This one looks really sexy

This one looks really sexy.

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we need bars on the bottom, have to see through


Those are 1 way mirrors so the Mexicans can't see in

damn sounds expensive

strewth, big blue and beautiful, nice goin yanks

It’s worth every penny. However, I do wish they were 2 way mirrors so I could press my butt up against the glass and moon those filthy spics. Nation invaders are some of the lowest scum. They’re like fleas who abandon their own country.

Its great for the Mexican companies bidding on the fabrication

>two way mirrors

those are called windows


you could do that through the bars i guess

>two way mirror

You mean a window mate?

that looks great

Love the color, really reminds Mexicans of what they're missing out on.

>2 way mirrors

The wall itself is expensive, but it's an investment. Do you know how much illegal immigrants cost the USA annually?
Not even US special forces can get over the wall. It also goes down deep underground. Rounded top so ropes and hooks cannot catch, bars at the bottom so you can see them coming.

These criminals are going to have quite a difficult time, and people who want to immigrate will be doing so legally or not at all.


So the Mexicans can be tormented by the view of a beautiful country beyond the wall that they'll never step foot in?

thats one plus but no its about seeing them coming, seeing them try to get over
letting small critters and things like dogs through
also bars can be driven deep for tunnels, even though lasers will make tunnels useless

Ah, the colours of Israel. So beautiful.

needs machinegun tower

It was literary speak. The way my mind works I often mash up words in a weird way, but I can learn to speak any language in less than 3 months. I speak French and German fluently. And I can talk pretty well in Spanish as well.

>two way mirror
Haha, mate I think you were referring to a window.