What did they mean by this?

what did they mean by this?

They're mentally LGBTQQI-capped

Does the A stand for Attack helicopter?

goddamned blt people smdh famalamadingdong

I looked it up, it stands for "Kink" according to the linked article. Even homos think it's a stretch to include fetishes in this


it wasn't "they" it was hormone-disrupted hook nose foreskinless cult monsters

There is now a K to add to the ever-growing LGBT+ acronym – and apparently, it stands for “kink”. The acronym which has grown since the 90s, out of a need to move away from the limiting “gay community” adds letters to encompass any community that defines itself as anything but heterosexual or cisgender.

The LGBT initialism was coined in the late 80s / early 90s.

So what do all the letters mean?

L – lesbian

G – gay

B – bisexual

T – transgender

Q – queer

Q – questioning

I – intersex

A – asexual

A – agender

A – ally

C – curious

P – pansexual

P – polysexual

F – friends and family

2 – two-spirit

K – kink
However, the addition of the K has been met with some reservation from many on the question website, Quora. Users were quick to dismiss Kink as part of the LGBT+ community.

Sarah remarked, “Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t believe that fetishes belong in the same acronym as sexualities and gender identity”.

While Caitlin added, “However, I and others believe that it shouldn’t be included in the acronym. Kink is not inherently non-cis or non-straight, and including it can feed into the stereotype of queer people being “sexual deviants”. BDSM is fine in a community of its own but it’s strange and unnecessary to include it with sexual orientations and gender identities”.

John wrote, “I’m gay, and I do not and will not use this silly LGBTQLAPK sh*t. They keep adding a silly letter for inclusion. You are just labelling yourselves, and that is a silly thing to do.”

I identify as a BLACK KANG+

Twice the oppression, double the gibs


>claims gender doesn't exist
>first three letters of acronym imply only two genders exist


A - ally

My sexual identity is that I'm an ally to fags

I hate these people

I assumed it meant kike considering who’s behind this degeneracy.

What about sexual fetishes like a man who likes to have sex in another man's butt? Isn't that really just a fetish?

its like throwing another kid into the retard class


God has abandoned us

But user, homosexuality is nothing but a fetish.

The one that really gets me is

>F - Friends and Family


>friends and family

>my sexual identity is helping prevent the people I love from sexually reproducing

Also underrated

LMAO I think it's like the ally thing dude

I unironically can't wait for Islam to dominate the West and enforce Sharia upon us all.

This. It's unironcally better than what's currently happening.

/k/ is a progressive board

K denotes the unlocked edition so you can overclock your degeneracy to even higher levels.

Just end this ride already

Is this all a Kike psy-op so that we welcome sharia with open arms and a shared sense of relief?

Means you took the pic from my thread and reposted it !

They added a new one just to fuck with people. No explanation for what it means.

As a klansexual I appreciate the white bars

How can Transgender and transsexual be different?

>F – friends and family

what the fuck


>not old border
fucking casuals

>what did they mean by this?


>kike psy-op
>kikes want sharia law
u wut

>John wrote, “I’m gay, and I do not and will not use this silly LGBTQLAPK sh*t. They keep adding a silly letter for inclusion. You are just labelling yourselves, and that is a silly thing to do.”
>You are just labelling yourselves, and that is a silly thing to do.”

I really don't know why there aren't more mass shootings



kindergarteners, fucking pedos on a rampage

I like fucking friends and family though.

> be pathetic scrawny wh*te cisshet
> shitpost on Sup Forums
> not even woke enough to know about the kink-oriented community
kys shitlord

I identify as a Klan member
All must love me and despair

They are all fetishes. Deviants from God's plan and true love.

Fuck that. Just call them all faggots and be done with it!

why are these psychos allowed to fucking walk i cant even

Oh they add pedos in there next.

They're all already sexual fetishes

2k, I think they are including millennials now?

Remastered Edition


K stands for Ku Klux Klan.



that letter is crooked and can't be straightened.

a : a mental or physical peculiarity

There is still a G in gas.

Normalization of pedos. “Kids”

Why does ANY of this shit need to be specified? Either you're some shade of gay or you're a mentally ill tranny which has nothing to do with sexuality anyways.

>they do it to their children
>they do it to their dogs
Death is not punishment enough for these degenerates.

congratulations, kekistanis

>everything but straight

So basically this is an anti-hetero organization


okay I think we covered everything now lets move on and quit attention whoring.

Being straight will be a hate crime by 2020.

Kike, of course.

>friends and family

"Gender is not binary"
Choose one and only one LGBTQQICAPF2K+

It's a fake to include the word BRAAP. The original have different letters.

it means another pointless letter

this is a joke. from my point of view, these people are just fucking retarded and delusional.
society must tolerate them, that's fine and okay. but their delusional worldview must be rejected and of course their lifestyle choices must not be normalized.

I'm willing to ally myself with the gays if they are willing to gas all the other letters.

"The Acronymicon"

When they add "furry" it will be the end of em. And they will do it eventually, mark my words.

why are they discriminating against straight people. Thats an orientation too. there also need to be pocs for straight niggers

Wait, it's unironically alphanumeric now? The memes continue to manifest...

>F – friends and family
Does that mean poofters that fuck their nephews?

So its eventually going to be the entire alphabet and numeral system by 2020 at this rate

Nicely done

>tfw when someone reposts your OC
Resexual is kind of weak, but I couldn't find any R names that degenerates were calling themselves at the time, so I just went with it.

S - Suicidal.

As in I choose to waste my genetic material in another man's stank poop chute.

As in even the lowest organisms fight and die to reproduce but I choose not to.

Somehow though, believe that I am normal.



Sup Forums needs to co-op this the same way they did "it's ok to be white" and push for "furry rights" in the same lines as "trans rights" as it is about their humanity. Once you have normies facing down furries it's game over for the LGBT. Just imagine


We force force the slippery slope so normie can get redpilled on this degeneracy.

Agreed. They had that recent article about them getting intestinal infections from third world virus's from rimming too.

My stomach hurt reading that one, and they still want medical treatment on your dollars.

They can call themselves whatever they like, but I reserve the right to call them freakazoids.

This might work


Fucking this. Someone make some meme material to spread on Tumblr and post on Twitter. Give it a week before it has a salon article asking why you can't express your fursona in public and how it violates people's human rights not to acknowledge them

Fucking go. If Dems are gonna die politically, let's put the nail in the LGBT coffin too. The "pedo" plan is too obvious and too taboo but furries are the right amount down the slippery slope to crash the whole thing and wake up the masses.

EVERYONE hated furries. There will be not defense when media outlets try to virtue signal them and then cite things like how "refuges were welcomed by a furry conventions when white racists wouldn't!" For a spin as normie finally turn their heads and any and all rational leftists are forced to the center

k for klan, meetings the gay community is a waste of oxygen it has all the letters but still just means gay, lesbian is gay, Tranny's are gay, queers are gay.

Wew, I can't wait to see where this shit is in a few years.


>implying that being gay isn't a mental illness
Not so fast Scholmo.

Can we make that happen? This could push the tipping point.

all thanks to Obama and Killary's administration

What the fuck. A few months ago it was LGBTQQICA. When the fuck did they add PF2? Is this a fucking monthly patch or something?

Kek. I think it means the are friends and family of gay people. I hope.

Kike probably