old punchholes representing letters system? I could see them still using some old one for secret government shit
>RepLy 2 ThiS e maIL or uR MOTheR wIll DIe in h3r Sleep 2NIte
THIS it looks like one of those calendars where you have to slide the thing and just pic related
Yeah and I think him and this user were right too, this looks like game of life.
The original image looks like a message after flipping vertically too, see OP bucko.
I think what we should do is convert both the flipped-upside-down picture (because it actually looks like text) and the original into a game of life format and then check it out, running it a step at a time to see whether a message of any sort appears.
That would be the easy mode. Hard mode:
i flipped and mirrored the image. i also place matches found from the last thread and a few more of my own
Different form but the concept is the same: slide the decoder over the text. Maybe the thing in the top right is what you slide over everything?
...but 2 copies of anything are going to be symmetrical when you flip one. Example:
Original: ">"
Copy, flipped: "
>perfectly symmetrical
Its because its two of the same documents
If you flip the images around, they are going to be symmetrical.
>Telling OP to check the OP
The autism is strong tonight. But yeah guys help me out here please, this shit takes forever.
We wuz CHIM n' shit.
ah thx for the link
i was wondering if there was some encryption method based on this
We dont even know what kind of software/company provices this type of encoding.
Are there companies with close ties to the DNC/Hillary that provides matrix encoding?
Does it have anything to do with Pharma bro's enigma machine that got taken and sold?
its braille. For blind people.
Get fucked cunt
It says "OP is a faggot"
Think about this logically.
HRC is a mental midget.
She wouldn't be able to figure out something that would take a key, or something in depth.
There has to be some sort of overlay or a scan.
Something that's done with little effort.
More than likely, something that Huma would crack
It looks to be something of the sort because when slid around depending on where it is it forms words just not clearly or in order. Either way if it is a code that Hillary uses it's probably meant to be printed and probably meant to be easy. I feel like there's a very simple step that's being overlooked to put it together I just can't figure out what
>5x5=20 sized tales
>Hebrew has 22 symbols
>Similar to vocals in hebrew should at least two symbols be able to be discarded
>Hllry clntn
>Everyone can read this, saves space, enables 5x5 tile encryption
>Figure out which pixel in tile stands for which letter
>translate plan for death star
There are only 15 letters represented. Would that be a typical amount of letters for an average paragraph?
Is this the original orientation?
There is, didn't know before either, but fuck me that looks exactly like the game of life to me, especially after the other anons dropped some hints with sacred knowledge.
Even if it's a red herring I'm totally using this shit in the future to become a Turkish don, they'll never catch me, it's just so retarded that no one would think of using it. Beautiful.
nigga those are 5x4 tiles
Stop fucking sheep, bitch nigga.
Amerimu..Americans without autism need to go back bumping blacked threads.
No dude this is super secrt spy codes
No no I realize that I'm not retarded I'm suggesting that the symmetry is for framing what might be the actual message in the center
Stop getting shot by 12 year old girls, Carlos.
Link to it on twitter: mobile.twitter.com
2 threads ago: Full text for anyone who want to play with ciphers on the pic related method:
Full text for anybody with a cipher idea:
ajfbcks brbbdgdsh kk jkbbbgkhnu hs dkks bbckbckkk kk hs
kkjkskk cks hks kk aqajbdhs bfdjhs cbgb hkcd gbckhbd hs
kkhs khgbd ckbgdk cdsh kk ksh kbckhgbgb hsdq kk bb
kkhs mhsk hsdk bdbhsb jkb h k gbcksb q gbdgs dbdbbhbd kk kbhbbck ks
kkd k gbcks kkdk bg hs dkk fk jks hk gbdkk ckd kkksb kck gbcd
They lived on blackberries and webmail. Maybe an app decoder?
Typo, its late here, put point stands. 20 letter tiles and you simply 1/0 mark the letters you need.
It's similar to "Lochkarten" (whole cards??) that were used for very early computers.
Yes and the 15 letters had me baking binary ideas. like space is zero and then each of the 15 is somehow a 1-F and maybe the hex -> ascii would reveal something... but I think I'm overthinking it
theres too many K's
I like you're theory, but the format doesn't work.
Double consonants back to back
how many hours in ms paint?
Exactly this. Think about Podesta's password these people are not geniuses.
has anyone posted this on another board like Sup Forums?
I'm wondering the same thing.
It would be easy to program.
But it would need to have the format.
Again...everyone uses Blackberry's.
And they aren't known for their apps.
But what are Blackberry's known for?
I don't think so at least not to my knowledge
Breaking for no reason
I'm trying to use the thing in the top left as a code to invert different different dots, if you know what I mean? Black -> chnge color White -> stay the same. Idk what I'm doing
It doesn't. I don't think it's a paragraph. Idk what it is though. I just think that there's something simple to it. A rule or a slider that would make sense of it easily
>bbckbckkk kk
Usually these are easy to solve with E being the most common letter and finding "the" "he" etc from there but I can't picture any 2 letter word with the same letter or a word ending in 3 of the same letter. Gotta be different groupings like for all we know it's 2x5 letters or 3x5 who knows.
Or maybe they just had a CPU program generate its own "A = this pattern of dots" deal...I can't see Hillary drawing out little squares or using anything physical, we know she had a bunch of classified software on her server
Maybe the K was used for alignment with an overlay. To stop sliding the overlay?
looks like Elsagate shit, its probably a simple letter swap thing exactly klike they used in Elsagate
In the last thread, someone asked where this came from, as no one else could find the email.
Does anyone have a date so we could cross reference with podesta emails?
it'd have to be a really weird vignere cipher or something stranger for it work as stands. That dotsies shit just lined up so well, but it seems at the moment to be sort of a lost cause.
I'm liking the QR code thinking. With the box around it and that top left corner mark, it wouldn't be hard for a camera to get binary out of the image. That opens up a shitload of possibilities though.
That kinda makes sense. KK was from the equal signs looking bits.
stole it breh
I was thinking the same thing about considering space a character, but not about the binary. Overthinking it might be something to consider. I don't see any repeating phrases in the message. Has character dimension been determined?
The name's Raoul.
The three companies that did hillarys cyber security:
Platte River Networks
Datto, Inc.
link to emails
dont know what page its on though :/
yeah it looks like spacing is important. When I was doing the dotsies transcription i noticed that the spaces were super irregular, between 1-6 squares and with seemingly no pattern. There's probably some information in the spacing vertically too. Note how the two first lines are close, then a bigger gap, two more close lines, then a bigger gap and the last line.
g here looks like some odd old school morse code / braille crypto
probably a private cypher key to decode desu
Modular encryption, perhaps. That would allow one letter to have more than one correspondence.
This. That is probably why they were always printing.
I could see them using some super old-ass system given Podesta's password skills and shit. Like they NEVER thought they would get caught. They couldn't imagine a bunch of Sup Forums autists seeing this page someday so it could be just some super simple oldschool military morse code system that we're over-thinking.
I just decoded it, it says "Drinkmoreovaltine"
But that still doesn't explain why it'd be kk over and over again. Decoding in the dotsies manner produces 68 k's and most of them occur next to another k as kk
>ajfbcks brbbdgdsh kk jkbbbgkhnu hs dkks bbckbckkk kk hs
kkjkskk cks hks kk aqajbdhs bfdjhs cbgb hkcd gbckhbd hs
kkhs khgbd ckbgdk cdsh kk ksh kbckhgbgb hsdq kk bb
kkhs mhsk hsdk bdbhsb jkb h k gbcksb q gbdgs dbdbbhbd kk kbhbbck ks
kkd k gbcks kkdk bg hs dkk fk jks hk gbdkk ckd kkksb kck gbcd
>61 6A 66 62 63 6B 73 20 62 72 62 62 64 67 64 73 68 20 6B 6B 20 6A 6B 62 62 62 67 6B 68 6E 75 20 68 73 20 64 6B 6B 73 20 62 62 63 6B 62 63 6B 6B 6B 20 6B 6B 20 68 73 0A 6B 6B 6A 6B 73 6B 6B 20 63 6B 73 20 68 6B 73 20 6B 6B 20 61 71 61 6A 62 64 68 73 20 62 66 64 6A 68 73 20 63 62 67 62 20 68 6B 63 64 20 67 62 63 6B 68 62 64 20 68 73 0A 6B 6B 68 73 20 6B 68 67 62 64 20 63 6B 62 67 64 6B 20 63 64 73 68 20 6B 6B 20 6B 73 68 20 6B 62 63 6B 68 67 62 67 62 20 68 73 64 71 20 6B 6B 20 62 62 0A 6B 6B 68 73 20 6D 68 73 6B 20 68 73 64 6B 20 62 64 62 68 73 62 20 6A 6B 62 20 68 20 6B 20 67 62 63 6B 73 62 20 71 20 67 62 64 67 73 20 64 62 64 62 62 68 62 64 20 6B 6B 20 6B 62 68 62 62 63 6B 20 6B 73 0A 6B 6B 64 20 6B 20 67 62 63 6B 73 20 6B 6B 64 6B 20 62 67 20 68 73 20 64 6B 6B 20 66 6B 20 6A 6B 73 20 68 6B 20 67 62 64 6B 6B 20 63 6B 64 20 6B 6B 6B 73 62 20 6B 63 6B 20 67 62 63 64
From Sup Forums
I think this is what it is
Guys, Q anons pic is the key.
What were dealing t=with is basically an advanced version of this: