So...memo is out. It's literally a nothing burger. But hey, fat Nixon and friends don't care. Oh, and Russia thanks you for the info they get from the timestamps.
Fat Nixon
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>nothing to see here!
if you cross your eyes you can see him in 3D
Niggxon is going to jail screen cap this
>fat Nixon
This would make sense if he wasn't the victim of government political wiretapping during an election
Do you not understand that there were two other FISAs accepted before the third? Do you not understand that the Steel dossier is not the progenitor for the FBI looking into Trumps affiliates? They started looking after Papogopolis blew his load to the Australians.
Correction, they were looking before Steel because of Papogopolis and maybe even before that.
>Yesterday: No, don't release the memo! Please! Anything but that!
>Today, meh, it's just a nothing burger.
HAHA this stupid memo was like a dud firecracker. Trump is such a stupid mother fucker. Probably wont last his first term.
The reason being it gives intel to FSB ops on how the feds are tracking their movements. OOH, and it destroys trust between the intel community and intel committee. So yeah, don't do stupid shit.
I just read that if someone uses the word nothing burger, they are a shill...or a ten year old girl. Which are you?
It’s enough for an investigation and to give Trump the excuse to replace anyone he wants. The investigation will take months and force liberals to talk their way out of it while leaving the Republicans to win big in November.
Sage this idiot lads. The image used is an altered image of John Daly. The idiot even posted the unaltered version on the left so I don't even need to do the work. OP is a (((shill))). Op is a worthless jew liar who gets the rope.
>Forgets that Republicans started the info collection b4 he got the nomination.
You are stupid
No, what we were seeing was abject fear among the Democrats.
Then once it was released, they pretend it's nothing.
All what we would expect from those guilty of hijacking the FBI to spy on political opponents.
And what's this part here? That certainly needs more looking into.
Maybe under him. But these were before he came in. A nothing burger still
That's not what Andy McCabe said, under oath, in a classified session
Also do you mean the RINO turncoat faggots that were against Trump the entire way?
It's grounds for intense investigation into the FBI, the DOJ, the previous administration, and the Clinton campaign, wherever the facts may lead. But first the committee will need to subpoena all the documents from the Clinton campaign. Then we can proceed from there.
>It's literally a nothing burger
the fuck does this even mean? The concept isn't articulated well enough to be understood.
shitty buzzword
Sounds like you are scared. You probably should be.
The Dems are about to be screwed in ways their retarded minds can't comprehend. Then they will be thrown into a cell with Tyrone who will fuck then in way they very much comprehend.
Fuck you traitor! Burn in hell with your non american friends!
can you retards at shareblue just use a fucking thesaurus and get a different pack of words than nothing burger. it's really getting sad. did all those years of shilling on reddit make you soft and weak.
Source needed
>It's grounds for intense investigation into the FBI
They had two other FISAs and you're unhappy about this one? Really?
The memo does not say which warrants were substantiated by the dossier. The implication seems to be that they all were.
They’re nothing. They are literally just replaceable cogs. Completely worthless, and can be thrown on the street in a heartbeat, and the DNC wouldn’t give a shit
>The implication
An implication made by the WH and Nunes. Kek. K.
Right, the word "no" is used in the memo, which usually means "not any," so "not any" warrant would have been sought without the dossier, which would include all three.
And the memo uses the word "sought," not "renewed," which suggests that the initial warrant was sought based on the dossier, and then that warrant was subsequently renewed twice.
As for implications and suggestions, the memo is certainly not sufficient for prosecution, but it is sufficient for investigation, since it was written by Nunes, the chair of the investigating committee, and he has been supported by and large by the majority party, which leads one to believe the majority, or controlling, party is in favor of following through on this memo.
Which means an exhaustive investigation into the FBI, the DOJ, the Obama administration, and especially the Clinton campaign.
So retarded. So very very retarded. Your parents are ashamed of you and we are ashamed of you. Go to bed. Wake up and try harder tomorrow, user.
>20 cents deposited to your account
Whoa baby you're raking in the cash now, faggot. Enjoy your brand new Nintendo Switch and cardboard after another few thousand shitposts.
The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so Hilliary can win the nomination. Obama's administration starts to request surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone associated with him. Donna Brazil gives Hilliary the questions to a debate. The DNC pays Christopher Steele to come up with a smear dossier about Trump. The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about grabbing women parts. After all this Trump still wins the General Election.
Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. Obama changes Executive Order 12333 to allow more agencies to have access to surveillance data. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media.
Obama hold overs start unmasking Trump's transition team and staff members then release the classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart Trump's campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration, the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used our nations surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hilliary elected President. This makes Watergate look like a kindergarten play. Let that sink in.
This is plainly treason. Americans subverted by their own banana republic government that decides who will take rule, DOJ/Obama/FBI implicated directly. The government proven to subvert all US citizens in an act of treason.
>there is nothing to see I promise you g-guys
>Mueller will get Trump impeached, r-right?
People won't care of they are on the left.
They literally won't care that this is blatant corruption and scandals misuse of power as well as a gross violation of civil rights because trump says things they disagree with. Their talking heads are also pointing out the memo as nothing and down playing it.
Ben the super jew Shapiro said the most likely reason the investigation is still going on is because they did find some shady stuff, but if it is all based on fruit from the tainted tree, then it won't hold water. At the very least the DOJ and FBI have some serious questions that need to be answered and people need to be held accountable as well as the FISA warrant process needing an extreme overhaul of a warrant can be issued so easily by blatantly false data from a political rival.
>blatant corruption and scandals misuse of power
Citation needed
A political rival paying a third party for false information to get a warrant pushed through the DOJ by members of that agency who were openly biased against the political rivals opposition is clearly corruption and a misuse of power.
That absolutely happened and isn't even in question anymore. In fact, it was the reason the current investigation has been going on for at least a year. This also isn't even up for debate.
I don't give a damn about left or right. Red or blue. But this is beyond fucked up and not recognizing it as such is purely partisan idiocy.
G8 b8 m8 r8 8/8 fucking faggot
Remember when Trump said he was being wire tapped and the left laughed at him?
He was called paranoid and stupid. The FBI said there was no evidence of it happening, when they were actively wire tapping him.
Trump wouldn't be so fat if these were nothing burgers would he?
>REEE!! LIE to them all!! I'll ignore Papadopoulos or all the other factors and claim it's KILLARY!!! REEEEE!!
This is incorrect
>when they were actively wire tapping him.
when they were actively wire tapping Carter Page.
Fixed that for you
Patently false
>This is incorrect
You wish
Intel community are unelected beaurocrats. Tell me why elected members of Congress should care what they say?
Nope, though, I know you wish it were and I bet Trump does too.
Is nothing burger some kind of code word?
>tfw you will never hit it like Daly
>LOL, Trump is fat.
OMG, OPRAH 2020 FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!11!!!2@!!
>fat Nixon
What does Obama have to do with your image? Wiretapping your opposition was the watergate scandal and Trump wasn't the one doing that, Obama was.
>Intel community are unelected beaurocrats. Tell me why elected members of Congress should care what they say?
Read what you typed. Intel community serves to protect America. Congress serves America. (Not really. They serve the Kock bros.) Koch bros need to know who's fucking with their slaves. Intell community provides services. That's why.
The FBI and DoJ clearly have some dirty cops. Wow totally unbelievable right?
They do but when they abuse their power they can pound sand. They are clearly protecting no one here.
Noice. That's a keeper.
>cops are dirty because they dislike president cheeto
>I know you are but what am I?
They're not sending their best people.
>abuse their power
Proof? None.
Bogus? One.
>I didn't read what he said and so wrote something that actually doesn't fit what he said. Hur derr.
Yes. Yes you did.
Why are you shilling like this?
The people involved in this were wrong and did something that at the very least was extremely corrupt but by most definitions it was illegal and a straight violation of the rights of a US citizen to further their own political bias.
I'm a center of the road normie by the standards of most people and even I see this shit.
The harder I see the left try to cover it up as something of no interest or inconsequential, the more it makes the left and dems look like the bad guys. Not just the bad guys, but Saturday morning cartoon villain levels of ineffectual bad guys. This and the shutdown putting illegals over American citizens as well as declaring amnesty as racism is pretty much making me Right by default because I can't support the left associated party for shit.
get back into your overdrive shill mode.
Meanwhile Kim Jung Un eats all that shit himself while his entourage gets to fight over a fuckin' biscuit. The rest of NK gets shit to eat
>The people involved in this were wrong
Yet got three prior FISAs. Kek.
the left can't meme
Every single warrant was obtained including the first because of the Steele dossier. It was used as the cornerstone of the Russian investigation. Once again, this is another thing that isn't available for debate.
>Every single warrant was obtained including the first because of the Steele dossier.