What happened to political discourse?

I’m a libertarian. I used to be able to have conversations with people I disagreed with online, but now everyone has a knee jerk reaction of calling me a Brownshirt every time I say something that they disagree with. I went on Reddit today to just give it a try. I tried to be respectful, I didn’t act like a partisan at all, but I still get called a Nazi. This has been the only place I can actually have anything resembling an actual meaningful discussion...It isn’t always that way but at least the opportunity is there. What happened?

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There, there. I'm an old RON PAUL HAPPENING guy, and everyone here thinks I'm a communist simply because I think Trump is a fat fraud.

They all got brainwashed by Marxism.

This always happens right before a bloody civil war

>Sup Forums
>political discourse
hurr releese da memo
hurr everyone who doesn't agree with me is shillz
hurr baiting and shitposting in every thread
Real nice political discourse you got there

Just a brainstorm cause it's a good questions
1) Gerry mandering radicalized politics
2) no common enemy we were never anything other than facists and when we don't have an external threat we turn inward for an enemy
3) Parts of the US , CA versus Midwest, need different policies, federal government too powerful so we are stepping on each others toes

Wtf I realized it was her turn now!


if you dont agree with me your a nazi or commie.

t. current political state


2 party meme has no place in a country of 300 million people