Are South Africans too nigger and Indian admixed to be taken seriously as white?

1. 6.3% sub-Saharan African, 2.5% South Asian

2.4.8% sub-Saharan African, 3.7% East Asian, 1.5% South Asian

3. 6.9% South Asian, 5% sub-Saharan African

4. 4.2% sub-Saharan African, 3.2% South Asian

5. 3.4% sub-Saharan African, 3% South Asian
6. 4.3% sub-Saharan African, 3.6% South Asian

Burn in hell, treacherous swine.

If you look white, act white, and advocate for white interests, you are white.
Fuck off kike shill.

Show up dude. These are actual white South African DNA kits. You can check the link on theapricity I provided if you don't believe me.

>you're not white!

Why is it that questioning the whiteness of Americans is okay on /pol, but questioning the whiteness of any other group gets you accused of being a Jew? Especially since Afrikaners and Boers are a lot more admixed than white Americans. Boers and Afrikaners literally would have been legally black in the Jim Crow South.

The only people who question Americans whiteness are also kikes

Well I hear Americans object to it constantly or just try and joke about the mutt meme. I don't like it and don't want to do it to SAs.

White South Africans really are mutts.

All evidence makes it clear that they are admixed with non-white blood. It's not a stupid meme that has no supporting evidence. (ie Amerimutt)

Spanish, Italians, Greeks, Finnish, and basically all eastern Europeans are admixed with non-white blood. Not to mention many people in other countries.
You are a mutt too faggot.