>gets sniped
why does this picture (and yass queen whores) have to be so retarded?
Gets sniped
Other urls found in this thread:
holy shit what a fat ass
>gets sniped
>implying these banker-funded propaganda photo ops don't happen way behind enemy lines
where do I get big ass and titties fighter gf?
shit, meant behind friendly lines.
>amerimutts can't even recognize a publicity shot
why are amerimutts so retarded?
jesus christ stop fucking objectifying women
they are more than just their ass for fuck's sake
they are also their tits and pussy and mouth you are correct
yes they also have tits
shut the fuck up, faggot.
>Yuropoors falling for bait
>military style heels
>propaganda for western commie soyboys
Not when they are wearing shoes like that and role-playing as soldiers
Did Kylie Jenner go volunteer in Rojava or something?
how did europe ever think that a central government with 15+ countries was ever going to be effective?
I like it.
>not propaganda for western commie soyboys
Those are all shitskins.
>be snarky Amerimutt
>eat more hotpockets while you revel in your daily shitposting
this is a powerful picture
Deserves every bullet she gets
I'd sure like to allah her ackbar if you know what I mean
>turn up to a gunfight in a pants suit , faux panther skin belt "wind teased hair" high heeled desert boots.
is she about to Hyperspace ram the enemy?
can't deny that girls got a fat ass tho
Ill take Lumbar Lidosis for $500
I would still bleach that huge brown ass of hers I can't even help it
I wonder how many dicks up the ass she took for the position.
I'd really like to be a fan of the kurds, but its hard to respect them with these weak fucking feminist units.
This image inspired me to go out and purchase a gun and heels.
*bleeds all over your trench*
a fucking leaf
It's propaganda to appeal to western liberal idiots.
I'd like to deus your vult
Reminds me of Gaddafi's all female bodyguard. All of those women were fat doggos too.
>they are more than just their ass for fuck's sake
They are also their tits and their childbearing hips.
isn't there a faggot on /k/ that wears dresses and shoots AKs?
>nazi flag
get fucked
Kurdistan, I guess.
how do I mail order them here?
That is Saddam Amerimutt
yes, i forgot his name but he likes cosplaying anime girls
lurk more
oh shit... i'm drunker than i thought
Jesus JIDF Lurk moar
Wheres the link for the video of this you massive faggot?!
is that kim kardashian? are we handing her over to the towels?
jesus christ I get all of you are trying to make a joke about how "she is also tits and vagina!" but just keep your misogynistic comments to yourself
Fox News probably could penetrate enemy lines better than the Army now.
gib thicc kurdish gf
why don't i buy you an 18" big black cock and you can go fuck yourself? your on Sup Forums you dumbfuck
are they training for world war one?
Rumor has it that if you are captured by them they will make kinky things to your pecker.
Because it's a training exercise and they're not on the front line you braindead insecure Amerishit?
>wearing heels in combat training
>wearing heels in the desert
so is this a T H I C C thread now or what
bonus points for mediterranean girls
found the underage neet
That woman would become a sex slave so fast it's not even funny, there is no way she is going near a battlefield.
I'm down
>mediterranean girls
*launches taxpayer funded TOW
are actually THICC (not fat) blonde girls like unicorns?
but can we go to brown town?
Absolutely abhorrent leaf posting.
Man that would be an epic liveleak video
>blurred beige footage, the sound of gunshots, and unintelligible gibberish
>beige focuses to desert ground, the camera man is running and shouting excitedly
>suddenly the camera pans upwards to a line of Kurdish fighters in a trench
>you can see the cameraman gesturing off shot and gibbering
>suddenly a thicc bunda appears, visibly shaken
>camera man is giving her commands, the woman hesitates on the edge of leaving cover in a pleading voice
>the camera man barks more orders, the girl slowly stands upright
>suddenly the snapping noise of passing rounds fills the air
>the cameraman falls backwards and you can hear a feminine cry of surprise
>camera pans up just in time to see woman collapse headfirst with a sucking chest wound
>camera suddenly shifts to unfocused beige again, pleading gibberish in the background, fade to black
what could have been
Pic related
You forgot asshole, user
Kim Kurdashian
post moar haram pls
It's not a video.
But here is her very generic pop-song.
And anons here larp against us accusing us of being moors. Well, I guess we are not enough because holy fuck!
>are actually THICC (not fat) blonde girls like unicorns?
they don't exist outside of artwork and shoops (like the image I posted)
Agreed. Anyone who shouts "ASS" whenever the see a woman is a digusting pig.
The ass is where poo comes from, you should only love the tits and vagina. Fucking faggots.
I bet she is a demon in the sack too.
genetic engineering needs to hurry up
I fucked an absurdly S K I N N Y T H I C C Saudi girl a couple times, anyone want the story?
i dated a chick from lisbon. she was fucking insane as shit and got so fucking jealous when i was talking to a boutique girl about how much a fucking dress costed. crazy bitch but fucked like a demon.
Jesus christ she's hot.
I'm rethinking this ethnostate thing.
not really I just want more pics
i want to sex her lol
Women can barely handle watching 2 drunk guys flail away at each other outside of a bar. They shriek in terror. Every time.
....But whip the camera out and a queen is sure to show you what for.
Get this feminine posturing the fuck out of my face. It would take me one swing to knock that smelly fuckpig in the OP into a coma.
open bob bitch lasagna
The fuck with those goblins. Most foreigners look better.
>3D posting
why do Jap men who write these mangas love being mouthed off to so much?
you were saying?
> OP doesn't understand the difference between a photo op and real life
> OP thinks that they would place an entire platoon in a single row with no spacing
>jesus christ stop fucking objectifying women
How do you objectify something that is already a physical object in a certain space?
Are you seriously this retarded? Lol