2017 Nuclear Posture Review - Gen. Mattis


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Whats the QRD?

How small can you make a nuclear bomb?
Could you fit it on a drone?

Like makeshift Jew drones?

gas the kikes!!!!!!!!!!!



Sorry but what the jist of this? I'm lazy to read

lol no

A reaper could carry multiple Davy Crocketts user...

>The Return If Great Power Competition
Holy shit it's official... the unipolar world is over.
We beat the newspapers and fucking everybody if that's what the generals are actually saying in the document, we remarked on it first. (Here goes)
-Erm... that sucks if you're American.
I just made history with the first public remark on the subject after the nice general confirmed it.

They are bigger than conventional bombs, because they are conventional bombs with a load of nuclear element inside. About five times bigger than a normal aircraft bomb of five hundred pounds so about 2,500 lb.
The conventional explosives are shaped around the element (uranium usually) to cause an implosion and create a critical mass (a big blob of radioactive metal squeezed real tight, probably liquified like an armour piercing copper liner for a split second before all the atoms start busting).

oh i thought that was a leak user