/MG/ Militia General:

.itt Series we will discuss,

>1)What happened to our militiamen?

>2)How can we return to a government fearful of the people?

>3)What constitutes a militia in today society?

>4)When can a militia be used domestically without repercussion?

>5) Is it time for action?

>inb4. FBI, CIA, ATF..........

- Memo has exposed clear dishonest intent.
- MSM continues to play games
- People are running on idle
- clear conclusion for political gain from the left.

Other urls found in this thread:


Following the revolution and the removal of Adams from office, there was no need for a militia, as we felt secure with our bill of rights and established government. If there was someone bad, we could vote them out without bloodshed. Add in that we began to have a largermore professional army and militias became pointless as far as defense from another country was concerned
Then as the civil war happened northern states did not want to question the government, as we were trying to save the union, so an income tax was not questioned.
Follow this pattern on and that is why we are where we are now

But how can we change things if the people who vote can no longer think for themselves?

We have to educate them on whats happening. It is the only way, though I am starting to wonder if they care. They dont seem to want to admit that 99% of our leaders dont give 2 fucks about us.

There is no fighting the government in 2018. Dude, they have fucking bugs that fly in your head and explode. Liberty is a meme


Some times i thin k the only way to make them care is to actually create that environment for them to care. But, that would mean volunteering political suicide

"Militias" in our modern country seem to be pretty organic in nature. Due to the high amount of firearms, when shit goes south people in their neighborhoods band together to defend each other. This has been seen in incidents like hurricane Katrina and the rooftop Koreans. The spirit of the militia is still alive in the heart of American culture. It isn't organized, but we've seen localized examples of it surface when shit hits the fan.

Pic related from during Katrina.

they are online


>Tfw no right wing antifa
Are we truly cucked?


there doesnt need to be a right wing antifa, it was proven that patriots would stand up to that shit without being organized, but there does need to be a sense of fear. which is obviously lacking.

This, no more fun and games.

We need to create a website dedicated to militias in the United States. Shit does go down it's the men at the back of the church who handles it. If you catch my meaning

I'm down bros let's organize a/pol/tard militia sound like a great idea

ignore any posts or threads trying to recruit or asking to join a Militia, it is an FBI honeypot
Sup Forums is not the place to discuss this

hello ATF & FBI

Ear muffs ..cozy
ear plugs .. discreet and may I ad in the right setting sexy
Walkman headphones or for the. Naggers beatts by dray

I love how in the parish they deputized all the men and started hading out guns. Compared to the feds and police in Nola proper who confiscated everyones gun

calm down there son, i like your jib.
, but whatever you do must remain legal.

Again this post is mainly for discussion, for discussion leads to action

What does it matter if honey pot or not. When the time comes it's not like the Sup Forums militia is going to be at the for front.

I have considered forming one or joining.

I already organized a few kekistanis

>When can a militia be used domestically without repercussion?
When the riots start and don't stop for a week or so.

damn the entire Arab world lost a war to THAT?

are those autistic kikes lmao?
in airforce drag?

Retard unit of the idf?

but how will those riots start?
idk if the right still has the will

can you smell it lads?

the US is filled with literally millions of fighting age war vets, anyone even somewhat competent with a combat arms background could train an entire militia in 2 weeks time

>tfw a heeb tard squad has more tactical cohesion than Sup Forums

then a meme must be created to this

Not only is belonging to a militia not illegal, it is explicitly lawful. American men aged 17-45 are de jure militia. Fuck CIAniggers.
-t. lawful Denverite with a particular playing card at the ready


>but how will those riots start?
The left.

All of the official “militias” out there are full of obese boomers who are “veterans” of the 1980s and autistic gen x’ers. They are cringeworthy as fuck and i wont trust my flank to a bunch of fatass white niggers. in a shtf scenario I will travel alone or with best friends or other GWOT veterans