>no one getting hanged in the streets
>Democrats not on suicide watch
>no mass rioting or civil uprising
>no liberal tears
Why was this nothingburger memo so hyped, Sup Forums? Was it just the media trying to boost their ratings?
No one getting hanged in the streets
Nunes and his stunts.
It will probably give an excuse for Trump to fire Rosenstein (because he's too beta to just do it without a mob chanting it) then get some asslicker in place to fire Mueller.
Firing Mueller will backfire just like firing Comey did though.
>Why was this nothingburger memo so hyped, Sup Forums?
Board now filled with literal lemmings can't think for themselves
firing Rosenstein will cause Sessions to stop stumping for Trump.
Firing Wray with bring the wrath of the FBI and DOJ.
Mueller almost done. Hate to say it but it is not looking great. That is why every top republican is not running for reelection. Shit is going down, they have been taking dirty foreign money for 20 years.
>insightful political commentary
>>insightful political commentary
>insightful political commentary
Have you guys noticed that all the shills have been ordered to use the term "nothingburger"? How many tines have you seen that phrase here today?
>confederate flag
we get it. we know what you're trying to do and it's getting really fucking annoying
race war is literally right around the corner
Fucking kill yourself
Like, I'm really disappointed in this whole memo debacle. I honestly though this would finally be the moment where Trump stood up to the Democrats and we'd finally start seeing some high profile arrests or something.
Nope, once again I'm disappointed in Trump.
>no wall
>amnesty for dreamers
>tax plan that barely changes anything
>no HRC in jail
>still basically have Obamacare
What a shitty year. Hope he can get his shit together ASAP.
That's what it is, though.
>literally no rebuttal
>race war
pic related is the only "race war" you'll be seeing
how insiteful
Day of the rope is near normie
only a democrat shill would be upset about lower taxes and things that aren't finalized yet. it's good to know what talking points they are pushing, so thanks for the summary reddltt
Stop lying to everyone. Nothing will happen. If massive corruption in the FBI isn't enough for people to do something then NOTHING is.
FIrst they came for Trump and I said nothing
Then they came for Republicans and I said nothing.
THen they came for me and I came.
>lower taxes
oh wow, I get a whole extra $100 every year. woo.
Here's your day of the rope.
even getting .25 cents more is better than nothing you dumbass. btw I'm not bumping your thread if that's what you're trying to do here.
You autists always knew about it. The normies, if they knew about it, thought it was a conspiracy theory. Now it's official and has been on the news channels for three days. This is for the normies, not for us.