Are we finally winning the culture war?
>No black characters
>No female warriors because that's unrealistic
>Professes traditional virtues
>Educates normies on medieval times
>Masculine men and feminine women
Are we finally winning the culture war?
>No black characters
>No female warriors because that's unrealistic
>Professes traditional virtues
>Educates normies on medieval times
>Masculine men and feminine women
Other urls found in this thread:
Finally, a medieval setting game without blacks larping as arabs and pretending to have partaken in civilization before it was brought to them on the end of a bayonet.
Deliverace release date when? BANNERLORD RELEASE DATE WHEN?
>No blacks
>No women
>In a medeival combat game
Wow, some victory
Let me know when someone makes a game with the quality of GTA where you recruit a team of RWDS white nationalists and cleanse an entire city of degeneracy that just so happens to look exactly like San Francisco.
Then you can talk about winning the culture war. Honestly if you retards weren't so busy fucking around with pointless Linux and Open Source commiefaggotry, you'd have time to actually create saleable mass media. Pro-tip: buy a macbook pro and a couple hundred dollars of professional software. All the big boys have solid competitors now.
Feb 13 this year for Deliverance. Bannerlords I don't know
Too bad the gameplay is shit, watch the 22m or whatever gameplay demo on steam... yikes
It also looks like the optimization will be awful.
There is no "culture" left to war for. You are just hanging on to the threads of tradition that barely exist in the world today. Everything we are experiencing will get worse until ultimate reconciliation takes place.
fuck off kike
Exactly. White men have had 150 years since the Civil War to fight back in some meaningful way. They've done nothing but LARP and play with their guns. In fact, most of the non-whites flooding into the country are the result of white businessmen's greed and thirst for cheap labor.
This whole mess is white people's fault. It's going to get a whole lot worse, and a couple of video games won't change that.
I don't know what you niggers are going on about, I sincerely wish I could be so innocently naive to think this is a war, and there are win conditions to be had. In reality, the culture war is more like pandora's box, which has long since been opened. You can't put everything that has been released back into the box, you can only hope to cordon off areas and hope you can live a full life before the virus reaches you.
A kike would tell you that everything is great
mfw this game becomes best seller because its boosted by """evil alt right nazi males"""
if the game was made 2 years ago some knights would be blacks and women.
just look what happened to the new star-wars.
I hope this shit doesnt end up like
>Reign of Kangz, god tier game.
> or that other one i cant reme ber the name of that had 50-50 battles, that the devs ran from
Have you seen the absolute state of other medievil combat games like For Honor? Black female Vikings with massive two handed axes versus black female samurai.
ill wait about a month after release, if it's not buggy i'll get it for sure. first game i'll have bought in a year.
The game is made by a GamerGate supporter and Burzum fan.
Varva is most likely a Sup Forumsack
on the one hand - it looks great
on the other hand - i've sworn off buying full price games
Sure, if the game is actually good. Thanks for putting this on my radar.
I really want this game to not be shit
Trailers dont mean dick but that does sound interesting
already on the steam wishlist, user
Oh look everyone! Tthe cheap, broke ass white male isn't going to pay for one of the only non-SJW games ever made. Big fucking surprise!
And you retards all wonder why no companies ever cater to you cheap brainlets. I hope this game fails and you get stuck playing Transgender Warrior 3: Return of the Dilator. I would honestly never invest so much as a dime or lift a finger to cater to the alt-right / far-right crowd. You're all such pathetic broke losers.
You guys should probably advertise tis game more... post it to your average joe friends.... Businesses follow the money... in capitalism its the green, not the pink pussy hats, rainbows etc that will win the day...
Autism is not redpilled. Neither are Abrahamic kike traditions of racial brother wars and ugly wrapped up women.
while you sit there and play your games , your women are getting fucked by niggers
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
>soyboy MC
>graphics from 2006
Hmmm no. Fuck off, shill.
Diversity is our strength. It will only make us stronger to be so diverse with such diverse cultures. Diversity is life and life is diverse. Diversity diversity diversity.
Uh huh. Yeah that last comment stung didn't it? You're all for the redpills until you fuck up and get called on the carpet for not supporting the hard work of the white race.
Literally video games. What a shit show. It's amazing that anyone would make anything for your ungrateful poorfags at all. If this game fails and it probably will, I guarantee you that you'll never see any significant effort from any developer ever again. They'll completely write-off the alt-right/far-right crowd as so many other companies have. There is literally more money to be made selling products and services to niggers on welfare.
No. Stay mad bitch
This is very true. I know a lot of white women who are absolutely disgusted by the modern white man and they just behave even worse now.
>Pro-tip: buy a macbook pro and a couple hundred dollars of professional software
also, this is the dev
I bet you're the same faggot who posts "go back to Sup Forums" in every single fucking thread
>you can only hope to cordon off areas
Hope was the only evil left inside that box.
You're really not very good at this.
Looks pretty redpilled t b h
>banner lords
My dick couldn't possibly get any harder.
My dick is hard! Hard like the rock of Gibraltar.
Yeesh Rabbi, had too few foreskins today?
>buy a macbook pro and a couple hundred dollars of professional software
I'm excited for it but I tried the beta from torrent and it was really rough
I'm sorry Aussie-chan, but I'm somewhat confused by what this means.
Kek wills it.
v8.1 electro torrent good?
I'm definitely buying this.
Game looks cool. Looks like Oblivions game engine being used.
cry engine
Bannerlord will be released in 2035.
Didn't the Bannerlord devs die in the Turkish coup the other years?
I don't think you remember how bad oblivion looked/played
Post this in Sup Forums and try and wake up the brain dead bluepilled normies there
you forgot
>master race of game engines, cryengine
More propaganda against Sigismund's rightfully claim to the throne. Czech lies have no bounds.
Sigismund was a good boy and dindu nuffin.
We reached our 100th subscriber thanks to You!!!. Welcome to project Mayhem , you now are in the house on Paper street!!!
This is top tier Gestalt level news!!
ALSO 100 subscriber montage memecast! Calling out E-celeb trash !!
>inb4 YouTube shilling anti e-celeb and eceleb
This is a community of ShitLords like YOU!!!
This is Oldfag army and newfegs are welcome too if you asre a truth seeker !!!
This, this is an up and coming CENTRAL HAPPENINGS NETWORK!!
OH and NOT MONOTIZED, no commercials no niggerish cia behavior and ALL truth !!!
>Not Bellagio Sampler
But I heard he's 8 feet tall and shoots fire outta his arse..
I heard he killed 15 north Korean special forces soldiers when he illegally crossed the border under Bogdanov National orders.
>guaranteed you will enjoy
Check US out , I promise If not now at grass roots you will hear about Him eventually
ooh fuck yeah, graphics should be uncannily realistic if the textures are good enough
It gets posted there every 30 minutes.
it has its moments
>Transgender Warrior 3: Return of the Dilator.
Why can't you fuck whores in that game?
>Why can't you fuck whores in that game?
NPCs can't even sit down on a bench in that game. How you gonna fuck a whore?
>its technically possible some black person ended up in bohemia for some reason so we demand you shoehorn them in
No really, what the fuck is this?
I think I'm going to get a physical PC version and proudly display the box on my desk. If anyone asks I will say I'm playing a historicaly accurate game about medievil Europe.
Unrealistic schedule. 2083 at the earliest.
looking good.
Those forests demand I buy PC version.
Fuck, muh 4GB Saphire 380 is feeling hella old...
Fuck it feels good to actually be excited about a video game again.
Woah you could sell that card to a museum bro.
I don't want to mainline it.
I want to live in the forest as a bandit and rob everyone.
I only play 1080p
I've been avoiding upgrading until decent 4k cards and monitors are available. plus the fuckhead miners making top end cards cost more than an entire computer.
I remember when I could buy an Nvidia 8800GT for $200 and you had a top graphics card.
Fucking miners.
Miners should move to ASIC only, seems like ASIC owners don't want to share them, though.
Every chip they make is like free Bitcoin shekels, they probably run them in-house until it's not profitable anymore and then ship them out.
1080tis in Australia start at $1200!!
Just 4 years ago I coulld build an entire computer WITH a decent GC for that much.
How the fuck is crypto profitiable when it must take the average fucker a year to make back the outlay. (And if mining BTC unless it hits $100,000 you will NEVER make that money back.
Im buying it and I dont even play vidya. Stay mad Sup Forums.
it's more profitable just to toss some money in than to mine it
Its single player, with no chance of ever being multiplayer.
Single player = self gratification = masturbation = degeneracy.
Atleast its not bf1 or COD ww2 with niggers everywhere . Pic related is a German ww2 Tiger tank promoted toy for COD ww2, are they retarded are so pc and sjw infested they cant even have german grey or insignia. This is fucking ridiculous
ehh if you bought a bunch of used cards or got a bulk discount it might be profitable medium to large scale
>first person sword combat
Stop trying to make this happen. It’s never going to happen.
If you want hand to hand combat to have some dynamism and depth and not be awkward then make it 3rd person
>No women
Actually yea, any medieval game with warfare should give you the option to rape and/or kill the women left behind or that survive the battle. It's grim but it serves as a reminder that war isn't all about just the part where you clang swords. There's the dirty aftermath as well.
I reckon at those prices its got to crash.
You cant have $8000 BTC when a card that will never mine more than $400 worth before it dies cost $1500.
Besides eth every other crypto is fucking pump and dump, BTC can just upgrade its code.
The incompetence in the entire crypto marketplace is absolutely mind-boggling.
They should have had hardware wallets in everyday mobile phones years ago!
Instead it takes them over 2 fucking years to increase the blockchain limit from 1 megabit to 2.
have you ever played condemed? that was first person melee combat and it worked great.
A like would tell you that everything is pointless and so you should give up or help “accelerate “ the jews winning until magically things get better again
You will never have a better chance of saving the situation than now so it will always make more sense to resist now than later
Leftists make no distinction between fantasy and reality. They want "diversity" everywhere, but especially in your dreams. That way there's no escape from it.
Some changes will be irreversible, other changes can be countered or steered to a more sensible conclusion
Defeatism won’t make things better for your descendents
Just go as fast as possible until the wheels come off I say import migrants untill the welfare state collapses.
>2 guns 5000 rounds ammo
>500 no10 cans.
>A way to colllect rainwater
That sould get you through 6months to a year of SHTF.
This is a fair point.
We should be spending our money on white products even if they’re kind of meh.
I’ve find myself going to see darkest hour, Dunkirk, and daddy’s home 2 just because they’re white movies or would be beneficial to our side of the culture war.
That shit has been going on for far longer than people realize, mostly thanks to 80s roleplaying games and their gender neutral stats. There's really nothing more immersion breaking than seeing female blacksmiths, guards and berserkers.
It's not historically authentic enough. I watched a little of gameplay and the characters seem retarded they speak like american schoolgirls and say 'fuck' way too much for medieval peasants.
Yes, adults shouldn’t be playing video games, but video games are a significant part of children’s lives and at the moment our children are being infected by the rapidly spreading sjw influence in games and it is important to push back against that .
Imagine how you would have turned out if instead of just shooting nazis because they were america’s Enemies and rescuing princesses all the games you played emphasised shooting nazis because they’re racist and all female characters being empowered, feminist and non-sexual.
Don’t be dismissive of things which are having a detrimental effect on the youth