So I'm watching this series on Netflix called "Dirty Money", and episode 6 season 1 (The Confidence Man) seems all about Trump and his deals. I'm wondering how much of this is exaggerated, how much is true, etc..
Anyone else who might've seen this, what are your thoughts? Is Trump trying to swindle the masses, is he being misrepresented, what exactly is going on?
I bet you all the people in the show are jewish and it’s produced and written by Jews.
There was another documentary on Netflix about corporate corruption and they stuck Trump in there as well of course because he’s the face of big bad corporatism, not the jews paying for the making of the documentary.
See the jew. You’ll get a clue.
Andrew Kelly
I think we are at the part where like Trump casinos Trump Vodka Trump Airline Trump Steaks Trump University
That derranged cunt of a con man woukd usually declare bankruptcy and bail.
Adrian Young
Leaf + Meme Flag = ???
Either way, from what I've seen I can't put the blame on Trump. Sure, he may be a little special, but fuck-ups like what I'm being told are the result of more than one person. They must be.
Benjamin Bennett
>Is Trump trying to swindle the masses
POTUS is a pay cut for him.
Xavier Myers
To socialists anything Trump does business-wise is horrific and illegal. More to do with the fact that its capitalism, less so that it has to do with Trump.
Trump is clean.
Austin Harris
Which season and episode covers Whitewater? I recall that kerfuffle got Vince Foster killed.
Don't recall anything about Whitewater, but I'm more interested in Trump at the moment anyway; The man hasn't legally done anything wrong so far. Immoral? Maybe. Business-savvy? Definitely.
At least as far as I can tell.
Connor Bailey
Point is that there is a pattern. Subpar product, rmapant shilling, eventual failure, then bankruptcy