Sure more white babies would be great but would we even want people like this to reproduce?
Sure more white babies would be great but would we even want people like this to reproduce?
We are currently purifying the white race by allowing the weak to not have children. Natural selection at its finest. The future white race will be genetically conservative and collectivist.
This might be true actually.
Exactly this.
Instead of us selecting for desirable traits for our children, people are deciding for themselves to not have children. This is like the retarded Spartan baby throwing himself off the cliff instead of us doing it.
could also be a subconcious coping nechanism. instead of havin children they have a bunch of toys who represent childish features (cute, big eyes)
Am I supposed to not be attracted to her? Because Im attracted to her.
Any more pics?
Got feet?
its the same reason young couples get a puppy instead of having children
sage is in the wrong box newfag
>retarded Spartan baby throwing himself off the cliff
pretty good, their genetics will die with them.
It is the friendliest form of eugenics.
Also the most humane.
You're weak human trash.
What you don't want to do is realize the occult forces behind population control thus expatriating your personal responsibility of making better personal choices that would deal with them.
You're stupid, unread, and should be ashamed by it.
Except y'all realize that while whites are busy "purifying" themselves, the rest of the world isn't, and 100 years ago whites were 33% of the population, now it's 15% and in 2100, it won't even be a double digit. What's being pure gonna do you when you're a minority in your own country?
Leftists reproduce by indoctrinating the children of white normies.
The reason we are so weak is because the old aristocracy was being outbred by the low class. Now that the religious and the conservative are the only ones breeding, then the new ruling class will be conservative and will push for a conservative society. The only other race you should worry about are orientals and they have the same problems as us.
Normies descend from low class trash from the old world. People with good genes send their kids to private schools or are have them homeschooled.
Damage control. Such a joke lmao
What is that blue-haired alien. I don't recognize it.
You don't think white people should worry about being a percent of the world's population?
Exactly this.
The college's might as well be called communist indoctionation houses.
Your great-great-grandfather, he cleared the land
Your great-grandfather, he plowed the land
And your grandfather made the land profitable
And your father sold it to become a state employee
As for you, my boy, you don't know what you're gonna do
In your small one bedroom way too expensive, cold in the winter
Some wants to become an owner come over you
And you dream at night to own a small plot of land
Your great-great-grandmother, she had fourteen children
Your great-grandmother had almost as many
And your grandmother had three it was enough
And your mother didn't want any ; you were an accident
As for you, my girl, you change partner all the time
When you do something stupid, you get out of it with an abortion
But there are mornings, you wake up crying
When you dream at night of a big table surrounded by kids
Your great-great-grandfather, lived in misery
Your great-grandfather, collected pennies
And your grandfather - miracle! - became a millionaire
And your father inherited it and put it all in his RRSPs
As for you, young one, you owe your ass to the government
No way to get a loan in a banking institution
To calm your urges to hold-up the cashier
You read books about voluntary simplicity
Your great-great-grandparents, the knew how to celebrate
Your great-grandparents were swingning hard at parties
And your grandparents saw the ye-ye period
Your parents were discos, that's where they met
As for you my friend, what do you do with your evening ?
Just turn off your TV ; you shoudn't stay inside
Luckily in life some things refuse to change
Put on your nicest clothes because tonight we're going dancing...
if they had kids, they wouldn't be acting like them
nine kids are too much tho
White people will not disappear. You should instead worry about the stock of the white people available. White nationalism is stupid if you are going to allow the same people who destroyed your country (unintentionally) in there. Push for smart and conservative white people to have more children and not just all of them.
You don't need conservative parents to be a conservative though.
Yeah from my understanding conservatives, traditionalists, religious and racially conscious whites are the main white groups that seem to at least try and go for the whole 2.5 kids, these psychotic progressives and bug men usually have 1 or 0 kids
True. Conservatives have far more kids.
However, it could backfire as pointed out.
Nice meme flag, kike
His wife looks more like a man than he does
This image makes me feel physical disgust.
There isn't much data, but your political views could be genetic. Ask yourself why all of these bugmen and pussyhaters vote progressive and why the white trash vote conservative. The differences between the low and high classes of white people are getting larger every year. Embrace the hierarchy.
It's not damage control, it's biology
>muh conservatism
We don't need any more of that, the only things these TRAITORS conserve is leftist bullshit from 4 years ago. What we need is REVOLUTIONAIRES who can effectively take the fight against the professional revolutionary left itself.
White trash are no better than soyboys.
The reason Generation Z is getting so conservative is because they are being raised by completely fucked parents. Any white people having kids is a good thing, and any white males bleaching is also a good thing imo.
>that wife
Nope. Look at the skull structure, with attention to the brow ridge, zygomatic, and nasal cavity. That's NOT a nordid/alpine/baltic/celtic phenotype.
Mongoloid potentially with some Dinaric admixture. At best she's a mutt and not a great specimen for white preservation.
This is what happens when you don't have to grow and kill your own food.
5 million strong white people will rule the world.
I don't disagree with you. Tradition and God are the only ways to the Founding Father Republic.
She is definitely Jewish or African lol
Sequential integers
A small group of Jews, whites, and orientals already rule the world. They are untouchable. Whites should push the best of young white men to form a sort of fraternity, like the skull and bones society, to take over mainstream white America from the current ruling class.
Late stage capitalism in a nutshell.
The soft bigotry of friendly eugenics.
There's a genetic component to political belief. Leftism is what happens when there's a large enough group of weaklings to band together and vote. Liberals don't want to breed, and quite frankly they should be encouraged not to.
One strong individual is worth thousands of weaklings. This is only becoming more true over time.
Those are jews. They have brown eyes and the girl definitely has a kike nose.
Nahh, more like early stage communism
nothing a few atomic bombs can't fix
It's the same thing. It's just valuing materialism over everything else. Both of these systems are poison to our societies.
Get the fuck off this board
roastie took the bogpill
While a bit extreme, basically this. For all the shitskins in the world, a significant chunk of them don't really matter. Africa as a whole, for example. The opinion of African countries is literally meaningless. Besides, they'll be fighting the Chinese colonization by that point.
India won't be a problem because India has no desire to be in conflict with the white world. Cutting all of Africa and India out of the equation boosts up the percentage of whites compared to everyone else.
>Leftists reproduce by indoctrinating the children of white normies.
Leftism is literally a mind-virus that perpetuates itself by preying on naive children.
You're retarded. Kys
Partisan identity politics are all bad. Full stop.
>blue hair
>anime and figurine collection
>male skinny jeans
Im fine with them not reproducing.
amerifatties in denial
>Getting tattoos of a forgettable bit character from a forgettable movie
Yeah that Porg tattoo is totally going to be relevant and not at all cringey when you are 50 or 60.
I'm not white. My gf and I are both 32 and we don't want time/money burners either.
Anyone who gets porg tattoos should be forcefully sterilized.
Unironically kys