What is it about Jews that makes them so averse to manual labor? Do you know of any Jews that have ever worked a physically-demanding job in your life? I only know one, he worked in concrete laying for a few weeks but got (((promoted))) to a desk position immediately.
What is it about Jews that makes them so averse to manual labor...
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Worked with two and within a couple months filed some type of lawsuits against the employers. Fucking kikes.
Because the hard-working ones were given loans they could never repay lol
Any Jew with a manual labor job is not a Jew to the rest of the community. Probably worse than being a prostitute in a Christian community.
i trained a jew for a couple weeks. first day he started he tried selling me something and that's not a lie. he quit within the first month.
we gotta put an end to these heebs
top tier post
I knew one that was a truck driver, but he was a convert, presumably to a jewess that was probably cheating on him.
Because they're inbred genetic waste, and I'm not exaggerating.
I have been telling people kikes are lazy fucking jewbags since 2010 when I graduated college...
Back when knowing the jew was even harder to talk about.
I went to U of Illinois... Tons of Chicago kikes. Most were lazy fucking dirtbags..some were cool.
But I can tell you this for sure, NONE ....NOT ONE .....Had one clue how to do everyday jobs or common sense repairs.
You could tell these kikes had literally never lifted a finger to fix a thing.. They didn't know but their jew parents had taught them who the goyim were and that they did the lesser jobs..
My old foreman (electrician) was a non-practicing jew.
He had been w the company for over 20 years. He wasn't such a bad guy. If they actually work for their money they humanize a bit.
And one jew i went to high school with has a gung fu/crossfit studio in upstate NY. He trained in China. Performed at some UN ceremony w chinks and actually married a chink so his bloodline is over haha.
I'm not kidding. They sell out their own if you aren't "in with the program" of ripping off goyim
Chicago kikes are ground zero for Frankfurt school Bolshevik kikes. The worst of the worst. They brainwash the low iq monkeys of Chicago into being muh social justice advocates. How far Chicago has fallen
Nice digits
>be me, a goy in high school
>date a khazar milkers jewess (I got really lucky, she approached me)
>meet her dad, a doctor
>has moved her family around at least 3 different times
>can never stand working at a single place for too long
>always pisses off his coworkers
>moves at least 2 more times, theyre litterally a miniature jewish diaspora
>we break up for normal reasons
>they finally settle down in southern florida, a jewish stronghold
>ex gf has a job teaching
>her students are often always blacks
the stereotypes write themselves I swear
I worked with a kike in the military.
He was completely incompetent, and the only thing he did well was lie. Our shop lead kept him far away from actual work and just gave him the job of talking to douchebag officers so nobody else would have to.
I hated that fucker but at least he did have a use.
U.S. Military
We WILL find a use for your worthless ass
Jew here.
I think I'm the black sheep of the family because I enjoy manual labor jobs and every other fucker is a desk job or retail.
>Be white
>Have high white intelligence
>White business owners import 100,000,000 non-whites for cheap labor
>White men ignore higher education and complete with non-whites for shitty trade jobs
>Cry about "muh working with muh hands!"
>Cry about "muh real jobs / muh honor!"
>Trades never have any power at all, and mediocre income at best
>Cry nonstop that non-whites climb out of trade jobs into white collar positions and gov't
>Non-whites now have more wealth and power, and influence from being in top positions in academia, gov't, and private industry
>Non-whites use massive wealth and power to destroy white men
>White men double down on shitty trade jobs and LARP on imageboards non stop, "we don't need not education we need more trade jobs, respect me fgt!"
>White women are disgusted with white men. Burn coal 24/7
Future you chose
Nigger please...You are the most worthless group of welfare queens ever. Every last one of you is a dishonorable, lazy moron. You have never once upheld your oaths. You remember that part about "enemies foreign and DOMESTIC..."
When was the last time you did something on any significant scale about our domestic enemies? Yeah. Sit the fuck down bitch. I respect the 16 year old at McDonalds more than I respect any of our "troops".
i watched the eternal jew the other day, the jews are portrayed the same in 1940 as they are today
>Anonymous (ID: M5Mqi9Qg) 02/03/18(Sat)00:21:35 No.1
WTF? "ignore higher education" more like it's too goddamn expensive. Go fuck yourself
Do you consider being a journalist manual labor?
You are such a fucking brainlet. Just like all of the white tradies and NEETs. Community college for two years, transfer to state. Live at home. You can pay for college with a part time job and have zero debt.
It's stupid bullshit like this which is why non-whites are btfo'ing white men in nearly every imaginable way.
what is a kibbutz
>date a khazar milkers jewess (I got really lucky, she approached me)
No that's how Jewesses are. The shiksa genes mean the women solicit the men, and Jews a a race of super-Chads so they wait to be hit on by women... ironically like women wait to be hit on by men.
>you're useless because you didn't lead a one man crusade against the US government!
What color are your teeth after you eat a box of crayons? Fucking retard.
I have a friend who owns some of oceanspray's cranberry bogs and orchards (its a collective). Says its difficult to get black guys to do the job, impossible to get whites. So it's only Mexicans willing to do the job.
Same concept here, jews don't want to do physically demanding labor for low pay and minimal societal ranking. There are some jobs that people don't want and will only do if they have no other choice, like working in a sweatshop.
If manual labor jobs paid 200k, and made women interested in you, like being a doctor or lawyer or hedge fund manager... then Jews would do it.
Also Jewish parents (like east Asian parents), definitely push their kids towards intellectual or high paying fields.
Jews are an intellectual elite. Most people who can make a living without doing physical labor choose to do so. Jewish IQ means many of them choose to do so.
>You could tell these kikes had literally never lifted a finger to fix a thing.. They didn't know but their jew parents had taught them who the goyim were and that they did the lesser jobs..
You see this in upper middle class whites too.
One of the personal trainers at my gym is jew
Does that count
I’m Jewish and worked at a lumber yard for a few weeks, I really enjoyed it and thought I was doing well but they fired me inexplicably
The irony is that a jew who wants a blue-collar job would likely end up dealing with a bunch of antisemitic rednecks, hell I just wanted to carry planks outside all day
When Jews were new immigrants, they worked demanding physical jobs.
They also became boxers and baseball players. They are not inherently non physical people, its a cultural thing.
Why have cattle if you are going to pull the plow yourself?
Buddy of mine works as a machinist that sources gun parts for bigger companies. He had to work 2 years doing small parts by manual tools and lathe before he was allowed to do cnc.
Manual labor is for low IQ idiots, so are most trade jobs. Jews make money without breaking their back and sweating outside.
i'm half Jewish and worked in a warehouse while i was in college
>proud of being a blue collar bydlo
Hahaha, you don't have to be fucking Jewish to be averse to ruining your health, breaking your back, getting cancer from toxins, while some asshole shuffling papers at a desk makes 100X more.
>I’m Jewish and worked at a lumber yard for a few weeks, I really enjoyed it and thought I was doing well but they fired me inexplicably
I'm not Jewish, I'm a WASP, so I'm still in that same "upper middle class intellectual elite" sort of group. All the service jobs or manual labor jobs I've applied for in my life I've been rejected from. Except one. It's less racial and more class based. Even though I got along fine with my co-workers and I get along great with normal people, and I am basically really good at whatever job I've done, people don't view me as properly fitting into their work culture. They like me but they just think of me as too very different and as a poor fit. And it's not bad social skills or anything. Oh well. Lucky for me I'm in medicine with the other WASP elite, Asians, and Jews.
So yeah you were probably good at your job and didn't do anything to deserved being fired. But your supervisor probably just thought you were a bad fit.
Who the fuck said anything about a one man crusade? I'm calling all of you worthless, slimy, welfare queen idiots out on the carpet. You've never honored your oaths. You're all cowards and and mental midgets. I'm so sick of paying for your bullshit wages and your PTSD treatments.
I must say, I look forward to the inevitable Democrat majority that will come to power in the next 15 years. They will gut the military to pay for the gibs of sub-humans. I hope we can't afford to pay your retirements so you wind up homeless.
The entire US military has never protected us against the significant domestic threats we as a nation have faced. You have no honor and don't deserve any respect.
Its all about IQ
WASP, jews and asians hold down the big boy careers that require lots of hard thinking, the middle average type people do middle tier work, and the plebs dig ditches..
That's the USA. The dumber you are, the less you get paid and the more work work you have to do.
I'm completely torn up that you think this way.
Jack Kirby was a machine. And he made Stan Lee very rich.
Jews jew jews if they can. It's a system where the shit rises to the top.
>I look forward to the inevitable Democrat majority that will come to power in the next 15 years
Uh, the dems aren't gonna survive the next 5 years, tickles.
See but now the hard workers are so driven you cannot stop them from grinding out your own game
>Whites form trade unions
>Get crushed by jews
>American dream lost with the bargaining unit
Why are unions hated so much these days?
And they also went into the garment industry
>work will set you free
>proceeds to die
I wish I was just being an edgelord. But really it's just too many redpills, and as we all know, eventually the redpill turns into the blackpill.
You should have been building businesses and creating value instead of destroying it with trade unions. Another completely massive fuck up on behalf of white men with little to no higher education. A simple Economics 101 class would have taught you that trade unions were a shit idea.
Silicon Valley never used them and they've made trillions while white men are dicking around fixing Mr. Shekelburg's shitter for $65k a year.
two, sorta. one that I know has only ever worked blue-collar jobs in his adult life, and is easily the strongest guy I know that isn't a gym rat.
the other one is a white collar worker, but he does all of the work on his car, his wife's car, his house, his friends' houses etc. a bit different than slogging it out every day, but he's very handy and certainly isn't averse to that kind of work. he was going to apply to special forces before he was put on blood-thinners for life.
first one is Christian, second one is secular and is in no way tied to Jewish community.
UIUC graduate working in Chicago. Can confirm.
A far cry from the days when they advised Pinochet on economic policy.