Find myself drawn to Slavic women over Western girls

I relax around them compared to Western girls. In my experience they accept you for your faults and also decide if they want to continue a relationship. Western girls out of a growing inability to be alone will "accept" faults and stay around only to use these faults against you way later down the road.
The Slavic people I meet are mostly humble and genuinely interested in what you have to say. Also most importantly, often red pilled or at least open to being red pilled.

Slavs are also Western, retard.

Slavs are not western


How are Slavs western? You mean Europeans yeah, Western no.

Can confirm. I’m from Central Asia (mixed with tons of Slav culture due to post USSR) and most Slavs I’ve met are good hard working people. Especially American ones, I know a lot of Ukrainians and Belorussians, good people.

>literally comes from a post commie animal farm of mail brides and prostitutes

Men like you get walked all over.

Christian + European = Western culture

Until they move to the west.
I knew a chick that was Hungarian, but she moved to Vancouver. She became a raging fucking feminist.
The west is pure fucking cancer at this point.

Retard. They want men. Like manly, sweaty, masculine men who can take charge and know what they want and need.

Like any woman.

Find a Canadian girl, don't fall for the Slavic women meme

Not exactly the same reasoning, but what this guy said.

Slavic and Eastern European women aren't that way because of their nature, they're like that because they were forged in fire. Men who weren't raised the way get walked over, they need some kind of dark side anglo boys lack.

Relaxed around them? lol

Sex is a marketplace. Your sexual market value is higher relative to Slavic women because you have more money than them. Once you bring the Slavic woman here, she will ditch you for a chad.

I'm also attracted to Haplogroup R1a females.


Females don't carry y-chromosomes.

Canadian women are house pigs, I get it.

But you're the male version of that, that's what an 8/10 Slavic chick sees.

Your best bet is to improve yourself and try to snag a better quality Canadian girl, if you can find one.

>Ukrainian wife
>more racist than I am
>actually so much so that I have to reel her back in occasionally
>fiercely loyal
>encourages me to work out more and eat better
>cooks nice meals and loves when I introduce her to American/International foods
>hard worker, I pay for house and bills and she buys all groceries and saves for our vacations

>drawn to Slavic women over Western girls
Because slavs are "women"
And westerners are "girls"

The fruit of feminism is ultimately infantilization and adaptation to a stern belief that responsibility and mutual respect is oppression.

Just pray that you never get sick or lose your job, you'll be amazed how quickly slavic women turn on you when your sexual market value drops. It is better to have a women with whom you share greater social and cultural ties, they are less likely to betray you.

She married me when I was living out of my car in order to save for traveling to see her.

I'm pretty sure my SMV isn't weighed so heavily on my income for her, which is rare and significant in this day and age.

Slavic girls are literally created to suck a dick

Get one while you still can. Chinese men are travelling to eastern euro countries with wads of cash in hand promising young small town girls "modeling" gigs and then marrying them off to rich chinese men. There is a massive shortage of women in china, they're going all over the world and in some cases are kidnapping women in SEA to sell.

>no slava snow bunny to cuddle warmly with on a cold winter night
why even live?

Slavs are the best people


Slabs are western and white. Hell, half the „commie land“ was just east Germanic

My gf is Czech and she's the same way. We live in a shitty apartment, but she's just happy to be with me. She told me straight up "You are my home wherever we are" and that she would be homeless as long as she could be with me. She's shy and reserved, but incredibly warm with me. Extremely selfless, loyal, a great cook, etc. The whole package


What countries have the best Slavic women?

She told the last guy she was with the same thing, I heard he drives a bus now.

I married a slav. She is very loving, but she interprets the world very, very differently. She seems to view Canadian women as a collection of fools who don't understand that time is finite. "They think they will be young and beautiful always. They will end up alone, drunk and crazy."

She loves me, but will not tolerate the weak points of Canadian culture (which are legion). This country is very soft, but she forced me to be a much harder man than I have ever been. The world outside our door is a howling tundra full of people she doesn't care about. At all. She expects me to keep the outside out, and the inside in. Fine with me. It's better than pretending everyone is nice.

Slav girls arent for everyone, but once you get on the terribly, terribly practical wavelength they broadcast on they can be very endearing. Just don't make yourself a problem that needs solving, and be ready to deal with the odd...overreaction.

You're girl is dumb. Canadian/American women also know they will not be young forever. That's why at like 25+ they start going for guys with careers instead of hooking up with hot guys.

The farthest she went with a boy before me was handholding in grade school. I'm literally her first kiss. And she's extra clingy now, since I popped her cherry. Stay mad.

No, I think she's got them pegged pretty good. If you disagree, crack open Tinder and get down to business. What a time you'll have!

Fuck, she sounds perfect.

??? you mean at 25 they start doing both.

aptly put, I know exactly what you are saying, have experienced the same thing

I think so too! Seriously though, it's a relationship like any other. Just a few interesting cultural differences, and a lot less silliness.

Where is she from, user?

She's from the Ukraine.

How did you two meet?

I've only dated Slav girls for the past four or five years. very soon I will be going back to Russia soon to live there, and the girls is one of the major draws.

they can be seriously rewarding. but don't expect them to just like you because you're Western or you have money or something. in fact, you should avoid both types of girls. those that like the Western lifestyle will probably become like Western girls, especially if you bring them to the West. and the ones that are attracted to money are immoral like such girls anywhere.

if you really want a great relationship with a Slavic girl, learn about the best parts of the men in her culture, and learn to emulate those. young Slavic men can be gentlemanly, chivalrous, brave, romantic, handy around the house, quick thinkers and even-headed during a crisis situation, and not afraid to tell their girls to shut the fuck up when they get out of line.

they like men like that. probably 90%+ of the men on Sup Forums would be considered feminists by Slavic girls. you're in for a culture shock. better start working on throwing all of that modern pussy male behavior out right now.

also start learning Russian. or Polish or whatever. put in the effort, every day. it's like lifting weights, it takes discipline.

slavs are the last group of european women who are worthy of marriage. western women have shitty personalities/high average sexual partners rates and we all know how ugly anglo saxons are. lol i'll even convert to orthodox if her father makes me, i was gonna do it anyways

Agreed OP. I find their facial features, slight frames, and general demeanor much more appealing than other white women.

man I can tell that you're really starting to understand the Slavic perception of the world. or at least, East Slavs.

basically every unknown is a threat. and everything else that isn't your family, lawyer, or best friend is a potential threat.

so unless you're roommates with a single guy in his 20s that likes to host afterparties when he comes home from the bar, don't expect to have visitors over often if you're living with a Slav. they don't trust easily. your home is your fortress, why would you let anyone else in?

I know a Texan that married an Ukrainian girl. they married when he joined the Peace Corps, and got sent to Ukraine.

never asked him how they met. it's not like it's difficult to meet girls over there. qts, qts everywhere.

I once picked up a girl in Moscow by pulling out my phone and smiling at her through the window of a cafe at like 3am. and Moscow chicks are the most stuck up in Russia.

You're probably meeting the more educated Slavic women, seeing as they can speak English. These girls tend to come from decent families. Otherwise, sexual degeneracy and prostitution are extremely common in Eastern Europe, as is drug use. I'd caution against painting such a broad brush.

Amusingly, when I was in Moscow, the guys I talked to said they wanted American women, and that Russian women were just too crazy. Grass is always greener, I suppose.

most Slavs aren't very religious. many that are, are Catholic, and some are even Muslim. and it's usually expected that the woman convert to the husband's religion, if he desires. not the other way around.

my experience is that the better English they speak, the shittier their personalities. although you're probably right about prostitutes and drug users not speaking English as well.

I've heard the same thing from Russian guys, too. but never from guys that have actually had American women, or been to America. I know guys in Russia and Ukraine that speak basically fluent English, and have no comprehension of how many fat people are in America. their picture of America is painted by Hollywood.

it can go the other way, too. one of my friends from Russia pretty much can't stand American men now, after living here for so long. she thinks they're lazy, don't know useful skills, and only want to talk about boring things like work and finances. although she does blame feminists for men losing chivalry and acting like pussies.

He's pretty much right actually. We have Christian and European culture indeed, just like westerners, but very different mindset.

For eg. Chinese or bobs&vegana ppl we are Westerners anyway, but the only people desperate for being called "westerners" in Poland are bunch of brainwashed leftists.

I have a gf, I was just curious about his particular story. Though I'm curious how you'd describe west slavs. My gf is Czech, and she doesn't really display these behaviors. She's not one to trust easily, but it's not that she thinks everyone is a threat, in fact she can even be naive at times. She usually tries to see the good in people, but she doesn't necessarily let everyone into her circle because she is pretty reserved. But if I invite anyone over who she hasn't met, she will be shy but she'll otherwise treat them as if they are already a friend. I also wouldn't describe her as "terribly practical" the way the other user described his Ukrainian girl. My gf can be pretty practical, but she's also a hopeless romantic and can a bit of a child at heart. It's more that she just doesn't reveal her true self to everyone right away. But she could just differ from other slavic girls (I've only spoken to her mother once via Skype as she doesn't have a great relationship with her family.)

>another beta untermensch looking for mail order bride
They arent dumb, they know exactly how your marriage laws work and they smell beta as well as western ones and therefore will have same amount of respect to you. I've read fuckton of stories told by slav golddiggers who acqired western citizenships and property by swindling fags like you. Dont say i didnt warned you.

as long as it's orthodoxy i'll insist on converting lol. screw the catholic slavs, russian or serbian is the way to go

Czechs are the most Westernized Slavs, except for maybe Slovenians. so I'm not surprised that that's your experience with her. the cultural divide is the smallest.

also Czech girls have a reputation for being huge sluts, so you're lucky that you got a virgin. don't squander that. it's enough that you're already defiled her. in my opinion the honorable thing to do is to marry her, but hey that's your life.

>being this naive


>le based Serb meme
>le based Russian meme
>also is a turbocuck who is ready to throw his own culture, heritage and religion out of the window for pussy

Wew, slavic women must be dripping when they meet you

Yeah they're Mongoloid aka Mongols.

She had a lot of influence from her grandma which is why she's more traditional. From what she describes, Czech women kinda suck. She says they don't really respect men anymore, they drink and party a lot, etc. She actually was the only one in her family after her grandma to become Christian, though she did lose faith later. I'm an atheist but I've been helping her reconnect with her faith since she moved here because I think it'll be really good for her. And I did fuck up taking her virginity so soon after being together, but we were long distance for a while and that kind of pent-up sexual energy is like nothing you'll ever experience unless you've done long distance for a long time. Going from not even being able to touch her or even see her beyond a screen to having her with me and clinging to me basically 24/7 made it hard to hold back. Especially because she's the romantic type so she is sure we are soul mates and all that jazz, and she wanted to give herself to me. I don't believe in soul mates, but I've never met a better girl, so I do plan to marry her one day and eventually raise a family.

Slavic women are only desirable because slavic men keep them in check as soon as they are "liberated" by western cucks then they'll be as bad as our whores

>Just don't make yourself a problem that needs solving, and be ready to deal with the odd...overreaction.

What do you mean by these 2 things?

Yeah leaf, good luck with your slav gf. She most likely loves you for your citizenship and money and not for your looks or personality, otherwise she would already be married to her slavic husband.
>inb4 triggered russki
I really dont fucking care, if i had a chance i’d ship ‘em all out to fucking turkey where Natashas like to cuck their husbands by fucking roaches.

for my own amusement i'm going to guess how that guy did/would reply to you before i read the response to your post.

>i actually got fired and somehow lost all of my savings/property whn we were married and she was even more loyal to me than she is now

color me shocked this was his response.

Yes; I also oppose the notion of the "based Slav" as if Germanic, and Roman civilizations did not tower over slavic ones, historically speaking.
The only thing wrong with us is decade long subversion by the chosen people.
And they gor their foot in the door of slavic countries as well.
Westerners who desire to become Slavs are the ultimate cucks

>she thinks they're lazy, don't know useful skills, and only want to talk about boring things like work and finances

How specifically are they lazy? What specific useful skills? What do they think men should talk about?

>REEE he's not embracing his cultchah!!1!
i would die for NZ but i'm just being honest here. nz girls are ugly, huge sluts and have the worst personalities and if any fellow NZers disagree then they're obviously just betas or pick up at a church or something. i'm not proud of my catholicism at all, catholicism is super cucked and I will gladly convert, I am proud of my christianity though. this isn't for merely pussy, i'm talking about a long-term relationship here faggot. why don't you come to nz, download tinder and see what I'm talking about rather than talking smack from schnitzel land.


Slavs are not white
we are black

We wuz kangz

even a 6'2" guy with male model looks and a $1 million salary will have a hard time keeping aan American woman

>slavic women are the best at sex...sips grange.

>I still cuck but let me explain to you why

wew, thats what men who make history are made of.
We have to stop the colossus now and in our own countries instead of passing this fight over to our quarter slavic, squatting, future grand children.
You island nigger

No were not, nobody here perceives us as "westerners", as a matter of fact we tend to say to the first world cucked countries westerners, it usually almost always is used badly
except some of croatians would love to perceive themself as middleeuropean and not balkan, but still no one will say for slav countries that they are "western"

That is a top-tier wife user.
You should be proud of yourself

one of my exes who studied in Prague, described Czech women as "like Germans, but they like sex". another girl I was talking to, her friend studies in Prague, and her friend says that Czech women act like men (and Czech women aren't and less feminine than American women imo)

long distance relationships and getting married in your late 20s was never normal until recently. people need sex.

God is real. start reading and thinking about this, not just for her but for yourself.and your children. if you two get married, ultimately she's going to look up at you to be the spiritual head of the household, if she's really like what you've described and you're not leaving out any red flags.

this. women are more like water. they take the form of their male vessels. women in the West went to shit because the men stopped caring. go find some color videos from the 50s and 60s. game show competitions, the Brandy Bunch, whatever. thin, beautiful, feminine girls with smiles.

Slavic women aren't inherently more beautiful. they just don't get obese and put some effort into their daily appearance.

one thing I remember her telling me was how her father built everything in their house. everything. he wasn't a carpenter or anything, he just taught himself. this was in the fucking Soviet Union. no internet, nothing.

I do ALL of the work on my truck myself and want to build my own house in the future. I offer her help with any sort of manual labor activities. not because she isn't weak, she's extremely strong for a woman, but because I'm a man. I relentlessly flirt with her and openly check her out. I read books (Russians love books) and have intellectual pursuits. we had a hilariously Sup Forums-tier chat about Crimea over dinner last week.

shit like that is why she respects me. be strong, be useful, stop talking about the pursuit of material consumption, and don't be afraid of women.

can confirm

Slavs are considered western you spastic leaf faggot.

I wanna see her get blacked


I've done a lot of exploring and I've sort of reached the Jordan Peterson stance that religion is fundamentally important societally and individually, but I simply cannot believe in God no matter how much I try. I also don't plan to get married in my late 20s. I'm 21 and she's 19. I'll probably marry her in a year or two and I hope to make enough to support us on just my income by the time she is about 25 so she can stay home. Luckily the cost of living here is really low, and the average starting salary out of college for my major is pretty close to the estimated household income to support a family here. I also agree with what you said in your replies to the other anons.

Nobody cares about your sexual fantasies. How shitty has this board become?

*So she can start having kids and stay home

i don't give a shit faggot. as long as they're white, i'm happy. i will obviously stay in NZ with her and breed like there's no tomorrow.
plus no german has a right to call anyone a cuck you frankfurter faggot

>I simply cannot believe in God no matter how much I try
yeah I was like that, too. who knows, maybe you'll just have a supernatural event happen to you, so that you won't not be able to believe.

but trust me, it's much easier and much much less terrifying if you can simply will yourself to believing.

it's good that you want kids and have a financial plan. and a mom should be with her kids. but I've seen what happens to marriages strained by lack of money, it's ugly. spend like you're a Jew who just got wind of the next economic crisis.

No were not

we are both frugal af and don't need a lot to be happy. And my parents help a little with food while I'm still in college. They would also be willing to help me in an emergency if need be.

>one thing I remember her telling me was how her father built everything in their house. everything. he wasn't a carpenter or anything, he just taught himself. this was in the fucking Soviet Union. no internet, nothing.

Well I'm fucked. I can't do jack shit. Did you learn that stuff - if so how? And how can you work on your car anymore? Don't carmakers make that hard now?

Noice. Visited Ukraine for work for a month. Mad sick country and everything was cheaper than SA which is rare for us. Women and nightlife were both really cool. If you dress smart at a bar women come up to you and if you speak English they stick around (if they can speak it too). Indicate you are English speaking foreigner on tinder and you will get multiple dates. Would visit again. Well done on snagging one.

You need to be at least 18 to post here

There’s a reason it’s called eastern Christianity you idiot

I don't really know how to build a house either. I'm a blue-collar worker, but I work with metal and machines, not wood and circuits. but if he can figure it out, I'm sure I can. I have YouTube. so can you. just budget a bit extra for mistakes.

as for my truck, I work on it. but it was built in the early 90s. I could afford a better vehicle (getting rid of it, going back to Russia soon) but why would I? new vehicles are fucking insane to work on.

I decided that if I want something comfier when I have a wife and kids, I'll get a diesel Mercedes sedan from the late 80s and early 90s. they last forever.

I haven't been to Ukraine yet. which city did you visit?