What happens when the left pushes us too far?

What happens when the left pushes us too far?

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>What happens when the left pushes us too far?
You get triggered and post on Sup Forums on a Friday night

Your pic already told you.

push back just as hard

Speaking from experience?

Like coming here and constantly making slide threads?

we're about to find out

Don't forget to check out the Memo threads/DNC & Obama Doj corruption thread before leaving.

this happens

You die. You have scarcely seen the left in your lifetime. And you've never seen them push. All you know are center-rightists pushing identity politics, which you also push. If the left ever truly pushes you, you will die. You will all die.

either way, israel just makes the american public blame russia


Already in them :) Thank you though user

Do you speak for the rees?

Sliding is just part of chan culture we can accept this.
If they ever go after the tendies, its war

Will they be killing us from safe spaces?

with what guns?
the one's you banned in your own states?
fucking lmao

Yeah, just annoying.

An equal and opposite reaction

Again, you're speaking of the center-right, because you're too stupid to know what he left even is. The left doesn't care about identity or safe spaces or micro-aggressions. That's shit the center-rightists give a shit about because they're paid to lose to idiot far-rightists. If and when you face any real resistance, you will be purged from the Earth.

Be afraid. Be very afraid

They lose a major war (again)?

>no true scotsman
m8 we've seen the impotence of the violent left every time they riot and kick trashcans.
you couldn't resist your way out of a paper bag

It'd be tough to defeat this brave revolutionary

m8 i live close to both LA and San Fran. I have met every flavor of special snowflake retard you can imagine. I have even squared off with some of them during Trump rallies though I never actually fought one.
The "tough" ones are just edgy, out of shape drug addicts. And if you're talking about open combat I own 5 guns and I am just waiting for my excuse to break free of my dull wage slave existence. Pls do it.

Are you fucking stupid?
SJWs are far left they are after safe spaces.
IQ test to post when?

this. drumpf is finished

Please tell me you are trolling

I have no interest in ever playing video games but I can relate after having worked in tech, I just want to be constructive

I think he's serious unfortunately.

Then he is mentally untable


I think he is speaking of the left's masters. The people behind them who give them the balls to say some of the shit they say. Like when that gay jew in short shorts was yelling at that guy holding the jesus sign, something is giving these people the guts to talk shit.

Sage spaces and microaggressions are leftist inventions, nobody even close to the right gives a fuck about them.

There are no states where guns are banned. None.

I would say report this to the FBI but can not trust them

doesn't matter they are hilariously outgunned in this country by right wingers
so they're going to fight with their bullet button ARs with 5 round mags?

The system will fall apart

You cut off you're dingdong and grow boobs

I think you don't understand that the far left will exterminate its useful idiots when normalization occurs. These are not radical leftists, they are unknowing demoralization agents.

I don't get why the left hasn't already done this? Your masters running the (((progressive))) agenda clearly want you to start a civil war and your side seems more than happy to oblige. I just want to be left alone yet the left screams RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA all day long trying to remove the person I helped elect and installing "the right" candidate.

they simply don't have the numbers to do anything here


I understand very well, and the people pulling the trigger won't care about left or right, they're just there for blood. This is how every communist revolution works out, the romantic revolutionaries win then get annihilated by a superior ally

Besides, that wouldn't happen. They already rule through soft power, a war is the last thing TPTB want

Replacing a bullet button with a regular mag release takes like a minute. And you can easily get 30 round mags by ordering pinned 10-rounders and removing the rivet.

Was waiting for him to get banned lol, it is why I responded really

and in the time you took to did that I just ordered 30 more pmag 40's and 1000 rounds of ammunition
californians aren't going to be fighting any revolutions, just accept it

Good Lord. If that happens I predict a strange weather pattern. Localized leftist percipitation might accurately describe it. Americans can barely tolerate their current leftists, and they are heavily armed.


The left invented all this degenerate shit and campus life. The "real leftist" revolutionaries you're talking about barely exist if at all.

How expensive are 1000 rounds in murica?

are you retarded. dont you know the world is already dominated by capitalism. what kind of deluded cunt are you

I probably wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for my father being assaulted by some asshole when he went to a trump rally before the election. He had a rock thrown at his head by some people waving a Mexican flag when he was leaving the rally. My father served in the military and he got attacked by what I assume were non citizens. In our country. And the left openly supports those actions. So I have found myself going further and further right than I ever thought I would.

for like $270-$300

15-25 cents per round is my experience. Smaller or more common calibers are cheaper.

Digits confirm

>dominated by capitalism
Sorry I must have missed that memo when Bush/Obama bailed out the TOO BIG TO FAIL BANKS. :/

well thats what capitalism is you dumb gringo. the state and captial work together

and try to force memes

Crony capitalism is an economy in which businesses thrive not as a result of risk taken for them, but rather as a return on money amassed through a nexus between a business class and the political class.
>I know Mexico is a third world but at least try

>when whites push whites too far

>something is giving these people the guts to talk shit.

Yea, whites being weak and tolerant is giving them the guts. Any other time in history and they would have been killed by our brothers.

>the state and captial work together

holy shit mexico..

well thats what its actually happening

This is actually how communists define capitalism. If you ever have the misfortune of meeting one ask for their definition of capitalism.

if citing wikipedia articles help you illustrate a point here: how does the state does not enforce " private property, capital accumulation, wage labor," en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism

Capitalism does not need a state dummy. I'm not sure if that is what you are arguing because your shithole country clearly doesn't teach proper English. No offence



well it does
who protects private property tell me

The left prizes weakness above all else, I think we'll be fine.

numbers confirm they dont have the numbers

I think that's because communists want to label anything not communist as fascist. They want to label capitalism is fascist, and hence they need to tie capitalism to an authoritarian government. Hence their lunatic ravings of capitalism + state

I've seen a lot of posts like this tonight. Stop trying to provoke violence. The violence will come naturally when your time comes.


Whoever can protect it.

Are you a fucking leftist (commie)? What you are saying is beyond retarded.

well maybe you can answer me, dont laws (enforced by the state) protect private property?

Pig if blue(hair)

They define capitalism as the absolute worst iteration of capitalism and use all kinds of loaded words especially "exploit"

what does the police do, tell me

>Asks a question
>Must be triggered
Maybe you should buy some rugs. That'll show me.

The individual. If you can’t, you die. That’s how it’s meant be. Evolution.


"If I determine the enemy's disposition of forces while I have no perceptible form, I can concentrate my forces while the enemy is fragmented. The pinnacle of military deployment approaches the formless: if it is formless, then even the deepest spy cannot discern it nor the wise make plans against it."

>Sun Tzu

Waste my taxes doing something I should doing myself.

I've encountered communists doing this one sentence and a few sentences later they say "well real communism hasn't been tried". That commie got what was coming to him after kek

Nothing, because you’re pussies

How so? His statement was completey inaccurate.

jajaja ol darwin meme
what an inferiror cunt

Fuck. I hope something happens soon! Trump is the last best hope.


You are suggesting capitalism needs government when it does not. Capitalism requires enforcing through might, as do many things. Doesn't need to be government.

Anarchy, a far right ideology, for example is capitalistic but does not require a government (goes without saying).

The police does what they are paid to do, or what they are forced or compelled to do. You are not going to win an argument this way user, you need to be smarter.

Also you did not answer my question: are you a commie?

If you can’t protect and take care of yourself, you deserve to die. You’re weak and shouldn’t pass on your weak genes. Sorry, Paco. Nature won’t bend to your imaginary worldview.

probably this. In saying that the left are a bunch of pussies as well. End of the day youll all bow to the gubbament and whatever they want then come here and keep crying about it

did nazis wanted to abolish the state? cus all i see are closet nazi bois worshiping capitalism telling me capitalism doesnt need a state. well it has been like this for the whole history of capitalism

>you disagree with me
>you’re a Nazi
Oh, so you’re retarded. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. Have a good day.

Talk to us when you are legally allowed to defend yourself.

This mestizo lost the argument and results in ad hominem.

You're pretty pathetic, you know that? How come you keep parroting bs you were brainwashed with even after others prove to you that what you are saying is bs? Why are you so EMOTIONALLY attached to a disproven ideology? Are you retarded? Why don't you adjust your views, why the attachment?

but Im beast mma dude

this album


>doesnt need a state.
Sounds like you don't like "states"? Why? They have done great things, inarguably much better than we would have without a state.