#yomemo jokes now #1 WORLDWIDE trending

How does it feel to be the butt of jokes of literally the entire planet. Check Twitter right now. Yo memo jokes are #1 worldwide trending and everyone is making fun of you and your worthless, nothingburger memo. Apologize for wasting everyone's time right now.

Mueller and the democrats are wasting everyones time. Thank god it's about to en

this is the best shilling the DNC can get?

(and thats a good thing)

Turn the SJWs on them and go ham about fat shaming and ablism and all that stupid bullshit. Get them to eat each other and divide.

Fake and gay.

>Chris Cilizza

bought and paid for Media Matters Clinton hatchetman

You commies can’t meme. Way to keep drawing attention that the memo that will end your faggot party.

20 million impressions on Twitter and counting. Facebook is probably going to cross 100 million #yomemo impressions tonight. Admit it, the left outmemed you. The memo has been completely nullified and destroyed.

Every time I read a CNN article and I think to myself, "damn this is stupid", it always ends up being written by the same guy. Always.

You were saying?

where is twitter given power in the united states government?

I wouldn't even pay you for this

The far-left is playing a dangerous game, they haven't realized that with this shit they just ensured that when Trump actually does something illegal his base will not care and rally around him.

shill threads aren't even trying to not look like themselves anymore

Im at the point where if Trump personally lynched these fuckers on live TV I wouldnt even care.

millions of shill bucks going to damage control. Trump is bankrupting the DNC

People who make #yomemo jokes have no interest in reading the memo and knowing what happened. It's just background noise. No one is going to change his or her mind over a #yomemo joke, so let them create good material to hang over their heads later.

Trump's HANDPICKED FBI Director said that thew memo was incomplete and didn't present the actual facts accurately.

Think about that for a second.

>being this desperate at spinning the horrifying reveals in the memo
Yo dawg, I dont even need to have an IQ of 90 to tell you that you sound like a fag and your shits all fucked up.


When shill threads spring up about a topic on Sup Forums then I know it's something. Even without reading up on the US political theater de jour.


This is what 18 billion buys? He should have paid you 50 bucks for this shitty work

(((schulberg))) - Every time .


>twitter impressions
LOL stop the fucking presses! #metoo #notmypresident #imdefintierlynotafag #thisguyistho #kys #killyourself #endit #mu20gojillian #you'regoingtohangfortreason

Anyone who says that the memo is nothing does not understand the content.

How does it feel to be a shill faggot?

>24 hours ago
>that's all you got?? lol

they showed their hand a day ago. they know it's damning information. this is classic damage control.

I want the White House on the day of second Civil War ending to hang CNN reporters by the public gallows in front of fence, hours before the peace treaty is signed.

Holy fuck you are amazingly utterly stupid.

You do know that the memo is being released piece by piece, right?

Did you even read it?

Then the memo failed to be meaningful, didn't it?

>the memo is misleading
>never actually explain why it's misleading

ever liberal protecting the corrupt should be hung from the light poles now!

just because one acts obtuse and ignorant when given facts does not mean that information is not meaningful

Even the cuckservatives are laughing

>This is what Shariajew can do now.
>"lul a lefty social network is promoting lefty hashtags Sup Forums and GOP btfo!1"

Your Libshit party will no longer exist if the dnc funds situation gets worse and obongo, clinton or comey ends in jail.


>Reveals treasonous acts by DOJ and FBI
>Not much

Pick one.

>Shouldn't be released because it will endanger our nation
>Not much

Pick one.

>"Trump supposedly pays to find dirt on Clinton"
>"Clinton and the DNC pays to find dirt on Trump"

This Pedro gets it.

only people on Twitter anymore are celebrities and leftards, I hardly see why what they are doing is relevant in any way.

What are democrats gonna do when Mueller starts indicting the swamp?

I can clearly see it now
>video of hillary eating baby surfaces on deep web
>obama is there cooking more babies in the background

degenerate, decadent, soy-loving, numerals are parading like they have the upperhand.

they don't

> when Mueller starts indicting the swamp
I know who's going first...

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
Saul Alinsky

Expected. This is just the opening shot of the war. Trump is about unleash fire and fury.

the shills are out in force, you know they're scared lads!

Left having major success with #yomemojokes

We need to counter it with


Let's get it trending lads!

>David French
>literal cuck on Bill Kristoll's leash

No amount of downplaying is going to hide the fact your boys abused the FISA warrant system, ShareBlue.

>investigation started in 2013, when candidate Trump wasn't even a thing.
>abused the FISA warrant system

>Mueller and the democrats are wasting everyones time. Thank god it's about to end

For Trump. Let him try to fire Mueller and will only provide him with an open and shut case of obstruction of justice.

And the evidence that Donald Jr. was trying to get damning information about Hillary came from her own collusion with Russia.

Imagine if it was revealed that Mueller never planned on charging Trump just like Comey never planned on charging Hillary. Then texts were revealed between the agents involved in the Mueller investigation talking about how they're worried about a backlash from Trump for investigating him. Would the liberal media not then call the investigation a farce? Especially if Mueller then exonorates Trump and then opened a new investigation into Hillary based on evidence provided by the RNC which they obtained from Russia.

>Right gets #ReleaseTheMemo #1 trending
>Gets shut down by Twitter and blamed on Russians

>Left gets some faggy joke #1 trending

these are the people that walk among us and vote, i hope we get nuked

Mueller is on Trump's team retard.

>Shills shilling for shills: the post

>Deputy Director McCabe testified before the House Intelligence Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.


Yes, you buying bots and being on lefty social media reknowned for censoring trends and promoting others somehow makes it “nothing”.

Nothing about your online hugbox will save you; this is just the beginning. Your media can’t “pffff whatever” the upcoming IG and Senate committees State Department memos.

Also, it’s now coming to light that Strzok falsified 302’s and this will likely lead to Flynn walking free, along with the Mueller investigation going in the trash.

So laugh/tweet all you want about your perceived victory with your skewed sense of the world. It won’t last.

Kek the Clint Eastwood joke isn't that bad. I'll bet when Clinton is in prison the jokes will effect them more.

>60k tweets
wow im so impressed, how many tweets did #ReleasetheMemo get again?

>supposedly unbiased fbi using democrat funded fanfic to obtain secret surveillance warrants
>left's response is yo mamma jokes

People still need to comb through the memo and connect everything

Trump IS the swamp, tho.


they literally admitted to censoring things they dont like and promoting things that agree with them with that shit, idiot

And didn't she contact him saying she had information on Hillary? It's not like he sought it out...


It doesn't matter, anyone who is on their side is weak, and irrelevant.

Never underestimate your enemy friend.

Good leaf

This is Dorsey and Zuckerberg responding to the call Feinstein and Schiff put in a week ago or so.

They literally wrote them an official letter asking them to investigate the #releasethememo hashtag because it was those damn Russkies.

That was just the overture. The conversation that ensued was, "Let's bury it when it comes out."

Anyone who thinks this is real momentum against the memo is falling for a psyop.

LOL I remember when National Review was trying to force-meme this guy into dark horse candidacy.

>Russians colluded with Donald Trump to rig the election for him
>Russians provide info to Steele for the dossier to help prove Trump colluded with Russians so HRC can claim her rightful presidency

Russians man

Not that it actually happened but yeah that's the story. Don Jr. wasn't paying any of the Russians he was trying to get information from either like Steele was.

The democrats are using the Goebbels tactic of accusing your enemy of that which you are most guilty with a little McCarthyism flare added in.

it feels exactly like Trump feels every time he looks in the mirror. That poor bastard has to spend hours every morning with cans of hairspray and spraytan and then go out in public looking like an orangutan.

>shows FBI and former admin conspiring with foreign individuals to undermine and illegally spy on the president elect and then president
>this is nothing

Holy fuck the USA is a lawless mess

Don't even bother following the law.

it will be a glorious day when Mueller unseals the indictment against Trump

>Anyone who thinks this is real momentum against the memo is falling for a psyop.
Its not momentum against it. It's just that normal people realize that there's nothing new here.

The Russians that Steele was talking to weren't really associated with the Russian government. That's just what they said to get paid for information. Steele never actually met with them.

The story about Russian prostitutes pissing on Trump sounds exactly like what a Russian who simply wants to get paid for a juicy tabloid story would make up. It sounds like it came straight out of Fire and Fury.

You can't indict a President retard. Learn about how the law works.

The same people who call Trump a bully are the same people who call him orange. Cognitive dissonance at it's finest.

There are hundreds of sources all proving that Trump colluded with the Russian government to win the 2016 election. It's only a matter of time before Mueller closes the trap and his entire family goes to prison for life.

and thus Nunes' memo falls apart like a house of sticks.

karma's a bitch, brainlet

>only a tiny fraction of earths population cares about stupid twitter/facebook shenanigans.
Sure checks out.

The best shilling is seeing that even on Sup Forums the army of unfuckable Trumpcucks are demoralized and SILENT about it.

Gonna be a rough time, lube up.

Being this naive lol


Aw. Buttblasted Trumpcuck needs a safespace. When the Dems wave election the mid-terms will you kill yourself for us?

Why were you faggots crying about it for so long, if it wasn't a big deal? Go back to prepping the bull.

I'm sure that 90% of those "things" are someone near Trump merely talking to a Russian, which has not nor ever been a crime. Very impressive list of bull shit.

How so? Even though the Russians weren't really involved with the Russian government Steele and the DNC believed they were. So they still thought they were colluding with a foreign government to steal the election.

Nigger, if so, they would have done it by now. We're getting to the point where there might not even be enough time to push such a thing through before the mid-terms.

Your liberal tears are delicious

Oh I see, so the FBI and DOJ mislead the FISA court with opposition research to spy on their political opponents all the time. Right, nothing to see here, move along.

Drink bleach nigger

the memo, duh.
the guy affiliated with Trump's campaign was being investigated as early as 2013 for working with Russa.