/NFF/ No Fap February General - Day 3

This month we will be holding each other accountable in our quest for overman discipline, virility and strength.
We will not be taking part in the degeneracy that is porn and masturbation.
We will not be wasting our seed, our masculine vital energy on virtual whores.
Post your progress and the effects it is having on you.
Post information you have about the negative consequences of pornography and masturbation and the agenda behind its normalization and increased availability.


Other urls found in this thread:


Good audio, but why does it have cancer visuals, and why is there Mr. Rogers at the end?

>Good audio, but why does it have cancer visuals, and why is there Mr. Rogers at the end?
You have the answers user. Dig deep.

>dont do natural behaviors

>let your prostate rot, it's healthy!

Be gone jew shill


what if you just eat your cum
mine tastes like sweetened biscuit mix


great source skippy

great newfag meme
faggot shill

I get that the video shows the media's control over people's sexual instinct. However, I'm still confused on why the Mr. Rogers and the handicapped kid was included, because it seems so out of place.

circ trauma does this to them

>implying anyone that regularly browses this board will find a wife

>circ trauma
What is that? circulatory trauma? can you explain

Happy to report I'm doing fine with the nofap.

Also happy to report that it's because I have a horny girlfriend who I am happily keeping topped up with my vital nutrients.

>losing vitamins and minerals
Do you not eat, user? I've heard that's a good way to replenish such things.

that's not how it works faggot

You know you're doing something true and noble when strangers mock you
I can't believe how much shilling there is. Like, we're not even saying its a sin, stop forever. We're saying stop for less than 30 days mostly just to prove that you can.


TIME FOR /NOFAP/ TO TAKE TO THE STREETS - Hospitals and Schools never tell young men about the dangers of fapping - NOW WE MUST ALL PROTEST AND MARCH IN THE STREETS /NFF/

>eating is not how you get nutrients into your body

You don't know shit you little bitch

Last thing I read on the topic indicated that older men benefited from masturbation (reduced risk of prostate cancer), but younger men did not.

Don't be a fool. You have to ejaculate regularly to keep a healthy prostate. There's a history of it in my family, I talk to doctors about it regularly. 1 month is probably fine though.

oh shit I just got it.
what was that guys name? from dr. strangelove? the old general guy.
precious bodily fluids fuck.

quit fapping for 21 days so far

>more energy
>less sleep required
>less tiredness/fatigued
>don't nap anymore
>baseline mood much higher then prior
>morning wood as hard as diamond, weeks ago I didn't even get it
>normal sexual taste re-emerging
>don't get nervous or socially anxious at all anymore
>more confidence

nofap isn't a meme and the porn jew needs to be eradicated from every young males life

>>more energy
>>less sleep required
>>less tiredness/fatigued
>>don't nap anymore
>>baseline mood much higher then prior
>>morning wood as hard as diamond, weeks ago I didn't even get it
>>normal sexual taste re-emerging
>>don't get nervous or socially anxious at all anymore
>>more confidence
That's exactly my experience.
That's why I'm making these threads. Genuinely want to help my brothers on Sup Forums
Thanks for post.

I've been married 8 years and I browsed Sup Forums even before then.

that's why you need to learn to suck your own dick and jeez in your mouth


>Tfw you realize your anxiety disorders, weight problems, blood pressure problems, cholesterol problems, heartbeat irregularities, acne, sweaty palms, depression, bipolar, and lack of motivation is caused by excessive masturbation

no we still live in the 1800s where diets were severely limited and people didn't even know what a vitamin was

clearly something that could drain you of essential nutrients due to poor diet options 200 years ago will have the same effect on you now that we import food from all over the fucking place and have vitamin supplements

don't listen to these government shills

>tfw you're shilled to that it's good at (((school))) and waste your youth busting your sacred seed into tissues

>this thread
almost as sad as the onahole self help group on /jp/

>quit fapping for 21 days so far
>>more energy
>>less sleep required
>>less tiredness/fatigued
>>don't nap anymore
>>baseline mood much higher then prior
>>morning wood as hard as diamond, weeks ago I didn't even get it
>>normal sexual taste re-emerging
>>don't get nervous or socially anxious at all anymore
>>more confidence

jesus fucking christ what is wrong with you people

you either have some severe nutritional deficiencies or soyboy tier test levels

Have you ever tried it?

I'm married and my wife gave me an excellent A++ blow job literally about 10 minutes ago. That's how my no fap feb is going so far.

This no fap shit dont make sense.

Fapping is natural. Doing it 6 times a day is obviously not. Moderation.

no I would fap 3-4 times a day my test isn't low

>feeling positive effects from quitting something sexually toxic invented by the jews makes you a soyboy low test cuck

50 iq leaf

>Fapping is natural.
Who says?

damn that's easy if you wanna bust a nut just call your bitch but not all of us have that blessing but I'll try

>Already lost 2 times today

Just woke up and while pissing i literally came without even touching my dick.
The fuck you done to me?

You probably have a tumor on your prostate

cool man. that's gains

hows your hair doing? getting any bald spots?

I'm married and I fap pretty much every day, regardless of whether I've fucked my wife or not. Don't listen to anyone else tell you what works for them. It's like working out, the more you do it, the more you want it. And it makes your dick bigger as long as you are doing it right. Hard muscle to develop, though.

Anyway, the reason I'm here is that I'm looking for the webm of the guy who gets 'Madame President' for Christmas. Anyone?

I havent fapped this year (doing nofap 2018) has been extremely easy so far I could never have sexual stimulation ever again and live like Jesus but Im a virgin. Im saving myself for a sexdoll I ordered. Anyway, nofap is mostly a placebo effect. I havent noted anything different asides from a greater hatred towards humanity and women. Ive destroyed my libido so much I see women without sexual tinted lenses so they absolutely disgust me. It is what it is. Im going to become a hermit monk or something

my hair is very thick and my dad still has his and hes 55

I developed really late though and started puberty at like 16-17, I'm 22 now

what else are you saving your vitamins for? just eat some peanuts you retard


okay i'll bite.
the semen is extremely biointensive for your body to synthesize. the elements used to create the cells are also used for other important functions. when you don't waste them by ejaculating, they can be used readily for those other processes, and your body won't require a whole bunch of varied foods to replenish the minerals so you won't need to be in what it technically a recovery phase

wow that's a while lot of pseudo science and bullshit you just spewed out of your ass


Got a note from my doctor that says I gotta jack it at least every other day or my balls will explode.

>Everything I don't know is pseudo science

Can you feel it lads?

I'm in! I need to stop before I get outed and embarrassed as pic related

Not an argument or source.

Will definitely alter your chemical balance positively, especially if you are low T. It's also beneficial to work out and take necessary supplements.

I'm not shaving as well as not fapping. This way I have a visible growth to measure.

What's with this cryptic bullshit answer? Don't speak in riddles.

Why would anyone in their right mind watch that video with those cancerous fucking visuals? It's like recording dieting advice and then adding visuals of a hot dog eating competition.

When asked what the shit is up, you answer to dig deep. What the fuck? Oh, I'm going to make a video about nofap and play softcore porn all throughout.


I wouldn't want to get caught fapping to non-POV either.

Same is true of piss, idiot.

I've got a case of sexual exhaustion. Literally can't get hard. Androgen receptors shutting down. Adrenal fatigue. All from edging too much.

Press F to pay respects to my dick

Why are you punishing yourself? Do you prefer having wet dreams and your mother seeing that shit when she goes to do the laundry?

Just spank it and be done with it until you make enough money to travel and meet foreign women.

Guys am I gonna be OK? Ive been fapping all day to this memo and pic related is my dick. Im gonna be OK right?

Plus, you'll forget about your dick because it'll begin to look more and more like a Chinese soldier ducking in a bush until you can't see him anymore. Then, you'll just have to play with your balls.

I've never shaved my crotch in my life, I meant I won't be shaving my face.

>everyone only watches porn and doesn't get off to lewd pictures with no men in them whatsoever
>all porn features a male and a female and there is no porn that only features females
>thinking everyone watches mainstream kike porn from pornhub or etc

>broscience placebo general
inb4 jew shill memeflag etc.
redditards please go away from my boards

>Can you feel it lads
I thought the point of this thread was to stop us from feeling it. Also checked.

Wow, good thing I eat my own cum and sometime's your dad's OP.

I did a no fap once. Felt uncomfortable the entire time. It didnt clear my consious or anything. When i did it after i think the entire month i felt way better.

>t. faggot who has never even been to Lamboland

Right. Maybe you should switch it up then and stop shaving your face, but start shaving your pubes. I mean, if you're going to glorify your dick by not beating the shit out of it, it should at least be presentable, proud and clean.

It's meant to symbolise the effect porn will have on you. You will become a mind trapped in a body that is crippled.

I'm not ceasing masturbation for anyone's benefit but my own. I'm just interested in health benefits, are there any to be found in shaving my pubes?

This is the issue I end up having whenever I go nofap. Usually starts happening about a week into it.

What gives Sup Forums?

I imagine so. Military people shave their heads in boot camp for health reasons. Nevertheless, if you don't also shave your asshole, it's sort of a moot point.