I can't wait for Toga to be redeemed! It's so obvious it's gonna happen. There's no way Hori will wast such a fantastic character. She's gonna be Class-A's best girl!
My Hero Academia Thread
She's going to jail
She won't. She'll be in Class-A the next year. She can't be wasted like that!
The only way I can see her in class a , is if ochako is the traitor and she allows her to take her place
Even if she gets captured hori will find a way to bring her back in the timeskip wether it's rehabilitation or some sort of suicide squad
> Suicide squad
Lead by deku and we're in
Is there anyway we get spoilers early
We should pray to get spoilers at the same time as the rest of WSJ
The superior deku we'll come and save eri , just you wait
We need a ecchi spin off
She's a murderer with a retarded sense of "love" who has at the very least two confirmed kills.
What the fuck makes you think she'll be redeemed?
>proof that there's no hidden side to her
The author speaks. She's not the traitor since that will require a hidden side of hers.
I can't wait for it to be revealed that Toga has been impersonating a major castmember
Camie not dead
Real best
According to my calculations, we need more Mt Lady in this thread
Dubs confirm
Her warp sense of love is the only thing you need to fix , Than your all good
The fuck was she doing in the school trip arc? Going into a frontal battle for her is dumb. It would really make more sense for her to hide and let someone else disable a hero, then she could collect blood and take their place.
She's stealth type, lunging at super powered people with a knife seems dumb.
>Lame ass Harley Quinn character
>Getting redeemed
>She's stealth type, lunging at super powered people with a knife seems dumb.
She's batshit insane. Bitch was too wet to think logically.
My suspicions were confirmed. Mt Lady is best girl
She just wanted to chat with her fellow league buddy , ochako
C'mon she's not as bad as Harley
But doesn't Harley get redeemed all the time
And everytime she fucks up again
She is just a murder fueled egdier Harley
Didn't she rank highest or second among the league in the popularity contest, and this is all before her camie reveal and her soon to be arc. It would make sense if hori picked her for redemption and he probably wouldn't get rid of her till the end of the story
I don't understand this meme. I like Toga and have no interest in her getting redeemed I rather she cause the most chaos and do the most evil.
Like killing All Might or Uraraka as Deku.
>you smell just like me
We barely know anything about toga , she showed she was smarter than we thought in the license exam ,and hori can go a completely different direction than we are expecting
She was 3rd in the American poll and 16th in the Japanese poll.
I want her to be more than a one note character , hori been give every villain even minor, a reason for why they are doing what there doing , I want to know her reasons
I just want them to be a thing
Seems like she was born with a very horrible quirk so she couldent live a normal life with everyone being afraid of her so to make friends and get to know people she kills and consumes their blood giving her a sense of connection
Or she could just, you know, be like most people and not fucking use her quirk.
I wonder how people like her and Stain even discover their quirk? Who randomly drnks someone's bloid one day? Well I guess she would, but there are other quirks with weird activation conditions that make me wonder.
She is not a deep character
She is just a one shot murder booner chick
You probably go to the dentist for these ingestion type quirks.
Is really necessary make 2 threads?
There were like 5 at once one day last week. This is an improvement.
there's a doujin with a younger Midnight working as Shoto's nanny just to molest him
Nah that's stupid life is hard it's easier to make friends by eating them
This one was made first, but it seems like some people can't tolerate Toga for no good reason.
Sauce. Give it now.
Toga is a guy disguising as his dead girlfriend
she's only had a few pages ,it's too early to judge what her character is , i'm just hoping hori doesn't disappoint with
His girlfriend was really hot
but it's already confirmed she's a girl and she mainly likes guys
ochako a cute!
You just don't believe in second chance.
A murderer has 0 chance of being a hero
Her best option is jail
She doesn't have to be a hero , she can be on the run as a vigilante
Think she'll join them than
He's an anti-hero
there's no anti-heroes in the hero system of the manga
What's this guys deal
Well that's something hori needs to fix
S-Stop, Ururaka is mine
You can keep her
I'll laugh at all the doubters , when her redemption happens
>Delusional waifufags setting themselves up for a blowout
This literally never gets old
All us togafags will
Lol , we'll see who has the last laugh
>Implying the heroes will allow that
even though there's no way this is gonna happen , how would all the class a students react to her in the class
Why is she so well-liked in Western polls?
they're already vigilante's running around and toga's good at not getting caught
>deku was an evil bunny
>iida a hellhound
I'm starting to think that Iida will end up hunting Deku at some point.
maybe AFO will somehow become Symbol of Peace and make Deku public enemy No.1
she's the only girl villain
that would be great , and deku can recruit the stainfags that already like him like spinner, toga , and dabi
Part one of Boku no hero will end shiggy killing stain and concurring Japan, leaving deku on the run as an outlaw, and all the stainfags turning on shiggy for killing stain and then join deku, this will be where part two starts MY HERO TEAM
Team being izuku, dabi , toga , spinner , twice , rockguy, gasmask, and another class a student
Eri will become Shiggy's sidekick soon.
so when will the blood samples that toga collected form ochako and froppy become relevant?
It could be a ruse. If she is the traitor of course the author will do everything so that this doesn't become evident.
She already used ochako's blood in the license exam , now we're waiting for deku's blood to become relavent
For the people saying that Toga might join the vigilante crew, remember that the spin off is taking place a few years before MhA.
Well they might not be dead , but I think her vigilante crew will be all the stainfags that are pissed off that shiggy killed stain
Why are the villains so much better than the heroes
does someone have a dl for viz releases? want to re-read the entire series and so far I've relied on scanlations.
What did Jirou mean by this?
Wrong again
fucking head canon
>her profile mentions that her quirk could dissolve her own clothing if she's not careful
>never happens
moon knigth
t. Mineta
in a realistic world where quirks exist there would be all sorts of brainwashing and new hostage techniques available. His first command could be literally for her to explain how her quirk works in depth. Anything after that they can have her create the things they want. It doesn't have to be anything complicated. Rare earth metals just elements. Creating flash grenades are far more complicated. The biggest thing though is that she is a threat to entire economic structure of the world. Even if she states she doesn't want to do so like that other user stated. Her quirk should raise all sorts of alarms. We have the secret service just for counterfeiting investigations. I can only imagine what would exist for quirk users that can destabilize global economies. There has to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. of some sort in BNHA.
i find them more relatable
Ochako is beautiful but she just can't compete with these mountains.
>the worse the series get the more threads it gets per day
My almonds are on fire
if a series is perfect there isn't much to talk about other than agreement
She is just as good as that
I'm sorry okay? I didn't find a thread under "boku no" so i thought there was none.